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Great Match of the Day: Raven v. Some Dude

Now we all know WHY this wasnt one of the WCW Top 20 matches of all-time, but this one is a forgotten classic.....the finish of the match, with Raven passing out is epic!

It is indeed an awesome match, but I’d like to also point out the immense irony of Wrestling Society X putting their copyright notice on the YouTube page when they’re stealing WWE’s content.  With a business model like that, it’s no wonder they went out of business. 


  1. Why did Benoit cut that magnificent hair before coming over to WWF? That mane was seriously sweet.

  2. I love the look of the stage here. Very simple, but I dig it. Might just be because every WWE ppv other than 'Mania is just the same old stuff.

  3. Your eyes are deceiving you ...

  4. I'm thinking... of... Stevie... Richards.

    And I... must kill.. the queen.

  5. I think my favorite thing about WCW's booking at the time was that they would let the wrestlers do what they wanted to do. Like when Jericho said he wanted to have a fat toothless old man for a bodyguard, they said "Sure, go for it." If you wanted to go out in the opening match and work some crazy full lucha style match it was fine. As long as it didn't involve Hogan or Nash or Goldberg you could do anything you wanted to do.

  6. Understatement of the fucking year right there.

  7. What is your favorite Chris Benoit finishing move?

  8. Yup the unscripted nature of Nitro was awesome. Different styles up and down the card until the end of 1998.

  9. Same. Honestly I never understood the appeal to begin with (ooooh he chops a lot wow) but after killing some people it's hard to take any enjoyment from his work.

  10. Wish they would have used a script for those Hogan promos. They were the definition of a rambling mess.

  11. I am glad Scott picked Raven vs The Ultimate Warrior for today's Great Match of the Day.

  12. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Malenko's badass leg lariat on Riggs at the end, there.

  13. This wasn't as good as I remember it being. Or maybe it was, that VQ was so shitty it's hard to tell.

    Anyway, I'm going to head to the store and get a Snickers.

  14. I'd go with the HHh/HBK/Benoit match from WMXX, though I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

  15. Yeah, i remember the three-way brawl and just thinking how awesome it was as I watched it.

  16. The irony of the Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD was that everything they said about the Warrior (especially the rambling promos) applied to Hogan.

  17. Fine. More bandwith for me.

  18. This was a very good match. I personally wouldn't have put it on any best WCW matches list though. 4 stars imo.

  19. I really love how Raven throws the snapmare. A lot of guys used it as a transition move, but he just launches that dude into the mat.

  20. Wow never seen this one. Fucking awesome

  21. Not religious at all but I'll upvote any pro benoit comment.

  22. He made it seem so real though. And the rolling German suplexes ruled. After using him in wcw/nwo vs the world, where he was the best character and introduced me to the dragon suplex I was a fan.

  23. Got to be the cfc!

  24. Xx for the sentimental value but rr 03 and 04 ruled.

  25. This match was AWESOME! Raven's grin as he was passing out from the pain.....eerie - and awesome at the same time.

  26. ROTFL....yeah - NO SHIT!

  27. Wow, that takes some serious balls to put your watermark on content EVERYONE knows is owned by WWE.

  28. Totally understandable.I still refuse to watch any Benoit matches because of his actions and while I think WWE are assholes for ruining footage by overdubbing music for literally no good reason, they are completely 100% in the right in banning Benoit matches from their DVDs and on-demand service.

  29. Ok that's not fair if we're talking old video games then yes of course, he was an easy pick...same as Brock, a guy I was never a fan of (back then) that I would always pick to kick some ass on AI lol

  30. This life may not amount to a hill of beans... But this is our hill and these are our beans!

  31. Great match, but geez, craptastic video quality. I may have a copy of this somewhere for upload

  32. This might be the most upvoted post in BOD history.

  33. Souled Out 1998 was one of the best PPVs that WCW ever did, which is kind of funny since the '97 version of this same show was a trainwreck. SO'98 had this terrific match, a great multiman cruiserweight spotfest, Hart/Flair, Jericho/Rey, Nash/Giant that featured Nash actually trying and the brutal botched spike powerbomb finish, and also Booker vs. Martel during Martel's awesome comeback.

  34. HHH/Stone Cold vs Benoit and Jericho or the Angle/Benoit vs Rey/Edge tag match.

    Honorable mention to any of the velocity matches vs Fit Finlay. Those weren't as epic, but they were stiff as hell, and had their own nasty psychology.

    Also honorable mention vs Malenko at Hog Wild 96. It was just a string of moves, but it was the best string of moves since Bret faced Owen at Wrestlemania X.

  35. "Hey, thats a honey of a beaver!"


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