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Someone from NBC thought it was a good idea to interview the Iron Sheik about the olympics...

This will be fun for everyone. You can play mad libs with all the deleted expletives.

I’m shocked he didn’t mention his fake experiences in the Olympics in 68 or 72 or whatever year he’s remembering this week.  Or maybe he did and we couldn’t tell, who knows. 


  1. I used to love Sheik's twitter account until I found out he didn't run it. It's just a bad parody now.

  2. AWESOME interview. Sheiky baby should do some Tout videos ... I might actually watch those!

  3. I don't get people's interest in the Iron Sheik. He's just a drunk who appears to be mentally retarded, that rambles on and on about the same things. No matter the question it's always the same stupid catchphrases and nearly incoherent babbling about how great he is. People are still entertained by this?

  4. This does work as a fun game of "guess which description of genitals Sheik is using in the edit" 
    a) Rice Cripy Dick
    b) Raisin Balls

    [editors note: He definitely hates Hogan.]
    Noooooo shit :D 

  5. They did a Satellite Years flashback show on Howard Stern the other day and they had Iron Shiek on, from like 2007, but they played the whole show from the start and I was already at work before he came on. I was very disappointed. I'm sure I could Google it but it's just not the same.

  6. Part of the appeal is his ridiculous butchering of the English language.

  7. I still love his Kramer rant. 

    "Kramer, you break da Sheiky Baby's heart!"

  8.  the best part of that one is..

    I respect George
    I respect Ellaine
    I respect Newman
    And I even respect...uh....that jabroni...uh...Jerry Seinfeld

  9. Sheik was just a trainer?  I always thought he had really competed (and medaled) in the 72 Olympics.  
    I love how he won the Gimmick Battle Royal at WM X-7 simply because he was too frail and hobbled to go over the top rope....and that was over a decade ago.

  10. Someone needs to put Sheiky baby into the announce booth with Cole. 

  11. I just checked it thanks to that article, and it definitely seemed like a parody. Still pretty great though. "ultimate warrior win the olympic gold for having most sex with his own mother" 

  12. According to Wikipedia, he was part of Iran's 1968 Olympic team, but I don't think he medaled.    He moved to the U.S. (this was before the Iranian Revolution) and became a coach/trainer for the U.S. team.  He was an assistant coach for the American 1972 Olympic team

  13. I can't get enough of his bogarting other wrestlers' catchphrases.

    I had no idea that Bob Backlund ever wrestled Iron Sheik after dropping the title to him...or that he was still wrestling in the WWF even after Hogan became champ.

  15. What's will all the Canseco jokes? Was he in news recently and I missed it? As far as I know Jose has never been involved with wrestling in any way at all, outside of maybe sharing steroid dealers with a few of them or something.

  16. His whole thing would be funnier to me if he weren't crazy because his daughter had been murdered.

  17.  Wow, I agree.  I never knew that until know.  That's really sad.

  18. And him trying to remember Katie Couric's name.  "Matt Lauer, and uh, uh...the lady, ah-ah, she left...whatever!"

  19. To be fair, based on his promos from the 80s, he was crazy long before that happened.

  20.  Vince says "man" a lot on commentary. I think he was smoking the pot.

  21.  Maybe he dissed Sheiky at a card show or something? Canseco is well known for being a complete dickhead.

  22. Love the grin on Backlind's face as he chokes the Sheik with his head-scarf thing...
    Also love Gorilla's line: "you don't spit on The Hulk, baby!" sounds like a line from an Elvis record...

  23.  He's lived in the U.S. for around 40 years now, I wonder how much of that is an act.


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