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BoD Evening Update

Daniel Bryan Plans for the Royal Rumble Match?

At no point was Bryan considered as a participant for the Rumble match.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Vince and HHH's Reaction to Crowd Noise from the Rumble?

Vince and HHH both acknowledged the noise backstage. However, there are no current plans to change their WrestleMania plans as a result.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Who Put Together the Rumble Match?

Jamie Noble was the agent for the Rumble match. They did not go through the match until 6:00pm last night, with some wrestlers stating that they could have done a better job if they had went through the spots earlier in the day.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Acknowledged it with a "NERDS!" and quiet confidence that Cleveland would be well behaved the next night, lol.

  2. That's what I think will happen.

  3. Just as I thought. This is like 2012 all over again.
    However, it's WWE's fault for putting themselves in a corner.

  4. Also, if true, those stories REALLY make the JRs and Lance Storms and Jimmy Korderases look brilliant with the "just keep waiting, it's not over yet!" stuff.

  5. How fitting that Flair chide the crowd last night for daring not be on the side of Christista.

  6. The weather is so cold, WWE will have a empty arena. They could just pipe in the sounds they want.

  7. I think that the machine has realized that they can keep cockteasing the fans for eternity.

    It's time for fans to go full Malcolm X. Violence is the only answer. A riot will accomplish what a million YES! chants cannot.

    How bad do you want it, WWE Universe?

  8. They can't wrestle if they can't walk

  9. Oh dear god. They're seriously going to just bury their heads in the sand on this? SERIOUSLY?

    Okay folks, get ready. I'm calling it now: garbage will litter the ring very shortly.

  10. JEEEZUS,they can't be that stupid,fuck Batista,gives us our generation's champion:Daniel Bryan

  11. I bet Vince made D-Bry a mix tape with this on it

  12. I think I'll stick in NJPW only for a while.

  13. Cleveland is an obedient city, they won't do anything. WrestleMania on the other hand....

  14. Let's just let it play out and see where it goes.

  15. I hope you are joking, otherwise, even tire slashing marks from 80's Southern territories would think that you take wrestling too seriously.

  16. We need a raw in Philly or Chicago right away!

  17. We'll be the cooler headed fans watching the not so cool ones wreck stuff.

  18. it goes for the bottom of the pit.

  19. First, is RAW at a smark heavy city tonight? Could we get another rabid crowd tonight? Also how long, if ever, does it take for the fans to just stop caring about D Bry or at least just chant for him in his own matches and forget about chanting during other segments?

  20. The worst type of embarrassment.

  21. See you in two hours!

  22. Nope,Cleveland is calm.We need Philly or Chicago.

  23. It's Cleveland so no, the cold weather we're having could push people away. Things will be "back to normal" sadly.

  24. Rikidozan was stabbed to death by a fan. Bobby Heenan was shot at during a match. Ric Flair lost the NWA World Title in the Dominican Republic because of a riot.

    Wrestling fans USED to take wrestling VERY seriously. And they got results.

  25. WHAT Rikidozan stabbed?

  26. Yeah, but I'm not going. Just watching on TV.

  27. That stinks, but who knows maybe some that watched the Rumble will pick it up from there and get the rest of the crowd fired up.

  28. I hope they prove me wrong.

  29. We're pretty bad to be honest. Which is surprising considering 90% of the city blindly supports a football team with no hope.

  30. Oh come on, man. Go! Be the first to toss garbage at Batista!

  31. And a Baseball team, and a Basketball team.

  32. Last night there were a bunch of other Clevelanders so maybe they'll be taking it to Raw tonight.

  33. I feel we could rewrite "The Taking of Triple H" and just replace Chris Benoit with Daniel Bryan and it would work.

  34. Scream "Steroids"

  35. The Cavs and Indians have a better chance of being successful than the Browns do.

  36. Hey, Tribe won 92! Next year will probably revert back to 80

  37. On December 8, 1963, while partying in a Tokyo nightclub, Rikidōzan was stabbed with a urine-soaked blade by a man named Katsuji Murata who belonged to the ninkyō dantai (Yakuza) Sumiyoshi-ikka. Reportedly, Rikidōzan threw Murata out of the club and continued to party, refusing to seek medical help. [3] Another report states that Rikidōzan did indeed see his physician shortly after the incident, and was told the wound was not serious. He died a week later of peritonitis on December 15. It is rumored by Kimura that his murder was in retaliation for when Rikidozan attacked Kimura during a wrestling match, after Kimura delivered an errant kick to Rikidozan's groin, ignoring a pre-match arrangement and attacking Kimura for real. [

  38. So it was the piss that killed him essentially?

    He might of survived had it not been soaked in urine.

