Never mind the bullshit that was Survivor Series, apparently Family Guy has become so desperate for plots that they killed off Brian tonight?! There's no way this is gonna stick, but still, is this really how low the show has sunk? I'm pretty glad I jumped off after the HD changeover, actually.
In other non-WWE news tonight, Thor was pretty good. Liked it better than the somewhat pondersome first movie, not as much as either Captain America or Avengers, and I wish they'd give Loki his own movie. It did lead me to think about how perfect Marvel has been with their casting, though -- like really, could you even picture anyone other than Hemsworth as Thor at this point? Or a better Cap than Chris Evans? But regardless, it was fun, I ate popcorn and enjoyed myself.
Also, football fans are going crazy here tonight because the Roughriders won the Grey Cup on home field. If you're Canadian and enjoy football you were probably already aware of this.
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