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"Rumble Winner should get to be John Cena for a year"

I was reading this article at work today ( and wasn't particularly interested until I got to end:

"How do you craft a reward that's on the same level with a win like the Royal Rumble when you're giving that same reward to John Cena on a biweekly basis? Well, maybe that's the solution. Maybe instead of a title shot at WrestleMania, the winner of the Royal Rumble just gets to be John Cena for a year, with unlimited title shots and the ability to kick out of everybody's finisher all the time. I'd watch it."

BRILLIANT! How could anyone complain if the part of John Cena is played by more interesting characters?  What say you?

-Ronnie Vod

C'mon now, just because Cena failed at the MITB cash in, and at Summerslam, and at Night of Champions, and at Survivor Series, and failed at winning Dolph's briefcase, doesn't mean he shouldn't get another 12 shots next year.  Be fair to Cena!  

I would love to see someone like Zack Ryder pick that as a reward sometime, though.  


  1. With Zack's luck, it would be Ruthless Aggression era John Cena.

  2. Speaking of WithLeather, what's your opinion on Brandon Stroud? He reminds me of you from the early 2000s, only about 1000 times more obnoxious, and with an intense hatred for Rock instead of Undertaker.

  3. The only problem I have with Stroud is that he cares too much about women's wrestling. I just don't get how someone can get that worked up about it.

  4. I think it's because his girlfriend is a feminist or something.

  5. Niiice. He really was an embarrassment on Monday; a house show level promo for twenty minutes on primetime TV. Thankfully, there's a lot of good stuff going on elsewhere, and I can almost feel the "Cenation" outgrowing their hero at the moment. I mean, if I were 10 or 11 and saw The Shield tearing shit up (PG-style) I'd wonder why I was supposed to like the guy dressed as various colours of the rainbow.

  6. He definitely does a lot of white knighting. It gets annoying.

  7. I too would like to see women's wrestling come off better, but until WWE treats it as important as any of the other titles rather than eye candy, it will suck.

  8. I'd like to be John Cena the year he'd banged Mickie James.

  9. he makes the same points every week. "WWE is misogynistic...Jerry Lawler is a xenophobe & pig..."


  10. eff that, I just wanna bang Mickie James.

  11. 100% agreed. Vince's opinion of women is pretty clear at this point. I wish something would change so that a legit women's division would exist.

  12. Cena's definitely a lucky bastard. Having sex with Mickie James and Victoria in the same year is a much more impressive accomplishment than winning any Royal Rumble.

  13. Then I'd like to be Daniel Bryan Danielson. Get to be with a Bella that is infatuated with you, never have to shave or groom yourself... the only negative is having to sit across the dinner table from John f'n Cena during family get-togethers.

  14. Uh what? I'm talking about the period when he was a generic jobber with that terrible generic ring gear he had.

  15. F that, I just wanna copulate with Maria.

    quick anecdote: the bar I frequented when I was living in Burbank brought me one foot from Maria. I couldn't summon the courage to utter anything to her :/

  16. It occurs to me that I've been reading Stroud's stuff for over a decade on various websites, plus I was actually in an e-fed that he created. He definitely gets on his soapbox at times and while his points definitely make sense (i.e. Faces should act like faces, everyone on the show should be given something to do, it's 2013 and pro wrestling shouldn't be lazily sexist or racist), it just gets repetitive after a while since WWE isn't changing while Vince is in charge.

    Also, his "hey guys, Eve is secretly kinda awesome" schtick started almost immediately after she gave With Leather an interview, which was pretty transparent.

  17. Cena banged Victoria? I missed that one...

  18. Twenty minutes. lol

  19. Okay, it was closer to five minutes - it just felt like twenty.

  20. I would pay $$$ for a 2:45 PPV to watch Shield beat up Cena.

  21. Eve was slut-shamed into oblivion. "Sluts" are generally noted as being good as eye candy only.


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