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QOTD - July 31st, 2013


Today our question comes from the man who shall inherit the Earth, Mr. Paul Meekin.

Caliber my man! Here is a question of the day!
Have you ever seen a trailer for a sequel, adaptation, or spin-off of a series, and got excited it for it despite not liking it's source material.
Case and point I saw the Amazing Spider-man 2 trailer, and loved it, despite hating the first film with a passion.
 I loved the first one. I thought it was a lot of fun and they really nailed the character of Spider-Man.

I hated Batman Begins when I first saw it [I've lightened up on it over the years] but was very excited for The Dark Knight once I saw the trailer, which was mostly due in part to Ledger's Joker, of course.

How say you?

Send in your QOTD to Also, if you want to be super-awesome facebook buddies, you can send it to me via msg. Find your boy here -


  1. Is it me or I'm the only one who hated Amazing spider-man,that kid terrible,it looked like Parker was emo-hipster,lizard had terrible writing and his plan was stupid,say all you want about Raimi first 2 films(SP 3 sucked,also Kirsten Dunst was a bad casting as Mary Jane.),but he nailed the way that spidey is.

  2. I was underwhelmed by Amazing Spider-Man. Loved the parts with Peter and Gwen, hated the actual Spider-Man stuff, so it equals a wash.

  3. I was fired up for Revenge of the Sith, even after being underwhelmed by The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

  4. To answer the question, I don't like the Walking Dead comics, but I loved the trailer for the TV show when it came out. Hooked me from the get-go.

  5. Revenge of the Sith

  6. Definitely this, on the Raimi trilogy. Man, was Dunst ever incorrect for Mary Jane.

  7. I'll go a bit outside of the box here and through one in for video games: Metal Gear Solid 4. I had never played any of the previous titles (still haven't, feel free to judge), but I was super hyped to play the 4th installment on my brand new PS3. Despite the endless cutscenes, I still don't think the game disappointed.

  8. I thought Raimi hit Peter better than Spidey and ASM nailed Spidey better than Peter.

    As far as the question, Star Trek and Wrath of Khan.

  9. No he didn't.

    The new one nailed Spidey perfectly. The humor, the acrobatics, the brains. None of that was in Raimi's films except for whenever it conveniences them, like the scenes where he talks to Norman and Otto.

  10. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 31, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    I've never been fond of Bane as a character, but goddamn was I psyched to see him in TDKR, esp. when it was announced Tom Hardy would play him.

  11. The important question is this: where is this Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer?

  12. I've never been a big fan of American history, but, nevertheless, I was pretty pumped up after I saw the trailer for Lincoln.

  13. Trailer? I hardly knew her...

  14. I think he was a more accurate spider-man, but a generally less likable guy.

  15. I think they fucked up the villain. Bad.

    Not to be "that" guy, but the reason Lizard is a good character is because of how tragic he is. He doesn't want to be this huge monster with no control, but he's scared of being a cripple as well.

    With the film, they just went with generic movie monster. He was not an effective Heel because I didn't believe that the Lizard was ever a threat. Nor did I have any sympathy for him. Or real reason to hate him.

    Plus they screwed up Gwen's father's story. All that nonsense about Peter's parents is from an absolutely terrible story arc. Peter discovering his powers was insanely rushed. And I don't think we really needed an origin story this quickly after the last one. They made the film both way too film noir and at the same time kiddy.

    So really. I hated the movie. As much as the Spiderman 3, and X Men 3.

  16. Lord of the Rings.
    I couldn't get through those books to save my life, but enjoyed the films immensely.

  17. I actually think the opposite. I LOVED the out-of-costume stuff and pretty much hated the fight scenes/action stuff. It was all really uninspired.

    They captured how whiny Pete was perfectly, and Garfield and Stone had great chemistry.

  18. "The Hills Have Eyes 2" is as close an answer as I've got. I was hyped for the movie because of the teaser, right up until it said what movie it was.

  19. I feel like this is true for the majority of movie goers

  20. Kick-Ass and Wanted. Both comics are some of the worst stuff I've ever read in my entire life. It felt like a 12-year old had written them; a 12-year old who just discovered they can add sex, violence, and swearing into their writing in English class. Ordinarily, I have no problem with any of those things, but not when they're so excessive.

    The movies, however, are surprisingly good. Kick-Ass, especially, turned out to be a VERY good movie. Despite that, I'm still incredibly apprehensive about Kick-Ass 2 because of how much WORSE the comic sequel was to the first one...and that's saying something.

  21. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 31, 2013 at 2:54 PM

    As far as gaming goes, I hated Assassin's Creed 1 but was excited to play AC2; the reason I hated AC1 was that it was just doing the same mission over and over for nine hours (I kept asking myself, "There has GOT to be more to the game than this"), but AC2 built an actual game around its mechanics.