  39. I wish the Browns would move again.

  40. Pittsburgh isn't exactly a smark-haven. The Bryan thing has at least partially transcended the "Internet nerds only!" thing, even if the Internet would have you believe otherwise.

  41. Well that was graphic, let's talk about Brody.

  42. And yes, that Rumble could have been booked so much better. Why not bring Patterson back for one weekend to book the Rumble match?

  43. And a Price is Right host.

  44. The only reason that the crowd was that way was because it was a Big 4 PPV.

    Any other PPV, they probably wouldn't of given a shit.

  45. Maybe we could start a #CutForDanielBryan campaign, until he wins the world title!!

  46. Sooo...only smarks spend money to attend the second biggest event of the year? Seems unlikely.

  47. Maybe everyone is pissed off with the weather and ready to cut loose.

  48. 4chan really is filled with the worst kind of people.

  49. Funny thing,a friend of mine watched the rumble and thought it was excellent,he hates Bryan and was happy about big dave winning.

  50. First class psychos

  51. Someone is watching too much ECW.

  52. What caused this to happen, Bryan's joining then leaving the Wyatt's, or them announcing Bastia's return before the Rumble. I don't think the world would be that mad if WWE did that.

  53. I was obviously kidding, but yep, I sometimes worry about how seriously some here are taking this. Makes me wonder how far they'll go. Let's all remember that it's just a Wrestling show, people!

  54. Usually I exercise to take my mind off of things that have been annoying me. But this is a DDP Yoga week, which doesn't help when the annoyance is wrestling.

  55. I thought they hated Batista in Brazil.

  56. At least DDP is a positive thing. And completely unaffiliated with what's going on in WWE.

  57. Oh yeah, I obviously knew you were kidding but I'll see things on reddit mention something 4chan has done or is doing and it's always something that makes me cringe. I think I went to the site years ago and never went back.

  58. I think it was a combination of factors. Not all them were about Daniel Bryan. It also had to do with being forced to see ANOTHER Cena/Orton match. And then Batista embarrassed himself out there last night when he was sloppy with almost everything he did, and then was gassed far too early.

  59. He loves the guy and Ryback too,he's got the Vince fetish.

  60. Vince likes guys who like what he likes.

  61. Well maybe you, Scott and Jesse Baker can go kidnap HHH. I would keep an eye on Baker though, he'll probably rape Hunter with his massive dick.

  62. Lacing the weapon was a common tactic. In his book, Bobby Heenan talks about a wrestler that got stabbed in the leg with a knife that was soaked in pig fat. The resulting infection was a far bigger problem than the stab wound.


  64. Fuck getting out of that garage.

  65. Bookers have ALWAYS ignored the will of the fans. Your forefathers were just a bit more forceful in taking what they wanted.

  66. If they wanted to play off last night, I believe the move to make would be to have HHH find a reason to move the title match up and Do Batista vs. Randy Orton at EC while the Chamber match itself is done to determine the Wrestlemania challenger. HHH turns on Orton to make Batista the new Authority endorsed champ and Bryan wins EC. Given the audience response last night, the heat would be off the charts in a Batista vs. Bryan match for the World tilte. Orton can be the Wyatt's next victim, leading to an unlikely alliance handicap match: Cena and Orton vs. The Wyatts, or they could do Cena vs. Orton vs. Bray triple threat.

  67. Are you fucking nuts? No Penis Provided might be more your speed.

  68. That site sure gets under some people's skins, eh?? I swear that there's more free advertising of it here than anywhere else on the net.

  69. Safe bet no one is cutting themselves. I don't give a fuck about No Penis Provided. Scotsman paid for this site, the whole thing is a work.

  70. I just made a joke, and you seem incredibly upset about it. I'll just... quietly walk away now...

  71. I found the NPP stuff amusing for a few days but then got bored wit it. They talk about us, eh, I don't care.

  72. I'm not upset bro, I actually used to like some of Scotsmans stuff, I' was a huge Wrestleline fan.

  73. The original was bad enough

  74. You guys have the Miz!

  75. I'll drop it right after this, but I just find it funny how I see the site mentioned here several times a day. Like it's totally eating people alive that another site is making fun of them. I believe you when you say it doesn't bother you, but others... It's pretty amazing.

