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Miz Back to the Top of The Card??

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R Truth would disagree with improvement in the ring.....


At least he was on the receiving end of the last injury this time...


  1. I find this hard to believe. A quick look at the depth chart of WWE heels shows that the top heels in the company at the moment are CM Punk, Big Show, Del Rio, Dolph ZIggler, Wade Barrett, Rhodes/Sandow as guys who are "above" Miz on the card. While it's entirely possible he could leapfrog Rhodes Scholars and Del Rio (if Del Rio gets a strong de-push), he's not going above Punk, Show or Ziggler any time soon. Being the #4 heel (at best) is not going to the top of the card.

  2. I always take these things with a grain of salt, but assuming Sheamus keeps the world title, he'll need potential fresh opponents for Survivor Series and TLC. Miz has worked some OK TLC type matches in the past so perhaps they are eyeing him for that PPV.

    Perhaps have them on opposite Survivor Series teams with Miz getting the pinfall on Sheamus to put him over as a credible opponent going into the next PPV? Seems like easy booking.

  3. I always thought last year that a Miz/CM Punk feud was the way to go. Miz obviously fits the profile of a guy the WWE would want as the top guy, and Punk does not. The feud writes itself. Having watched Punk's documentary, there is legitimate heat there, at least on Punk's side, since he felt like he was a much better heel than Miz when Miz was getting the run up to the WrestleMania Main event two years ago.

    Does anyone else feel like Punk is going to get the blame for the poor ratings, and eventually shafted?

  4. I still think back to that debut episode of NXT when The Miz had to pretend like he knew more about sports entertainment than D-Bry.

  5. All true, though I could easily see Miz getting a higher spot than Ziggler, actually. The way Ziggler has been booked it really does feel like WWE is regretting having put the MITB briefcase on him. While it all could just be their "Daniel Bryan-esque" burying of a guy before a cash-in, I also wouldn't be shocked if they did some manuvering to move the briefcase onto one of the guys they'd prefer to push, like Barrett, Cesaro, Bryan, or even Miz.

  6. How they keep giving this guy pushes is a complete miztery to me. I mean what am I mizing here? It seems like the WWE is mizinterpretting indifference for heat. I don't think I've ever seen a talent benefit more from such a mizunderstanding. Maybe I'm miztaken though and the Miz really does have what it takes to be a top guy. Then again, maybe this news-brief is simply mizinformation. It wouldn't be the first time we were mizlead by the rumor mill. I would be remiz if I didn't add that I did like his feud with Daniel Bryan. Of course, you would have be pretty terrible to miz the boat against that guy.

  7. "They're very pleased with his consistent improvement in-ring and on the mic."

    He's a FORMER WORLD CHAMPION. That tells you all you need to know about the title situation in WWE nowadays.

    This reminds me of when Taylor Swift won a Grammy, then botched her own song, live, on the same show.

  8. Actually, Miz did know more about "sports entertainment" than Bryan. Bryan knew more about "professional wrestling" than Miz.

  9. To be fair though, Miz didn't have to deal with Kanye West doing a run-in on any of his title defenses.

  10. Maybe but Punk is too good in the ring, too good on the mic, moves merch and way over with tge crowd that he'll never be a chump. Whether he still has the passion is another story.

  11. Although, come to think of it, I am pretty sure I heard The Rock tell Miz "Imma let you finish" at the Wrestlemania match.

  12. He's already getting the Dolph Ziggler push (in the sense that he constantly loses), so he's well on his way!

  13. Oh I get it, cause you're replacing "mis" with "Miz".

  14. I was going to say she should use a teleprompter, but with her perpetual squint, it wouldn't help.

  15. So why bother depushing him so severely? It's completely backwards.

  16. Oh, ha ha. I didn't even notice that. I'm just a terrible zpeller, I always confuze my voiced and unvoiced consonant sounds.

  17. I've come to hate Taylor Swift. Guy dumps her, she writes a pissed off song about him. You've never, ever, ever getting back together? Well who said he wanted to? And how many guys have dumped you by now? Maybe your next song should be "I'm The Reason (My Relationships Fail)".

  18. Every now and then someone I like won't get pushed, and I'll tell myself "well there's only so many spots, they'll get their time". Then I realized the fucking Miz main evented Wrestlemania.

