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And the Oscar Goes To...

God DAMMIT, I knew that Shane Douglas would unleash the zombie apocalypse one of these days.  He is just the worst.  At least we've got Roddy Piper and Jim Duggan on our side.


  1. I wonder if this will ever even see the light of day. I follow the b-horror movie scene pretty closely and if I'm not mistaken, this was supposed to have been released in 2012. They keep pushing it back.

    Either way, sounds like a total shitfest. Count me in.

  2. Hacksaw smashing heads in with a 2X4 is worth the ticket price alone.

  3. 2x4s don't run out of bullets, tough guy! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! USA! USA! USA!

  4. Haha, Douglas billed himself as "Franchise".
    Sure thing Shane. You keep telling yourself that.


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