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Potential Cena-Bryan feud


It seems to me that the groundwork is being laid - intentionally or otherwise - for a Cena-Bryan feud, with Bryan as the quasi-heel (although he'd undoubtedly have a lot of fan support). The motivation for Bryan is just about perfect: why does Cena get a free pass from The Authority - thrown into a title match before he's set foot in the ring following injury - but Bryan keeps getting screwed over at every turn because he's not "Good for Business?" Never mind the fact that he beat Cena clean as a sheet in the middle of the ring. Cena, meanwhile, has a perfect defense: he chose to defend the title against Bryan at Summerslam, and when you go all the way back to it, he's the one who brought Bryan back into the company after the Nexus kicked him aside (or if you want to go for extra realism, after he got fired). It could even work with both of them winning their matches on Sunday to make it a title unification feud, although I doubt they'd go there since multiple belts means multiple toy belts to sell to kids (which, of course, is Good For Business). 

So, you think they'd go in this direction? Or do you think they wouldn't want to cut off sales of "Yes! Yes! Yes!" shirts by making Bryan a quasi-heel?

Oh, and by the way, the NY Islanders' "Loudville" fans (college kids who get access to cheap seats an hour before the game) have started doing the "Yes!" chant after the Islanders score. You think they'll have the good sense to do something with that when Raw's at the Coliseum next month?

I think you're overlooking the most obvious and lame and thus most likely reasoning behind a Bryan-Cena title feud:  The Bellas.  It's a Bella in every corner!  


  1. I assume the next cena/Bryan match will be face/face again?

  2. When is the Bella on a pole match?

  3. Assuming they actually wrestle in the near future. I'm sure Bryan has a heel turn sometime in his future, although it probably won't be for a while.

  4. The matches would be great (we've already seen one example of that), but the feud doesn't have that emotion. The characters don't play off each other as well as Punk and Cena do.

    Punk is a better avatar for the anger so many of us feel towards the Cena character. lt really is Batman-Superman.

  5. I think itll be as simple aa Cena saying "you beat me at Summerslam, I want my rematch." Face vs face. Itll sell if its that simple

  6. I was at an Islanders game Tuesday. I didn't hear YES chants

  7. Do it at the Rumble!

  8. This was my question; I heard it at the Edmonton game.

  9. Every night at 1am.

  10. Completely agree. I really didn't care for Bryan's "you're not worthy of being slapped" promo, the anger and disrespect came out of nowhere and felt very forced.

  11. I smell desperation on the fans of the Icelanders. They should be thankful Peter EPHING Karmanos didn't buy their club and move it to The Triangle.

  12. I couldn't disagree with you more. I *loved* that whole promo. Up until that point, it felt like Cena was really schooling DBry on the mic. When DBry popped out with "You don't deserve to be slapped" it elicited a "OH, DAMN!!!" from me sitting in my living room. Then Cena smacks him and DBry refused to retaliate. I thought it was AWESOME.

    But, you know, different strokes for different folks.

  13. I'm still expecting Cena to win Sunday, along with Orton and setting up our Wrestlemania main event of Cena/Orton/Bryan. I figure Bryan will win the Rumble and thus he can be the guy to eat the pin at Mania, so we can have a summer of Cena/Orton over the new unified belt. Should be a great summer reliving that classic Cena/Orton rivalry.

  14. Cena/Bryan could make a fantastic MegaPowers type of feud if WWE thinks about it- Cena and Bryan team together after the Shield injure one of the Bellas. They go on to capture the tag belts...and then one day, it all falls apart.

  15. For the record, though I'm not a wrestling fan, I am an Islander fan, and I have done that chant at every game I've attended this season. I can assure you however that those of us in the section that do enjoy wrestling did chant that at Raw. As soon as its posted, I'll try to get you a link on YouTube to the YES! chant at one of our games.

    Also, Loudville is the section next to us (330). We are the Blue and Orange Army (329). We have a special ticket deal through a representative.


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