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Sesame Street: Birdwalk Empire

Even though no 2 year old on earth would ever get the reference, this is unspeakably awesome. I just wish that Nucky Ducky was more Steve Buscemi-ish, but I was still howling with laughter when it came on Sesame Street this morning.


  1. If Buscemi doesn't do the Waddle-Waddle thing, the series is dead to me.

  2. They've done a few of these--True Mud, Law & Order: Special Letters Unit, Heaviest Catch, etc. It would be great if they brought out a DVD that's just the TV show parodies.

  3. And that's why the show is still the cock of the walk. I was more entertained by this than my niece was.

    /BTW, I don't know what's more weird, Paz de la Huerta's misshaped boobs or just Paz de la Huerta in general. To pull an IT Crowd quote, "The BITCH is crazy!"

  4. That was great! Michael Shannon as a cuckoo? Totally works!

  5. Well it's no Goodfeathers but very funny.

  6. Isn't it a problem when the adults are more entertained than the children the show's intended for?


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