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Raw tonight

With the debate happening tonight, what are the chances Vince stages some event to mock the participants?   Something along the lines of the Trump/Rosie travesty from a few years ago?


There's pretty much no way Vince can help himself, is there?

Well we already had their incredibly witty take on the debates with Big Show v. Sheamus a couple of weeks ago, plus they wouldn't want to do anything the least bit politically controversial this close to Linda's election, so I'd say there won't be anything.  Going against the debate, plus the 7th game of the NLCS, plus a football game, I sure wouldn't want to be the guys reporting the ratings to Vince tomorrow, though.  


  1. So, um, are the debates really a threat to Raw ratings? "Sorry Jethro, we can't watch Smackdown tonight. Downton Abbey is coming on PBS."

  2. Pull a Luger and give Ryback the title tonight. Punk gets it back Sunday and demands the Ryback reign not count in his long championship streak.

  3. Well the two party political system we have here sure does have a lot in common with professional wrestling so a cross over audience makes sense to me.

  4. Nothing politically controversial? Remember the video where Vince woke up in the hospital and had a campaign sticker for Linda's opponent on his ass? And this was the day before the election? Scott has fuzzy memory.

  5. How many Jethros do you know? I won't discount the notion that there is a higher percentage of people "out in the sticks" watching wrestling than PBS, proportionally speaking. Still, I'm sure you can talk to anybody in the US on this blog here and find out they have diverse interests.

    The debates have been highly watched (I do believe), and that will cut into any other show on TV. And, as Scott says, there's so much going tonight and this time of year that Raw is going to suffer for it. As a Chicago native who has already decided who to vote for, I'll probably be watching the Bears game and checking out Raw during commercials.

  6. She was already pretty much done if the polls were to be believed when they ran that.

    Notice they haven't done the Smackdown Your Vote campaign this year for the first time since 2000 which seems odd but I guess they want to stay totally out of politics this election cycle.

  7. Happy Game 7 everyone.

    My mood on the blog later tonight will depend on how well the Giants play/the outcome.

  8. I'm not a fan of the Giants or the Cardinals, but there's nothing better in sports than a game 7. I know what I'll be watching.

  9. Even if I did still watch Raw, there's no way I'd watch tonight between the debates and a Game 7. Really, though, the Game 7 and the Bears/Lions game will likely absorb whatever audience isn't watching the election. I'm taking the under on the rating. I'm thinking a 2.25 has a good chance of happening.

  10. The best thing about that sketch was the implication that Triple H and Stephanie are asleep by the time Raw comes on the air.

  11. And here I always thought they slept through Raw like the rest of us...

  12. Yes, especially since you have Obama and Mitt Romney as the people doing the debates and are coming off two previous debates where both men wanted to kick the shit out of each other and were barely restrained from doing so.

    Also, Downton Abbey isn't on right now; we got Upstairs Downstairs, with River Song of Doctor Who guest starring as the saucy time traveling house guest. .

  13. GAME 7!!!!! WOOOO!

    /lives in NorCal, hopes no one spoils it at work for me

  14. Ditto here on almost everything (except I'm a Champaign native/resident). Bears are getting my full attention, Raw DVRed like usual, debate and hopefully an epic Cards chokejob (I'm a White Sox fan, but living in central Illinois I'm surrounded by insufferable Cards fans) on the backburner.

  15. Yeah, if the Bears weren't playing tonight Game 7 would have my full attention.

  16. Vince pretty much has the first 30 minutes to work with, before he loses everyone for the I would expect the typical 8:20 PM angle as a hail mary to gain some viewers.

    If there was ever a night to throw random shit at the wall, and see what sticks....this is it. I will start the chaos with a Santino/Ryback 1 hour ironman match for giggles.

  17. Honestly, anytime I hear the name Jethro I think of Ian Anderson and Aqualung, not a hick.

  18. It definitely does. The Democrats are the faces while the Republicans are the heels (except on Fox, where the roles are reversed). Whichever side wins the big World Title match (presidential election) coming up will make a few changes (probably for the worse, based on the track records of both parties) and then they'll do this whole farce all over again in 4 years. The people who think that Obama or Romney is the country's savior are the biggest marks of all. The crazy thing about all of this is that each voter's chance of casting the deciding vote is extremely low and even if the election was that close, it wouldn't matter anyway because they can't even count the votes accurately so the Supreme Court would get to decide who won.

  19. It's on in England! Torrentsssssssssss!


  20. Wow, I've never seen so many "downs" on a post. Might as well add one myself...

  21. I'd add that Obama is Cena. He thinks he's a face, but really, he'd be better off as a heel because half the audience thinks he's a farce.