  76. I'd say that Jesse Baker is Anakin (he's the one who anally raped HHH), Zanatude is Y2J, and Scooter is... well...

  77. I'm the most excited for Raw as I have been in months...for all the wrong reasons

  78. I know we're all very annoyed right now, but maybe the best thing to do is just live well. Focus on cultivating a satisfying existence in which you realize that the events which take place on a professional wrestling program ultimately have no bearing in the greater scheme of your existence. Be charitable and loving towards those around you; feed your intellect; nurture your spirit. In doing these things you will find yourself insulated from the foolhardy choices made by an arrogant "entertainment" promoter. This is what I plan to do, at least.

    Ah, who am I kidding. I'll probably kick a whole in my TV set and unleash a torrent of profanity laced Tweets after Raw tonight.

  79. Ask Mick Foley if you can borrow his brick.

  80. Had Batista been a surprise he'd have been the second most over guy on the show. Announcing him ahead of time (or letting it leak, whatever) was a massive misstep and has destroyed any chance of him working as a face right now.

  81. Naah, the boom period is over, so when you have a big name returning, you advertise the hell out of it. The days of "We must watch every show just in case something big happens" are over a decade gone.

  82. Respectfully disagree. I think had they kept Batista a surprise, they'd have popped last week's rating tonight (as he was only onscreen for seven or eight minutes in the Rumble and didn't promo or interact with anyone important), and still had a pretty good rating last week on the strength of the Bryan/Wyatt segment the week before.

  83. He was probably too busy having a foursome with Nidia, Billy gunn and Torrie Wilson.

  84. Everything he suggested probably made too much sense.

  85. I support said football team and am from St. Louis. Sometimes it's just hopeless. At least I'm from a good wrestling city, and with people here obsessed with baseball I can enjoy rasslin' with little blowback.

  86. They're the ones voicing their opinions.



  88. Was his username pik?

  89. My idea on how to fix the Bryan/Batista thing: Tonight on Raw, have HHH cut a promo acknowledging the controversy. He says Bryan was scheduled for the Rumble but at the last second a better wrestler was cleared and took his spot, and he introduced Sheamus.

    Fast forward to 30, Bryan beats Sheamus in 18 seconds. Fans love it but are kinda bummed they don't get more of Bryan. Orton/Batista closes. Fans shit all over like Cena/Orton last night. End of the match. Bryan runs in and lays out both guys with knees and steals the titles. Thunderous YES! chant. In the chaos, Batista wins.

    Next night on Raw, Batista vs Bryan in a ladder match for the titles at Extreme Rules is set up. Bryan goes over. Give him until Summerslam to prove himself, if he doesn't, you can take the title off him.

  90. He's *got* one job - fall guy for the decision Size Queen Vince made.


  92. True - if we eat less sugar and get more cardiovascular exercise, we'll be able to boo Vince longer and louder!

  93. Tonight the WWE will officially change his name to Dumbiel Brainless and he's going to have to start wrestling with his hair spiked into a red Mohawk.

  94. "Vince and HHH both acknowledged the noise backstage. However, there are no current plans to change their WrestleMania plans as a result."

    Man, if these guys were running the company back in 1997, Austin wouldn't have won the Rumble in 1998 and somehow Triple H would have.

  95. Look at the reaction he got after turning on Bray. That wasn't smarks.

  96. I know people like that. Doesn't matter how terrible someone is in the ring, if they are big and look tough, they cheer for them to win. Luckily that type of fan wasn't the majority at the Rumble.

  97. Actually, Jesse is Anakin, Y2Q is Caliber and who would Scooter be now? I'm being serious, who would fill the role of the leader and not Scott Keith as he seems to have moved on and lives a pretty good life.

  98. So the "casuals" buy tickets to the event but then don't cheer?

  99. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 27, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    'Vince and HHH both acknowledged the noise backstage.'

    i.e., "dont they know that they're not behaving the way they're supposed to be behaving? they're all grounded!"

  100. You guys all suck. I'm selling for jobber but her my buy. Booger sugar. ..scheck....

  101. The idea that there's no room for surprises anymore is absurd. Might as well argue that the WWE should publish the results of Raw before the show goes live.

  102. Man they sure do hire random people for prominent positions. Does Kidman still have Briscoe's old job? I'm not speaking on their job performance, just the fact that you wouldn't think those guys would be in charge of important stuff.

  103. I dunno. No telling who has the mind for the biz just based on their matches

  104. Like you wouldn't want in on that.

  105. BREAKING NEWS: Major match that determines direction of the company booked on a napkin two hours before airtime. Also, sky blue and bears shit in woods. More at 11.

  106. Just as long as it's not more at 411


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