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BoD Daily Update

CM Punk Update

Punk was not injured by Ryback on RAW last night but is still dealing with nagging injuries, including his knee, elbow, and ankle.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases Another Installment in their "Timeline" Series

1993 WWE as told by Lex Luger was released yesterday. Click on the link below for the trailer.

TNA Bringing in New Talent?

Word around TNA is that they are considering bringing in newer talent and some of the X Division guys that have been used in the past.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Matt Morgan Article in the Miami Herald


  1. Sonjay Dutt, it's your time to shine!

  2. Can't wait to see the oddly big, tatted at new masked X-Division guy, Mr. Andershawn.

    DIXIE: It was weird that he wouldn't take his mask off during all contract negotiations.
    BISCHOFF: Dixie, as usual, you're overthinking things. Just sign the guy and then fix me another check, will ya?

  3. I heard TNA might be bringing CM Punk in to be the new centerpiece of the X-Division.He'll hold the title for at least a month before he drops it to whoever is portraying whatever the next incarnation of the Suicide gimmick is.

  4. But will they pay any of them?

  5. Punk: An injured Punk is still better than a LOT of people at 100%
    Timeline: Yeah, it's about time for me to drop a couple hundred there.
    TNA Talent: Wait and see.
    Morgan: (drops head onto desk, snores.)

  6. Hasn't TNA already tried that?

  7. Hopefully new = actually new. Time to roll the dice with new talent and, oh I don't know, real booking.

  8. Sell the TNA library to Vince. Put nxt on spike. Everyone wins

  9. I really like the timeline series, but Luger bores the hell out of me. Any chance he's more interesting as a talking head than he was as a wrestler?

  10. I wonder if Nigel is bothered by db becoming the top guy. Remember when they were signed together. Could have been him.

  11. I like Nigel, but Bryan has always been a better wrestler and better "character" than Nigel. Nigel would have been lucky to have gotten to a Jack Swagger-type position.

  12. Seriously. Spike wins because ratings go up. Fans win because we can see nxt easier.

  13. 1993 WWE: Maybe? He can't be worse than Windham and 1991 WCW,

  14. Anyone not interested in constantly sucking Vince and Hunter's dicks loses.

  15. At the time a lot of people felt he'd fit in better. Hes more talented than swagger. Obviously db is-extra special but it's gotta bug Nigel. In the last two or 3 years those big indy guys have taken over wwe.

  16. Cmon dude nxt > impact. They could do 1.5 on spike. Plus we could see all the hot young talent on the rise

  17. ... right before said talent enters wrestling's version of the Neverland Ranch. Minus the child molestation.

  18. Given his past health problems I bet he's just happy to still be walking around.

  19. If I was Sean Oliver, I would have scrapped the whole thing and asked someone else to come in at a later date for the interviewer. That was horrendous.

  20. So TNA's looking to find their next generation of releases?

  21. Man, Lex looks so much like David Lee Roth now. Or an uncle of mine, which makes me chuckle some. It's hard to believe how his face and body has changed over 20-25 years.

  22. Also, Matt Morgan, defying the odds of infertility. That's nice, I guess, though it trivializes that particular struggle. I should just shut up about it, 'cause it's both obnoxious and super-boring.

  23. TNA? New talent? Okay, who was recently Future Endeavored from WWE?

  24. The DUMBEST tournament I've ever seen... it makes the WM4 tournament look like March Madness.

  25. "...'cause it's both obnoxious and super-boring."

    Matt Morgan in seven words.

  26. I understand what you are saying in theory, but that would be a terrible idea. If a national audience saw all the fresh young talent easier on a weekly basis then that talent wouldn't be fresh anymore. Not to mention the name changes and repackaging of a gimmick would be that much harder.

  27. Well Ted quit . . .

  28. And they were doing good with it before Russo came back . . .

  29. I chuckled. It's the internet, inane shit like this is what it was built on

  30. Then the new suicide unmasks as CM Punk the next week and the show continues as if nothing happened

  31. I'm not buying a damn thing TNA is selling until I see what happens October 1. And that had damn well better be "Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have not resigned with TNA"


  33. well you're not buying a damn thing TNA

  34. The sad thing is, everyone KNOWS what the damn problem is. And it ain't friggin' Joey Ryan. It's overpaying for morons like Hogan and Bischoff who do NOTHING for the product but use it as a way to stroke their egos.

    Get rid of them Dixie! Their contracts are up. Kick them to the curb.

    (I exclude Sting from this. Even if he's probably making too much money, he's been with TNA since 2003, and has shown to have the company's best interest at heart. Hogan and Bischoff are leeches, pure and simple).