  19. Right! And for the last year he's been playing 2nd fiddle to Cena, and despite all this everything you said is true. What if they gave Punk the true #1 guy push he deserves!

  20. Sadly, I don't think that push is ever coming for Punk as this is as high as he'll probably go. Not to say that he hasn't had a great run, because he has, but I just don't see them LETTING him supplant Cena as the top guy.

    That being said, he won't ever get shunted down the card like Miz was after his WM main event run. I don't think Punk would stick around to allow himself to be so disrespected, considering how hard he worked to become a main-eventer.

  21. Know what I like about The Miz? He fucking wants it. He worked at it and he succeeded beyond ANYONE'S expectation. I really respect that.

    Real shit wrestler though.

  22. I actually feel bad for Miz. He was getting some massive face pops and it seemed it was only a matter of time until he turned, and then the pipe bomb happened. Punk immediately got that spot and then out of nowhere, his team with R-Truth got over pretty big. But before they could pull the trigger on their face turn, Truth gets popped for a wellness.

  23. yeah he'll never get the Steve Austin/Hulk Hogan push because he IS too over with the fanbase. If he gets that then I'm sure the 'fed is worried he'll pull all the same bullshit they did (creative control on Hogan's end, walking away several times like Austin did).

    Whether any of us likes it or not, John Cena will continue to get that push (and probably Sheamus as well) because neither of them could ever be "bigger than" the WWF. Without the fed behind them, they're both dead in the water, imo.

  24. I'm totally fine with this. MIz is slowly becoming a decent worker, and he already has the mic skills and charisma needed to make it. He's still pretty vanilla in the ring, but if somebody were to take him and mentor him I think he could improve a lot if he wants to.

    In fact, the only problems I see with this is the continuous flip-flopping the fed seems to do on guys like Miz, to where he's champ one minute, then jobbed to mid-card status, then elevated for a sec before jobbing AGAIN and that is somehow seen as a push. In fact, I thought the Miz/Kofi feud could have done a lot to elevate the IC belt if they had stretched it out a bit more. Just giving Kof the belt to (I guess hopefully) pop ratings on a new show is a pretty short-sighted decision, but then that's WWF these days.

  25. Sports entertainment and pro wrestling are one and the same; I just use the former because WWE tells me so. And Bryan knows more about the business than Miz. That probably wasn't even in dispute to anyone backstage when Bryan was a "rookie."

    IIRC, Miz demanded Bryan show some personality, which apparently met "get an idiotic haircut and smirk."

  26. You know who did that really well? Loretta Lynn. Swift is just cashing in on her shitty love life.

  27. I just watched Saturday Morning Slam, and his commentary stinks too.

  28. I don't know. I thought her song "Jake Gyllenhaal has Crabs and Suck Even More than his Balloon Faced Sister" was kind of catchy, if a little mean spirited.

  29. Kind of agree. I actually started watching wwe again because of the tag team with him and morrison after being run off during the hhhrot because I thought it was crazy he was actually a wrestler after watching him on the real world and rrrr challenge. I enjoyed the character and loved when he started trashing cena but at the end of the day the guy isn't a good worker. And frankly since wm27 he hasn't even been a top 5 heel as far as enjoyability. Honestly I think miz and sandow should trade spots. Miz in a heel tag team to protect his average at best wrestling ability while still doing his pretty decent heel schtick would be great, and sandow would be great in mizs spot.

  30. Miz and kofi are two of the biggestvictims (btw anyone else ever have a problem where mobile disqus wont let them put a space between words when one word finishes a line.) of the weird "no one can get over/50-50/fight the exact same guy for five months despite a 65 man roster" booking that wwe uses.

  31. You know what though, the world needs mid carders too. But please keep him.out of the main event.

  32. Well you have to remember they're telling stories.

  33. Yeah, yeah, yeah...but it's all just a coincidence that you liked his feud against Bryan, who is now the beardiest man in wrestling?

  34. Plus punk has good matches. If miz could work I don't think his fall would have been so steep.

  35. Ya know, WWE has two major shows. Each show should have about 4 guys in the "main event" cycle. I really don't mind Miz getting a push now that he's finally done doing his Chris Jericho impressions and has "grown up person" hair instead of the fauxhawk. I could see throwing him into the main event cycle on Smackdown or something.

