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Oh Great, Now Punk Is Jealous...

Punk decided to take his ball and go home, obviously jealous of all the attention that Bryan has been getting here on the blog as of late.

WE STILL LOVE YOU TOO, PHIL!  C'mere, big guy, let's hug it out.

I bet HHH is walking around Stamford right now being all "Fuck, I was gonna put him over at Wrestlemania so huge, too.  Oh well, his loss."  


  1. I'm not a member, anyone want to sum up what it says?


  3. It sucks that he's gone but he's been pretty banged up and miserable for the past eternity, so I think it's good for him in the long road. Hopefully one day he can get his body right and rediscover his love for the business, but for now, he needs a break.

  4. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 28, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    lolol wot indy solidarity?!

  5. His body is completely banged up and they came up with the idea of trotting him out for the Rumble at #1 and making him go 45+ minutes for an angle that they could have easily done in 5. Gee, I wonder why he's upset?

  6. He told Vince he was going home, and left, and is off all the shows for the foreseeable future.

  7. Pretty much pulled a Stone Cold...

  8. Holy shit, that serious? There has to be more to it that Bryan.

  9. I didn't watch Raw on Monday and was waiting on Scott's review. Was he on there?

  10. This is just setting up Punk vs Beadle at Mania....

  11. Sounds like Bryan is getting Punk's WM spot. I'd be pissed too, although really Punk could use 5 months off anyway.

  12. Wow! That fucking sucks. Just wow. This is not a good thing

  13. I can kinda see what he'd be so upset. The one thing he wanted to do was main event Mania. Probably frustrating watching guys like Batista and Orton shit the bed in that spot.

  14. Punk has been really vocal past couple of years about wanting to main event a Mania so I can see he'd be pissed off.

  15. It is going to be really awkward seeing KENTA using the GTS on Raw in 3 months.

  16. He had a streak match last year. That's basically a main event at this point.

  17. It's professional wrestling. Whom among the regulars is not perpetually "pretty banged up"?

    Jef Vinson coming in to give his unique take on Punk being "banged up" in 3...2...

  18. Inspired by Ultimate Warrior!

    ...come to think of it, has anybody ever seen Warrior and Phil Brooks in the same place at the same time?

  19. I mean like a legit, closing the show match. Punk has done a ton of interviews over the past couple years saying that is the only thing left for him to do.

  20. Its a slap in the face to let Batista waltz in and main event wrestlemania. I really hope this gets worked out.

  21. So Kane broke CM Punk's spirit?

    "Good job! Here, see what you can do about this Daniel Bryan guy now!"

  22. Yea, but he's won MITB twice, retained the WWE Title in a match and was in a streak match. Not much to complain about.

    He could always take a month off, skip EC and come in for the buildup.

  23. Unless it is an angle, it probably won't. He'll come back in like 2 years for a huge Mania payday against whoever the hot act is.

  24. I obviously mean banged up beyond the usual conditions for a wrestler....

  25. "If you don't want to be here, then get the E out!"

  26. So maybe they have been putting that off so he wont retire....

  27. For what, another "main event" mid card match?

  28. The irony would be delicious.

  29. Rumor has it he didnt want to put Hogan over at Mania.....

  30. And it comes after two years of The Rock waltzing in and main eventing Wrestlemania. Is there even any incentive left for their full-time guys anymore?

  31. Oh, this is definitely Punk's way of turning into a part timer.

  32. Did he walk out before the HHH match got killed or after?

  33. It was bound to happen. Someone was going to get frustrated and quit.

  34. Even he admitted the Rock coming back was good for the business...

  35. Why couldnt it be Orton?

  36. Don't know if the article said or not.

  37. "If you're in this business for anything more than money, you're a fool!" - Gorilla Monsoon

  38. Cm punk:Wwe timeline 2011 coming soon lol. Seriously though the internet will break if punk does a shoot interview.

  39. Probably because Orton likes making money, and he isn't a total mark for himself.

  40. Another Mania with him wrestling in the first hour in a match nobody remembers and I can see him quitting. But he has the title and a spot this year.

