Favorite Spider-Man story?
The current run.
Favorite Batman story?Dark Knight Returns
Favorite video game - all time?Ratchet & Clank 3. Super Mario World a close second.
Favorite ongoing comic?Superior Foes of Spider-Man. I laugh my ASS off at every issue. It's like old Giffen JLI but with C-level villains. Also Hawkguy if they'd get the fucking schedule back on track.
Do you say 8th grade or grade 8?Grade 8.
Favorite comic book movie?Superman 2 will always hold a special place in my heart.
Curb or Seinfeld?Seinfeld. I find Curb very spotty.
Cyclops or Wolverine?No strong opinion, so Wolvie.
Favorite horror film - all time?Saw.
Grant Morrison - Yay or Nay?Nay.
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