  35. I think NXT is better than any wrestling show.

  36. Yeah, if you'd asked people in 2009 who they thought would be the bigger star (not necessarily who was the better worker) Nigel would have been the more obvious pick.

  37. They should have his character have $500 in his bank account and thus the richest man in TNA. He can use his wealth to bribe Dixie for title shots for $40.

  38. If Hogan and Bischoff go, what's the chance that Cornette will be back? Russo and Terry Taylor aren't there any more. Then again neither is Cornette's magic.

  39. So re-signing Devon for the one millionth time is now considered "bringing in newer talent"?

  40. Or a deluded, bitter basket case like Ed Leslie for the 1989 WWF.

  41. "Liz is dead".

  42. That Damien Darling guy is always available. He got some press last year even though he's so terrible he can't even get an ROH tryout and keep in mind that ROH will hire ANYBODY as QT Marshall and Alabama Attitude have proven.

  43. Matt Morgan takes years to finally have a kid. In that same amount of time, I have jerked off in the bathroom, flushed and created schools of fish that look just like me. Petco is my sperm bank.

  44. I've always been a mark for Low-Ki, but he's burned so many bridges I'm not sure anyone wants him back.

  45. As does Lawler, but I wasn't going there.

  46. "Hey guys, we're gonna need a nice, safe worker to work with Punk for the next few weeks now that his injuries are acting up."

    "How about Ryback?"


    *Ryback slices Punk's back open on first contact*

  47. I was wondering why the fish were all banging their heads into the glass. You created a mighty retarded school of fish.

  48. Yeah, that'll be the kicker. If new talent just means another run for Sanjay Dutt and Petey Williams then there's really not a lot of point to it.

  49. Have to wonder if Cornette would benefit at this point from Heyman-style treatment, let him be the on air character that people love and avoid any type of decision making

  50. Bryan was always a way better wrestler, but Nigel always had a way better character. A healthy Nigel would have done well in WWE.

  51. He had some sunny days too, or so I hear.
    Oooh maybe they'll be so desperate they'll actually give the ECW Zombie a job! Or any of the egomaniacs from Pro Wrestling Syndicate!

  52. P.S. Dixie, if you read this, don't get any ideas. I don't want to make them famous or winners at life...

  53. Omg gta has a slab city/salton sea/salvation mountain!!!!!! Those are 3 of most bizaare and creepy places in soco. This game rules

  54. Threadjack motherfuckers: Im drunk and got into a fight with my gf, and she fucking went off. I need to regain the upper hand, whats the most offensive thing you can say to a chick? Dont fail e

  55. No. Stupidity should not be encouraged here, lest you transform into Mr. Baker's twin. And not an evil one, because only Pol Pot and that ilk could claim that "honor".

  56. Yea this doesn't help me at all. Good talk, see you out there.

  57. Please tell me you're in an eastern hemisphere time zone.

    Oddly enough, the things that hurt the females in my life most were talking about their vaginas. Whether it was looseness, a particular smell on one day, or the fact that going down didn't feel like a bed of roses when I was tired...took me days to get out of the doghouse.

    But you're already in the doghouse, why do you want to go deeper?

  58. #respecthepussy My lesson has been learned and the woman has made me a happier man because of it.

  59. I livr in clearwater/tampa so yea, eastern time zone. She brought up some ridiculous things and kicked a dent in my small lexus. Things like "cumdumpster, slut, Whore, cunt" just aernt doing tbe trick.

  60. Why is this stupidity? Have you never argued with a gitlfriend and needed to pull something out of the hat?

  61. You got to have hand. By being a "bigger person" now and then holding this dent thing over her head in sly ways over the next couple weeks, you will have hand. I say sober up and use this to your advantage for the next month. Of course, this all goes out the window if she sees no wrong in what she did, refuses to pay for the dent (if damage is substantial), and is batshit crazy

  62. I feel this is sincere advice and I thank you for that. Im unsure if im going to be able to abide by it, but we will seem

  63. Then he press slams him off a crate to the floor, completely missing the table Punk was supposed to go through.

  64. Not with one I intended to keep...

    ... but say something like, "Your mom and dad were right... I DO deserve better."

  65. "I wish I could go back in time and kick yo mamma in the nuts to keep you from ever being born."

  66. Watched the Windham one in Dec. so bad I haven't watched a timeline since

  67. 2 words - vaginal odor

  68. most offensive thing you can say is "the only dude youre suited for is your_favourite_loser'

  69. Say nothing. Just walk out, be silent, spend the next day sending a text or two to some other women whose numbers are on your phone. Ignore anything/everything she sends in your direction for the next 24 hours. But say absolutely nothing, and don't give her anything for potential leverage.