  22. The remake of Dawn of the Dead.

  23. Yeah, I enjoyed Kick-Ass a lot more than I thought I would.

  24. GI Joe Retaliation. Not a great movie, sure, but the trailer got me interested and the film wound up being mildly entertaining. At least it felt like a GI Joe movie, instead of ... whatever that first movie was supposed to be.

  25. I didn't hate Amazing Spidey but I certainly didn't love it, for all the reasons you mentioned above.

  26. I only started reading the comics after the TV show came out. I made it up to the fifth collection or so before I gave up. I kept trying the next arcs because I wanted to like the book as much as I liked the show - which is a lot - and it just never happened.

  27. Loved the first half of Kick Ass then it became every other comic book movie.

  28. Agreed. Bane would have been WAY down on my list of villains to put in TDKR and he ended up being the only good thing in it.

  29. I think I made it three volumes. Everything felt rushed compared to the TV series, and Kirkman's dialogue just doesn't sit well with me. Very expository, to a superhero crossover book level.

    But I get why people like it.

  30. I've been on a bit of a novel reading spree due to some extra free time and I'm considering going through the LotR trilogy again. I read up to the Tom Bombadil chapter in the first book and gave up. Recently I bought the Silmarillion paperback and made it past a hundred pages before I gave up on that as well. I plan on trudging through it however, might as well not waste 9 bucks.

  31. I need to give ASM another shot. I've only seen it once in the theaters and didn't really hate it but didn't like it either.

  32. Growing up a Marvel guy, I was still never a big Thor fan. The movie turned out pretty decent though and I would see the next one.

  33. If the question was posed in reverse: I loved the Spawn comics and absolutely despised the movie. Same for the Punisher

  34. Who else would you put in his place, given Nolan's "standards"?

  35. Oh no, do we have another Burton vs. Nolan set of camps brewing here?
    Seriously, I agree that as great as 2/3rds of Raimi's films were, he never quite got Spidey's snarking right, or even tried at all. At least they tried it in ASM. And the web shooters too. Can't be a good nerd and forget that.
    Not that I thought that movie was perfect by any means...Lizard was underwhelming, they took out the irony of Uncle Ben's death (he just gets killed, not by someone Peter could have stopped, so thus it becomes another MY PARENTS ARE DEADDDDD Batman scenario) and simplified his origin, the costume looked cheap, Sally Field is too young to be Aunt May (even though I like her), and wouldn't it be more Spider-Man like to suddenly be tied in a web (no pun intended) of emotions with the I honor Capt. Stacy's wish? Does Gwen hate me now because Spidey "caused" his death? Etc, etc.

  36. I gotta go with Where The Wild Things Are. I wasn't a big fan of the book when I was a kid but once I saw the trailer for the movie I was stoked to see it. I went back and read the book and it was way better than I remembered.

  37. I might watch the DVD just cause they got Cobra Commander's look RIGHT this time.

  38. I kind of felt like that for each of the prequels...I guess I was trying to convince myself that they would be good...

  39. I think Penguin or Riddler could have been interesting.

  40. The Tom Bombadil stuff alone can be an arguement for the movies being better than the books.

  41. Agreed. I HATED Thor. But between the movie and the Earth's Mightiest cartoon, I became somewhat of a fan.

  42. Raimi was very uneven. Some of the time he just nailed it (Spidey delivering Pizza, Spidey in the elevator), but then it was like he had to let Tobey "act" and the mask was always coming off.

  43. Yeah I did like the chapter but that was 11 years ago and I've developed more patience now. But man people weren't kidding when they said the Silmarillion could be off putting. I have to check the glossary after every page just to keep up with who's who.

  44. The mask was coming off because it is really hard to emote with it on.

  45. QJACK!~

    Wrestlemania 30 main event: Randy Orton vs Jozi The Wrestling Machine.

  46. I don't know what guidelines your talking about, but I think they could've

  47. His "realistic" guidelines basically.

  48. In all fairness, ASM does the unmasking too.

  49. The scene between MJ and Peter in the first spider-man when he essentially explains his feelings for her through spider-man is kind of the most romantic thing ever.

  50. You'll note they got around this in Iron Man by giving a full shot of his face within the costume for reaction shots.

  51. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 1, 2013 at 5:04 AM

    Same, I was skeptical they could pull it off and not be dumb as hell, but...they did a pretty good job, and I'm def. gonna see TDW.

  52. Arkham Asylums Penguin, at that.

  53. Yeah but not nearly as much.

  54. I call bullshit on that. V for Vendetta pulled it off. It's all about the body language.

  55. Youre comparing apples to oranges. 1) youre talking about two actors with different levels of skill. 2) the Guy Fawkes mask itself is emotive, whereas Spidey's is a blank slate.

    All I'm saying is that I keep hearing that the mask bit was an ego play by Maguire and I don't buy that for a second.

  56. What, did you do a shot count or something?


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