    The only reason I think people have a harder time to accept it is that we've been stuck with the same people for too long at the top of the card that it feels like there is a limited number of "big time" spots on the card (and fans may be right, I don't know). I think there should be 6-8 wrestlers in 3-4 feuds that are being pushed as "this is one of the most important reasons to buy this PPV." But it's debatable if that's how WWE portrays it like that.

    Still, they have Miz make this big deal out of Kofi being stuck in the spot he is, so Kofi beats the crap out of him, and... Miz will get pushed ahead of him? Why not elevate Kofi to the main event and solidify IC title as something of title that means "next in line"? I really don't think Kofi has flubbed his opportunities in big matches or on the mic.

  36. The world needs jobbers too, that's where I think he should be.

  37. Yep. Sucks in the ring, average at best on the mic.

  38. Not saying anything that people don't already know here, but Kanye West is a fucking asshole.

  39. Well I meant mid card heel, and they usually lose so basically I wouldn't mind him getting some mic time and jobbing.

  40. What is he, a gay fish?

  41. I don't mind Miz, but haven't we done that? It's not that guys shouldn't get another shot after they've been on top, but shouldn't they do something to warrant going back up the card? Instead of doing not much of anything for two years and then having the company decide to give him another shot?

  42. Making movies, even!

  43. I completely agree with you. But I'm sure in their minds he showed the right attitude during his epic depush.

  44. Similar to this re-packaging/push for Jack Swagger that's supposed to be happening.

    "You know, this former World Heavyweight Champion is getting pretty good. Let's make him World Heavyweight Champion!"

  45. Poor Jake. Although by the sounds of her lyrics he was stringing her along. Using her as a booty call, possibly. That makes her look worse than him.

  46. Face turn him and I could probably deal with that. I think his limited ring skills work well as a face so he can just focus on drawing heat and making energetic comebacks.

    But if they push him ahead of Ziggler...well yikes...

  47. Watching the CM Punk documentary a few weeks ago, my problem with Miz became clear during his various talking-head appearances: The man is a robot. Every interview he does, it's like the WWE have fed a script into his processor and he just 0s and 1s his way through every cliche in the book. He just has no personality, which is strange given that only a few years ago it was his personality in Miz & Morrison that had many fans wanting him pushed. Maybe he's just been molded this way by the company but it leaves me utterly cold and makes me switch off or fast-forward whenever he appears.

    His character is completely stale. It was always 2008 Jericho-lite but he's done nothing to tweak it over the years and he doesn't have the charisma, subtle comic timing or dark edge to pull it off. He just always seems like a guy acting like a wrestler, rather than BEING a wrestler and I don't know if that can be fixed. I think that's a major issue with why he can't get over past a certain level. Well, that and he loses every match.

  48. I think they're too hung up on trying to create stars, they forget that the midcard can be interesting to if they allow it to be. They either rush midcarders into the main event if they think they can handle it, or just let them rot there until they get released. Look at guys like Shelton or MVP - once they realized they weren't main eventers they lost interest in them. Why not just let them all fight for the IC title because the IC title means something? Rather than openly admitting it's a stepping stone to their Wrestlemania moment.

  49. He's the male version of Vickie. Just annoying as hell.

  50. Totally agree with DanBizzle - Miz certainly isn't the most naturally talented guy, but he worked/works his ass off to get where he is. There's something to be said for that.

  51. I think The Iron Sheik needs to humble Miz.

  52. I was actually unaware of the MTV stuff as I have boycotted MTV as a result of their not playing music videos.

  53. On the other hand, his binary speak really turns on the Anonymous GM

  54. I took the DVD segment more as Punk being upset with the WWE machine than any actual heat with Miz considering the latter was pretty glowing in his appraisal of the former's performance on the DVD. Punk came into 2011 just as hot as Miz, but had the obvious disadvantage in Vince's eyes of not being as big a mainstream draw so it makes perfect sense why WWE swapped their feuds.

  55. ypu cant deny this kid has worked his ass off since day ine. Hes a fuckin reality tv star. Thats almost like jesde godderz in tna rising to the top (which wont happen)

  56. I commented in another thread recently about how much WWE hurts their main event by briefly treating guys like Miz, Christian, Bryan and Kane as legit main eventers - even so far as to giving them extended world title runs - then quickly shunting them back into 50/50 midcard hell.

