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A+ Match of the Day

Hope the BOD Universe had a great weekend and those of you celebrating the holidays finished up all of your shopping.

I was thinking about all the negativity surrounding Triple H these days (I'm just as guilty as anyone) and got to thinking that it wasn't always like this. HHH used to be really good and used to do a very good job of giving guys the rub.

Case in point, Chris Jericho had been hanging around the WWF for close to a year and while he had been doing some good stuff with Angle and Benoit and had even been given the title for about 5 minutes on a RAW, Jericho had yet to have that first real defining match in his WWF career. Well at Fully Loaded 2000 it happened as Jericho took on HHH in a last man standing match. It was a tremendous, bloody, brutal classic that took Jericho to the next level and set up his future success in the sport.

So enjoy it for the first time or enjoy watching it again, HHH-Jericho, Last Man Standing.


  1. I loved pre torn quad, two man power trip HHH. The match he and Austin had on Raw against Benoit/Jericho is one of my favorite matches.

  2. Great match, but Jericho should have won. And hhh really screwed over Jericho throughout his WWE career

  3. "It was a tremendous, bloody, brutal classic that took Jericho to the next level and set up his future success in the sport."

    I feel like Jericho actually winning would have served that purpose better. (Or if Jericho actually beat ANY point.)

  4. Winning obviously would have been great but he didn't HAVE to win this match. I thin the 2002 Hell in the Cell was probably the better place for that win.

  5. The same way Steve Austin didn't HAVE to win at Wrestlemania 13 to be taken to the next level.

  6. Regardless of who should have gone over, those two had good chemistry together in the ring.

  7. Kevin Nash already trademarked this kind of rub when he gave it to Wrath in '98.

  8. You are probably right, but given the current feels about HHH you probably won't find many who agree.

  9. Of course not because people are placing what happened in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007 etc. etc with the time and place of this match.

    Jericho had pinned HHH clean on an April RAW for the strap but they were doing the HHH-McMahon regime thing so it got overturned. So it was clear they were trying to figure out how to move him up.

    But people forget this was his most high-profile match to date. He wasn't 10-time World champion Chris Jericho, he was former Cruiserweight and TV title holder Chris Jericho that had never been pushed to a main event level before. He goes 25 minutes with the dominant championship of the last 12 months, loses, in a basic technicality (both men were knocked out) and I thought it accomplished what it needed to. It made Jericho a legit top card guy.

  10. Jericho has defeated HHH. Other than the overturned 2000 title win, he also defeated HHH on an episode of SmackDown in '02. Although HHH did get the win back in the Cell shortly afterwards.

  11. Jericho jobbed to Benoit again the next month and then feuded with X-Pac and Kane. How did this match take him to the next level?

  12. Before he went right back down to the midcard

  13. And? Bret Hart went over the guy in your avatar at 'Mania 13. 'Taker went over Jeff Hardy in their much-lauded ladder match. It's possible to put a wrestler over (to an extent) in defeat. Those matches - and this one - show that.

    Now given what we've heard about HHH's dislike for Y2J over the years, it strikes me as doubtful that he intended to make Y2J look strong, but that's what ended up happening in this match at least.

  14. At this time HHH was legitimately trying to be the Best in the World so he was aiming to go five snowflakes with anyone.

  15. I wonder what would have happened in their HIAC had Jericho not got hurt.

  16. You mean the one where he tore his quad?

  17. Great call. Bought this and this match plus Rock/Benoit both being 4.5-5 stars as the last 2 matches made it a great great show.

  18. Haha...yeah, I guess that's the one.

  19. This is how you can tell a HHHater:

    Was HHH good pre-2002?

    If no, HHHater ALERT!
    If yes, then hey, maybe the person has some sense.

    For those who want "logic", well, here:

    HHH "screwing", and then beating Jericho in 2000: Perfectly fine heel tactics against a challenger who was possibly "the future". It's the Ric Flair playbook, which worked here because HHH could GO. See: HHH/Taka on Sunday Night Heat.

    HHH, Stephanie, and their FUCKING DOG Lucy being the focus of WM 18, and not going with "Undisputed Champ Chris Jericho faces another stiff test against the returning Game, Triple H... and Triple H's wife is in Jericho's corner!": PUTRID, RANCID, ABHORRENT SHIT. Anyone trying to defend this should be forced to watch WCW 2000 on loop for the next 365 days.

  20. 00 - late 01...One of the best runs ever, matchwise. The thing that gets overlooked is how many different guys, and subsequently different styles he worked

  21. Look, I bitch about HHH plenty on this board, but at least he is decent enough to at least sell that his opponent took a lot out of him, unlike Super-Cena.

  22. Lol. The Hogan/Kid man "rub"

  23. Hey WCW in 2000 is giving wwe 2013 a good run for its money. I've almost completely checked out on raw and I never thought I would no matter how bad it got. And with this wm card their adverting? I'm not pleased.
    I did treat myself to watching gab 89 this morning and man it made me appreciate what this business can do when done right. "Hope is a good thing" - Andy dufresne

  24. Good match, but I still always prefer Jericho as a heel.

  25. WWF 2013 has had bright spots, even if they were snuffed in quick order. WCW 2000 was one long slog of pain and tears.

  26. Good call, forgot all about that one. Jericho can at least take solace knowing HHH never made him his little buddy.

  27. No reason for HHH to win this one. He was already established and didn't need to go over.

  28. As much as this year has been frustrating they had that Payback-Money In the Bank-Summerslam trifecta where things were pretty good.

    Heck that RAW after Payback might have been one of the top RAWs of all time.

  29. With Raw, we certainly have the 500 yards of shit.

  30. Hey how bout when 3 count w tank Abbott had that ladder match vs the Jung dragons for their gold record in a ladder match? (Believe it or not match was quality) lol

  31. Call me a HHHater, then. I never liked the character. It was a watered-down Ric Flair to me. He's just an uninspiring promo guy.

  32. Cena no-selling that ddt on the outside of the ring in that 7 vs 7 match against Nexus a few years ago at Summerslam was about the most ridiculous shit I have seen in wrestling

  33. Took Austin a full year after WM13 to get a world title shot

  34. It took him two months

  35. And not just that, Austin was part of the focus in the main storyline following that match (the Austin/HBK/Bret triangle of hate). He didn't start clean jobbing or participating in midcard feuds.

    The match was really good and I think the match itself made Jericho look stronger coming out of it then he did going into it... he just didn't really get elevated to the main event because of it.

  36. I enjoyed Tank's work in 3 Count. Especially the green square he danced on.

  37. Yea he was crazy over in that role too!

  38. I'm pretty sure that "Bobby" was being facetious.

  39. Jericho got hurt?

    Never heard that before. Have any details?

  40. Other than their "WM18" match, they've ALWAYS had great chemistry.

    Interesting, too, considering there seems to be some legitimate bad feelings between the two.

  41. Jericho had won the title on RAW two months prior...Of course it was overturned because of heel tactics...But....still

  42. He didn't become a version of Flair until the 02-04 run... you know... when he had Flair with him.

  43. He's not a watered-down Ric Flair.

    He's a watered-down Harley Race.

  44. I know, and it was a fantastic moment. But the fact is, at the conclusion of their feud, Jericho was back to being in the midcard.

    I don't blame Triple H for that or anything. But for the other person who tried to compare HHH/Jericho to Bret/Austin, it doesn't really make sense.

    Jericho walked into the HHH match as a midcarder, and for the next year+, was still a midcarder... just a more over one who could occasionally work a main event.

  45. My favorite part of that mach was the fact that HHH didn't get the opportunity to get his win right back.


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