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Undertaker's Shaved Head

 When Stunning Steve had hair, he looked like a goofball. Sure, it worked at the time due to his heel persona, but never would've fitted the Stone Cold character. The shaved head on Austin fitted the gimmick and made him look more badass, although the same cannot be said about Undertaker. It's uncommon for a guy look more badass with long hair, but Undertaker looked a lot more terrifying with the long hair. He looks like a creepy old man, similar to the Family Guy character Herbert, and completely out of shape in this picture. Hopefully, he does something with his look prior to Wrestlemania and/or WWE does a good job with makeup to make his appearance more intimidating and got back into shape because if he looks anything like he does in this picture, Baldtaker is going to be difficult for fans to take seriously.

Plus, it will be interesting to see how Taker calls spots in the ring. After all, for most of his career, he's been used to his hair hiding him talking to his opponent.


  1. Can you believe, that he is just 4 years older than Triple H and 5 than Jericho???

  2. How long ago was that picture taken? Taker could have grown his hair out a bit longer and gotten in better shape since that was taken.

  3. I think the washed out bad quality of the pic makes him look a lot worse. 

  4. I really like this picture. Taker looks really happy. He doesn't have to deal with long hair, he can sit around and get fat with his good looking wife. I'm sure this photo is really old, as Taker wouldn't come out looking like Johnny Knoxville when he plays an old guy, and he's hit the gym. Trust me, if he's ripped, the bald look will work.

  5. Meh. Whilst the general fans might like the (undead cowboy) Undertaker persona, I personally had no problem with the early 2000-s hardcore biker Undertaker version. This just looks like a later version of Big Evil. 

  6. a cycle of winstrol wouldnt hurt either....

  7. If there ever was a time to bring back Bam Bam style head tattoos or face paint, it's now. He looks like a doofus.

  8. He kind of looks like a freakishly huge Frasier Crane.

  9. He looked like the unmasked version of the Phantom of the Opera

  10. He looks like my late Grandpa.

  11. He looks like Uncle Fester on crack.

  12. If I'm not mistaken, I recent photo resurfaced that has his hair similar to the Biker Taker short hair style.

  13. He looks like what I imagine my retarded neighbour Robbie, that I grew up with, will look like when he turns 50.

  14. If that picture is recent, he looks A LOT better than he does here. He looks exactly like Biker Taker, which is kind of weird because Vince McMahon hated the biker and loves the Deadman character because of its eerie and mysterious. It will be interesting to see how they pull this off.

  15. Personally, I prefer the shaved head to this.

  16. Ah, I say stick to the basics, 8 weeks with deca should do him well. A classic never lets you down...

  17. I think it's the smile rather than the bald that makes the picture so odd.  In the twenty years, he's been on television and in photographs, how many times has this man grinned or cracked a genuine happy smile?.  It was like LL Cool J taking off his hat- I wasnt' sure I would ever see it happen.  

  18. now thats more like it....

  19. Who cares what he looks like as long as he brings it in the ring?

  20. I don't think he's in that bad a shape considering he's on the wrong side of 40. I'm sure his workouts have also been ramping up leading to WM; he's brought the good the last several years, so I don't imagine a change there.

    I'm not sold yet on BalderTaker, but it could work; he kinda has a Bryan Cranston-"Breaking Bad" thing going, so maybe he will look badass once they groom him up in his attire.

  21. Hence the guy liner


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