    Instead of keeping these guys moderately strong, they just fall back into this lost in the shuffle phase. You never saw that in the 80's/90's where the WWF would generally keep 2-3 guys on the roster who could just always be a solid upper midcarder who could fill in as a main eventer on shows like Saturday Night's Main Event or later the In Your House PPVs. Think guys like Perfect, Dibiase, Jake, Owen, and Bulldog to more recently Benoit, Eddie, Booker and RVD.

  57. somebody has to make ryback look good otw to WM

  58. A depush so epic that he got a huge pop when he returned from a knee "injury" in the MITB match, has a victory over Triple H, main evented with The Rock, was the longest lasting member of this year's Royal Rumble, was the last in the Elimination Chamber against CM Punk, and won at Wrestlemania.

    Man that depush was just brutal for The Miz.

  59. Fun fact: They play music videos.

  60. Miz should absolutely be one of the main guys in WWE. He's got everything that WWE is looking for in a top guy: good looks, good on the mic, connections in the entertainment industry, decent at working WWE style, paid his dues in the locker room to earn respect, passed the Triple H Humiliation Test, takes a licking and keeps on ticking, and is more than willing to work the grueling public relations schedule as of its top stars.

    The only thing working against Miz is that he's a natural heel. If he can convince WWE that he can get over as a face, then Miz will be the heir apparent to John Cena.

  61. He likes to put fishicks in his mouth. You decide.

  62. Sports Entertainment and Wrestling are as different as WWE and ROH.

  63. Miz does come off as a total douchebag, but then again, Austin, Hogan and Rock all cut their teeth as heels. And I'm sure people were flabbergasted at the prospect of that trio as top faces in their individual heydays.

    Me waxing poetical aside. All Miz needs is to stop insulting the fans and have a good babyface angle. He sells well and can pull of the dogged dude that's got more guts than skill (mostly because that's who he is, dude's not a natural athlete). He did get a pretty intense pop when his knee exploded (and that was in Chicago too).

    Dunno, I think he's played out as a heel in his current gimmick. Might as well turn him face, it'd give their extensive roster of mid-card heels (Cesaro, Sandow, Rhodes, Barrett, Ziggler) somebody to feud with.

  64. that's why Punk and Miz have more alike than many (maybe even including these too?) realize. while a lot of other workers seem to be satisfied with having a regular spot on the card and thinking that a push is something they either receive or not, these two seem to be actively TRYING to get into a better position.

  65. how exactly does that make her look worse?

  66. in a way the comparism about Miz & Morisson being an updated version of DX was right. that's (at the moment, you never know) they only way I can see The Miz being over as a face: being that cool guy who thanks Admiral Akbar in his Slammy award winning speech.

  67. I do see some striking similarities between Miz and Triple H. Limited offense (and I really do like Triple H), good sellers, excel in wild, storyline brawls (his Falls Count Anywhere match with Morrison was great, and that wasn't all John). Miz can come across as very much a TV villain, but I for one kinda dig it. He's cheesy and ridiculous and he loves being cheesy and ridiculous. I think he could do similar stuff as a face. He looks like he's having fun.

    I dunno, Miz is a guy who needs storylines to make him interesting, and he does good work with them. Plenty of guys on the roster can be sent out there to wrestle a good match and just being on TV will get them more over (Barreta, Gabriel, Kidd, are three great examples). Miz is not. Honestly, he's a guy that probably shouldn't wrestle outside of squashes and PPVs.

  68. Bang on the money.

  69. Maybe he should just really let himself go and become the next Dusty Rhodes?

  70. I'm not sure if he's the heir apparent to Cena, but I completely agree with you I think he can definitely be an effective face. His backstory (as long as it's not handled in a ham-handed kind of way) is pretty inspirational in regards to wrestling.

  71. Everything except the one most important thing - long hair.

  72. It's obvious he was being depushed. He was on job duty for 18 months. Solid attempt at trolling me but I feel like you could do better.

  73. That's the HHH in '98 push, and you saw where that ended up.

  74. No, it's the same. Re-branding something doesn't change what it is.

  75. Because she's singing a song about sticking it to him by not getting back together with him when he seemingly didn't want to be with her in the first place.

  76. DIdn't you get the memo? Short hair is the new long hair. Ask Edge and HHH.

  77. I hardly consider being in the ring with that many big stars is being depushed.


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