  70. not sure if downvote is knock against me generally or knock against what i said therefore being a thumbs up for me in particular

    mind = blown

  71. I stopped getting drawn into the nasty fights myself. The best thing you can do is stay cool because even if you win a fight with a woman, you really lose.

  72. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

    How about a game of chess?

  73. So true, checkmate indeed.

  74. Tell her you'll C U Next Tuesday.

    Or just tell her those pants DO make her look fat.

  75. I'd argue that if you just want to "get the upper hand" then a relationship is far too mature for your level. Banging random chicks at bars with no adult commitment sounds more your speed.

  76. Goddammit, I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it'd do any good!

  77. See, just calling her names doesn't work because she's likely heard them before and she's expecting it. They're just words to her now. What you need to do is personalize the insult so it hits home with her. Think of what she's most sensitive about - but don't be too blatant about it. If you're shouting and swearing she'll tune it out and realize you're just saying things because you're angry. What you want to do is calmly say something that will upset her. For example, if her parents are divorced, imply that it's her fault. Don't tell her the insult, just lead her in that direction. Like Inception.

  78. Punk not wrestling every week will be nothing but good for him.

  79. I've got a novel idea for TNA. Sign a Matt Morgan type who isn't him (just stick with me here), have him beat the piss out of everyone on the way to the title, then have a face rise from the field to beat him.

  80. At the point he was signed he was already done. Too many injuries.

  81. TNA's problem is that they can't decide on how the face that will rise to defeat the heel is going to be - nor can they decide who the heel will be more times than not. Bobby Roode was supposed to be the face, and they changed their mind on that, literally the day of the show, and went with James Storm before losing interest in that and going with Austin Aries, before turning him heel to go with Jeff Hardy, and now we're back to AJ Styles.

  82. Maybe they'll steal Amanda Palmer's idea and pay them in beer and hugs.

  83. Just watched the 1993 WWF Timeline with Luger. Not bad at all.

  84. hello joshua

  85. what about on bob 'spark plug' holly?

  86. I'm still lost as to why everyone thinks the Bobby Roode thing was decided "the day of the show". I've never heard that from any reputable source, only from people who like complaining about TNA in comments sections, because they decided it was so.

    Don't get me wrong, TNA's done a lot of half-assed things. But, this one seemed like it was actually well-planned out.

    - Bobby fights his way through the BFG series
    - He loses the title match that he worked so hard to get
    - His partner wins it "by fluke", and he's secretly pissed
    - He turns on his partner, getting the title, and becoming one hell of a heel.

    Honestly, nobody has ever been able to provide any evidence from anyone but the "because we say so" crowd. Give me a name, a link, anything that someone states that this was done the day of the show.

    For all the things TNA does wrong (and it's a lot), it's like certain people don't want to admit that, for a change, they did something right.

  87. Semi-threadjack... You want to know one of the biggest problems with TNA?

    I typed "Bobby Roode" into the google search, and the second thing to come up in google's auto-complete was "bobby roode wwe"

    TNA, you kind of got to get your idiotic name out there, because 98% of the people in the US think "Wrestling = WWE"

  88. "I'd call you a cunt, but you lack the warmth and depth"

  89. You wanna get back at her? Here's what you do.


    Nothing pisses off a chick more after a fight than when her boyfriend does nothing.

    I imagine she's expecting you to run back to her with your tail between your legs, but like Dikembe said.....NOT TODAY!

  90. I'm willing to give it a shot. Fwiw, I expect something LGBT related to win.

  91. Thanks for the condescending response. Get off your high horse for a second and tell me how you have managed to obtain a perfect life with no problems at all.

  92. Haha. Loved it.

  93. To be fair Roode is a born heel and Storm a born face. Some guys should just be kept as they are. I'm a big believer in the NWA-style rotation at the top. It just takes some wins over a period of time to reestablish a wrestler as a top guy. For example, proper booking over 6 months could get the IC Title back over with Santino as champion. Just play up his legit judo background.

  94. Watching the Luger timeline right now.

    Scary how different he looks. He seems to be happy though, so good for him.

    Also for a change, nice to see someone who isnt in the best relationship with Vince, not go and bash him

  95. Bound For Glory is TNA's Wrestlemania, so if they intended all along to run the angle how they did, it would be the equivalent of Wrestlemania 14 being Shawn Michaels/Dude Love with Steve Austin winning the title the next night. It would have made more sense for Roode to come up short in a match prior to Bound for Glory with Storm having his crowning moment there, which makes me believe that they went with the wrong guy and has to change course - it seems a bit strange to have Hulk Hogan go on the radio the day before the show to say going with Roode was a mistake and Storm is the guy.

  96. That's a lot of assumption on your part. You're assuming that since things didn't go the way you expected at BFG, that they had to change it the "day of", because TNA would be incapable of any long-term angle planning (which is probably a pretty fair point normally, but I think it's misguided in this case).

