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BOD Daily Round-Up (2/17/13)

JR predicts 'major upset' for Elimination Chamber (
'Jim Ross posted his latest blog at giving his predictions for tomorrow's Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Ross went out on a limb and picked a dark horse to win the Elimination Chamber match.'
Christian cleared for return (
'Christian has been medically cleared to return to action.'
TNA rating drops again (
'This week's episode of TNA Impact Wrestling saw an 8% drop in viewership.'

@Arda_Ocal - Was looking for pro wrestling books online and it appears Lex Luger has an autobiography coming out in August

@JRsBBQ - : does Dean Ambrose remind you of Scott Hall? No. Maybe Pillman ...or ...high praise 4 .

Comment of the Day 
brocore offered Cena some sympathy re. his Wrestlemania payout:
I think Cena finally earned some sympathy from me. I mean, he had to settle for a meager million dollars. That's gotta be rough. He probably had to cut into his cargo shorts budget so he could no longer buy the beige ones, he had to settle for the tan pair. FUCK YOU, ROCK! I HATE YOU! JOHN CENA NEEDS HIS BEIGE SHORTS, YOU BALD HEADED FUCK!

On This Day...
WWE held No Way Out, where Chavo Guerrero retained the ECW Title against CM Punk in the main event.... No, I kid. Cena defeated Orton by DQ. Not much better, is it? (2008)

Remember to follow @FNBodySlams on Twitter! Thank you!


  1. New thought: upon returning, Christian should make his name his new gimmick. Then he should begin feuding with Damien Sandow over the validity of the theory of evolution. This angle writes itself.

  2. I've always wondered why he ever came back to WWE to begin with.

  3. I think winning the world title made it all worth coming back for Christian

  4. I'm not sure what the difference in pay is between being an upper midcarder in WWE and one of the top dogs in TNA is, but if they are remotely similar then TNA really seems like a good option. You just have to accept that you are wrestling for a company that will always be a distant number 2 in the public's eyes. The lighter workload seems like such a huge plus for a guy Christian's age. And the possibility of being one of the company's focal points, which isn't going to happen for him in WWE, would be nice as well.

  5. They absolutely should have a major upset in the Chamber match. In fact, they should do a total shocker of a Rumble winner one of these years. You have two championships. Why not see if you can strike gold with something out of nowhere with one of them?

    It won't affect the buyrate negatively, because Cena/Taker/Rock/Brock/Punk in whatever combinations is what'll sell the show. (That, and the WM brand in general) So why not roll the dice on an out-of-left-field Rumble/Chamber winner and see what happens?

  6. It's my least favorite show of the year. The last show I didn't order with the Rock in a feature roll was no way out 2003.

  7. What he should really do is take a break after WM and then come back strong with another huge storyline this summer.

  8. Ironically, Christian used science to accelerate his healing.

    Thanks, you've been a great audience, my name is Hirsute Dollars.

  9. Yeah, I forgot about that.

  10. I've been hoping they do this for years now. Do a total rip off of Rocky. Ricky Steamboat Jr would be a great guy to do it with. But the way WWE logic works, after he wins the Rumble, he would literally lose every match leading up to his title shot.

  11. I dunno, how much more can you do with BITW? I'm not so sure there's more mileage on it tbh.

    There's only so many times I can hear either Punk or Jericho say it without it sounding tired.

  12. I now find Swagger 10 times more interesting now he has Dutch as his manager. Great mouthpiece, and Swagger now has some sort of 'aim' as it were.

    Never been a fan of the guy but hey, this might be the ticket to getting himself over.

  13. This has seriously been a huge mystery to you?

    It's because he makes a shitload more money in WWE. Is it really that complicated?

  14. I agree about his work since the Rock loss being a lot of fun. I really could care less if he is in the title picture or not, I just want to see some great matches. Let Cena have the belt and feud with Show and Orton and a heel Ryback... Just let Punk have 15-18 minute matches on PPV with some guys who can go and he will stay super over. Then maybe give him the Rumble and let him go into WM XXX for the belt to rightfully be Best in the World...

  15. That's a great idea. I should know better, but unless Taker returns tonight, I'm expecting Punk to be involved in the title match at Mania somehow. What other match is big enough for him?

    BITW is a great gimmick - Jericho used it brilliantly - and I feel these last few weeks of Punk as the delusional heel have continuing to count the days of his 'title reign' have been some of his best work in a while.

  16. I don't even know who all is in it. I'm speaking more in general terms, not specific to this match or any particular wrestler.

  17. chritian should go back to tna. he was treated way better and healthier

  18. So by upset, it means Jack Swagger is winning.


  19. It's been awhile since there's been such little hype for a WWE ppv around here. I mean, it's today right?

  20. One of the big advantages at first was you were basically commuting to work if you lived in Florida, instead of spending five days on the road like in wwe. Pretty sure that isn't going to be the case for much longer as they expand the taping schedule.

  21. I still think they should have went for broke and had Santino win in 2011.

  22. Wrestling Inc uses the worst friggin pictures

  23. Chamber is usually one of the year's best shows, from a match quality perspective.

    The hype is just dead for this one. Other than Rock/Punk, I'm not terribly interested in anything on the show, largely because nobody did a good hard sell promo except Rock and Punk.

  24. This chamber match is pretty wide open in terms of who's gonna win. I could easily see Orton, Henry, Swagger, Jericho, or Bryan winning. Bryan is a longshot only because I see them continuing the slow break up of Team Hell No.

  25. Cage wanted more money, and TNA wouldnt budge. Didnt think he was worth the raise. So he amicably left.

  26. Next week, stay tuned for: "Christian cleared to return to the shelf"

  27. That's a great point. Be interesting to see if this loses them any if the part timers like RVD

  28. says something about how much attention the product holds with you considering he had what, 5 title matches in a row with Orton?

  29. I was barely watching WWE at all at that point. And if Orton is involved than no, it's not holding my attention.


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