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Night After WrestleMania Crowd

> Over the last couple of years, we've seen that the die hard fans who have traveled from all over to come to WrestleMania stick around for the following night's Raw.
> If the Royal Rumble was a harsh lesson in crowd psychology, what the hell are we going to get the night after WrestleMania if anybody but Daniel Bryan walks into that building with the WWE Title?



  1. SmarkMania III is going to be epic when Bryan rolls in off that huge 9:30 win against Sheamus.

  2. Is it really Smarkageddon at this point or just straight up regular Fanageddon? That's what I feel like everyone is writing off with the Bryan reactions: these aren't "smarks" anymore, or a small pocket of fans in certain cities.

  3. No, I'M Smarkacus!

  4. Or that huge 10 second loss against Sheamus the night before, if HHH is feeling particularly vindictive that week.

  5. "I know how to get Sheamus over! If he beats that Indy Geek Bryan, it'll prove he's better than Bryan, and all of Bryan's fans will start cheering Sheamus! It didn't work last time because Bryan was a heel, so he didn't have any fans to steal. Brilliant!" - HHH Logic

  6. I think the segment of wrestling fans who use the internet and are exposed to 'smarky' ideas is larger than most give it credit for. Not everybody on the internet waxes poetically about it on message boards or even reads newz sites, but look at Mick Foley with half a million followers on Twitter. The majority of Facebook page comments are garbled nonsense, but a good amount of the more highly voted, and thus more visible, ones are well-written opinions. A lot of people are now at least getting exposed to smarky concepts instead of only viewing pro-wrestling on a surface level. There will always be the young kid+dutiful parent contingent at shows, but the rest of the fanbase is only going to get smarkier, and the rebellious crowds will be more and more common.

  7. It should be a fun train wreck to watch.

  8. If I was more talented I'd make a Smarkageddon youtube vid with Armageddon/The End theme song.


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