    Do I think that they had this planned out from the beginning of the BFG series? No. But I assume they knew what they were going to do by the time Roode was about to win the series (a month before BFG)

    And it seems very likely that Hogan's comments were PART of the angle, just another thing to feed into Roode's fire, which caused him to turn. ("What the hell? I do all that work just to lose, my son of a bitch partner gets a title shot for doing nothing and WINS, and Hogan says I'm 'not the guy'? I'll show them who the f'ing guy is!!!")

    What you're proposing is that there was a massive string of coincidences and missteps that just HAPPENED to turn into one of the best angles of that year in wrestling (and one of the best ones that TNA has ever done). That's one helluva stroke of luck if you're right, but I don't think you are.

  97. Okay, so we have Dude Love win the Royal Rumble so he'll be strong going into Wrestlemania, where he comes up just short against Shawn Michaels, who loses the title to Dude's buddy Steve Austin the next night, causing Dude to turn on his friend Austin out of jealously. Same thing. The point is I think it's stupid to use the main event of your biggest pay per view of the year to set up Impact. So either they set course on Roode and changed their mind, or they planned all along to have the main event of their big blow off show to disappoint fans and tell them to watch Impact.

    I'm not anti-TNA but we are talking about a company that had Ace's and 8's terrorizing the company for months and months and months without revealing the leader, only to reveal the leader as a guy who was fighting against Ace's and 8's all along, and then had to go back and point things out to try to make it all make sense, and who recently held their annually complicated tournament only to realize they were running out of time so they just ended it with a couple of "the winner of this match gets however many points we need to give them to get the result we have planned". So to think that TNA used the BFG series to get Roode over, so they could in turn get Storm over, is probably giving them too much credit. Maybe they didn't change it the day of, but it all indications were they were pushing Roode to win the title as a face until Hogan went on the radio and went off about how some in the company pushed for Roode but he's not the right choice, Storm is. So maybe it's not the day off the show but at some point during the point where they chose Roode as the guy and the point where he was supposed to become the guy they changed their mind, this based off the comments of someone who's running TNA.

  98. When did I obtain a perfect life--life sucks bro.

    If she deserves being treated to an internet think tank comeback just to preserve your ego--then she is a bitch and you should end it.

    If she doesn't deserve such childishness then you are just an asshole.

    Which scenario makes my "condescending" response inaccurate?

    "tell me how you have managed to obtain a perfect life with no problems at all."

    Given your penchant for storytelling, it's insane you act like there were these inexplicable problems that made it so you couldn't have a perfect live. You were (are) a miscreant AND you're a doctor. Life treated you fairer then it treated a lot of people who work hard but just couldn't make it. want me to not condescend and judge you? Then don't be an immature douche.

    All that said, I don't know you--maybe you are a 100% stand up guy, I can't judge a person on the whole i met online--but I can damn sure judge the stupid shit that you post on this blog.

  99. Man your bitter. Life didnt treat me fairer then anyone else, I worked extremely hard and made good life decisions. I didnt hit a "doctor lottery" Most people that bitch about how "life sucks or how its not fair" are those that are lazy and expect things to be given to them. I went through years about three years where I averaged 4 hours of sleep a night, worked two part time jobs and went to school. This in addition to 5 years post bachelors schooling and racking up medixal school bills wasnt lucky.

    The fact that you would be so condescending about a question relating to a girlfriend/boyfriend spat about two people you dont know just tells ms that youre probably jealous and bitter that I have life better then yours.

  100. "life sucks or how its not fair" are those that are lazy and expect things to be given to them.

    Which is why I'm going to school, incurring the debt, and working my ass off to NOT have a shitty life. I'm not bitter, why would I be--I have my entire life in front of me! I wasn't even that invested--I made a through away comment about you being immature, and YOU told me to tell you about my "perfect" life that's free from issues. You worked hard to be a doctor, no question. Doesn't change the fact that you DID win the "not die of overdose or get convicted for possession" lottery.

    And you still haven't dealt with the base issue of using a wrestling blog to "get one up" on your girlfriend is an immature, douchey, unhealthy thing.

  101. Because I was angry after she had kicked a dent in my new car, threw a drink at me had verbally berated me for about a half hour. I dont think that the natural emotional response of fighting back is "immature or douchey." I think that repressing that emotion is probably more unhealthy and would probably cause more long term damage to a relationship. I welcome more amateur and condescending thoughts on it though from you. You must however be a master at relationships, never had a relationship fight, or a psychiatrist to offer such advice.

  102. And obviously everyone who has ever done drugs in their 20s gets arrested or dies in an overdose so yea thats just like hitting the lottery.


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