> Hi Scott,
> Since you have been gracious enough to plug all kinds of things, I was wondering if you could plug my new mobile game Beam-Out!!!. I can best describe the game as Star Trek meets Punch-Out!!. The object of the game is to beam people out of bad situations. I would be curious to see what the folks on the Blog of Doom think about it. I'm also open to suggestions.
> It is available in the following stores:
> Apple iPhone, iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/beam-out!!!/id593765118?ls=1&mt=8
> Android (Google Play): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grantster.beamout
> Android (Amazon Appstore): http://www.amazon.com/GST-Computing-LLC-Beam-Out/dp/B00BHACNEI
> Windows Phone: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/beam-out/c1100fc9-829e-4e26-a726-b107511ec7f8
> I have also posted a lame YouTube demo at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liyLmrU45GE
> Thanks for your help sir!!
> Grant
Seems vaguely interesting, but your youtube video doesn't really show how the gameplay gets more complicated beyond having to teleport with less energy, and the primative art isn't doing you any favors either. As such, I wonder if $.99 might be too much to ask with so many slicker looking apps at the same price point or free.