  22. 3-Man Band put on a rendition of Sweet Home Alabama with Jinder Mahal singing the lead.

  23. That might go a little high. I'm a pretty loyal Raw viewer and there's no chance I'm watching this. I might DVR it but even then I probably won't watch it, I'll just read up and see if anything interesting happened.

  24. And just like wrestling both sides of the aisle would be completely OK with Obama turning heel and just speaking his mind. The Democratic base has waited 4 years for him to just say "screw it" and actually call out the Republican party and go on the offensive. And the Republican base would love to actually have something concrete to hate him about instead of just chanting buzzwords and subtly dancing around why they REALLY hate him.

    I'm not sure who Romney would be in this analogy though. I guess Edge, the "ultimate opportunist", who most people didn't really like at all but just supported him because he was "not Cena".

  25. I'll up only because it's such a bad idea that it's good!

  26. This is a tough one. It's Game 7, I love baseball, and I've gotten into the Giants. I don't know if I'd cheer them against the Tigers, but I'm sick of looking at the Cardinals. I also love football, and the Bears would probably be my second favorite team, mostly due to their awesome classic looking uniforms. I hope to skillfully flick back and fourth catching all the big plays of each.

  27. But Obama is really likable, John Cena is not. Cena is more like Romney.

  28. I know how much you can't stand Cena (and I agree with you). I'm pretty sure you feel he's one of the biggest frauds in the history of wrestling. I share those exact feelings about the President.

  29. Better question: How low will the ratings be when everyone over the age of 11 watches either the debate or the two *actual* sporting events being offered this evening?

    Greased men in speedos play-fighting like queens or playoff baseball? LMAO. As though there's a choice here...

  30. I look at Obama as the lesser of two evils. Romney, and especially Ryan, are two of the biggest frauds I've ever seen.

    As far as Cena goes, I'll just use the Austin analogy: imagine Austin doing all the things he did in the lead up to winning the title at Wrestlemania XIV, then almost immediately dropping it after winning the title and going back to being the Ringmaster.

    That's what I think of Cena.

  31. Announce before the games and debates start that Ryback vs Punk for the title is happening tonight and hype it all night. Main event time, Punk and Heyman come out and Heyman tells Ryback that he has changed his opponent..,cue Brock Lesnar's music.

    Brock comes out and they brawl all over the arena with neither really getting the upper hand. Brock tells Ryback, he'll see him at Hell in a Cell as the show goes off the air. As for the HIAC ppv, crib the Taker/HBK match with Brock playing the part of Kane.

  32. I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet but they should mirror the first Hell in a Cell match.

  33. That's what I just suggested they do.

  34. Ah yes, the Billy Bumbler from the Dark Tower series.

    (joke goes over everyone's heads).

  35. Not mine! Great reference.

  36. I don't man, I think they should just mirror the first Cell match.

  37. High five!

    (I knew there was a reason I liked you!)

  38. I want to watch RAW live, and I want to watch the debate. I can't be the only one.

  39. They'll both be on Youtube...

  40. Oh you still follow the blog just to throw in comments about how real sports are better? Cause that'd be delightfully sad.

  41. absolutely terrible.

  42. ITS CHIN!!!


  43. I'm also surprised there has been no Smackdown Your Vote campaign this year- or any mention of it at all. I guess breast cancer trumps every other cause right now. Who is this Susan G. Komen and why does she wield such power over corporate America?

    I'm more surprised that I attended a WWE show in Connecticut last night two weeks before the election and not one word was uttered about Linda or even voting. Rare restraint shown there, WWE.

    CM Punk's heel turn reminds me a lot of Austin in 2001-- fans aren't really into booing him. They're like, "Yeah, we don't like you now...I guess."

  44. As a bitter A's fan, this will not bother me.

  45. Nah, they've got Marco-mentum...Scutaro-mentum? Anyway, living out here in the midsection of the US, I'm just flat-out tired of the Cards. And I just want an opponent for my Tigers to hopefully dismantle.

  46. That's a good idea but I think Brock should come in like Kane in the HBK/Taker Cell and give CM Punk a cheap win.

  47. Thank you. I was a little under the weather earlier.

  48. You are the saddest dude I've ever seen on the internet. And that's saying a lot.

  49. I just meant its all work. No difference between either guy and it's not even a real election anyways.

  50. Romeny would be whoever he was booked as since american politics is all just a work.

  51. 27 down votes must be a record. Definitely not even close to the worst post i've ever seen on here though.



    Who was right? Oh yeah. Me.


    I do so love being right.

  54. It took exactly four seconds to be right about their NEW RECORD LOW RATING.


    Cue standard "so sad you spend all your free time yadda yadda"


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