  41. He'd be the guy to do it, too. It would have to be the guy that gives zero fucks.

  42. He'll just shit in their bag and move on

  43. Main eventing Mania=makes the most money.

  44. Why? He's got his own bus, he can rest up better than over 90% of the roster.

  45. Shame on CM Punk for having emotions and pride in his work!

  46. CM Punk lost his smile.

  47. Punk is kind of a mark for himself, his effort in the Rumble was akin to Gail Kim in that Raw battle royale....

  48. All Punk has to do is tell Vince he isn't coming back until he is promised the main event of Mania. It worked with Rock and Batista.

  49. Bam Bam Bigelow would disagree....

  50. Not a member. Using context clues from the comments, I surmise Punk "took his ball and went home". That sucks because he's one of the best parts of the show but it seems his heart hasn't been in it for a while.

  51. Rock is getting the main event because he's The Rock

  52. Wrestling = makes more money than not wrestling

  53. Punk has been complaining and whining for months on Twitter and has been pretty sloppy and disinterested in the ring so if this is all legit, then he can take his ball and go home.

    However, there is a chance this could all be a masterful troll job on the IWC and we're heading towards another Summer of Punk type deal.

  54. If he was still wrestling HHH, than he is wrestling in one of the biggest matches on the show. He had to know about Big Dave's deal long before the Rumble. And I get the feeling, unless they are total sadists, Batista-Orton isn't closing

  55. And no matter how much folks love Punk, he isnt and will never be the Rock....

  56. This is what happens when the idiotic daughter and doofus son-in-law run the show, even before Vince McMahon's dead.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:22 AM

    I heard that he got pulled from Raw and all the house shows this week, I guys this explains why. Can't say I really blame him, and he could use the rest anyway.

  58. I dont think this is a troll job, dude looks uninterested and the final straw was a match against a shirtless Kane....

  59. I dunno about that. I can definitely see Punk becoming washed up and shell of his former self.

  60. I have the disturbing feeling this is a work. Dunno why, but seeing as the WWE alledgedly wants a massive YES chant at WM, this could be some plan to bring out Punk as surprise cavalry after Trips skullrushes Bryan with a sledgehammer or something. Or maybe this is a career move. Maybe I'm wrong, but man..........

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:24 AM

    I'm not a Punk fan by any means, but that quote is awesome.

  62. Rock doesnt look washed up when it comes to making money....

  63. Feeling nostalgic for the days when it was Punk that broke the interwebs.

  64. If this was most anyone else I'd probably be killing them over pulling this. We'd have a conniption if Orton or someone pulled this.

  65. No, but he did it all the ways it mattered to me. I don't work for WWE, buyrates mean fuck all to me.

  66. "We'd have a celebration if Orton or someone pulled this."


  67. That's kinda what bothers me, if its an internet darling like Punk or a Stone Cold, its fine, but if Hogan or HHH did this they would be destroyed for it...

  68. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    here's the thing with big dave taking the rumble win/WM main: if he has it in his contract, then OK, fine, we'll give him that

    but why does it have to be THIS YEAR? why right away? wrestling's biggest booms have been based on capturing the zeitgeist, and the overness of people like punk and dbry has been in place way before they probably even started negotiating with batista, so it makes no sense to throw away the potential on some guy who for all anyone knows has gone to complete shit in the time since he's been gone, while dbry and punk and proven themselves on a consistent basis all along

  69. You just got booked to wrestle the entire Rumble, then get tossed out by the 18th ranking clown in the back with one arm, while wearing dress slacks.

    I would have walked out too. BEFORE the Rumble.

  70. It'd be a lot different if Punk did this on the eve of the Rumble or 30.

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:27 AM

    imagine if punk had screwed wwe over by allowing himself to be eliminated early in the rumble as a big "fuck you" to whoever he's pissed at

  72. Imagine what? It'd be stupid.

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:28 AM

    If HHH did this the smark community would probably rejoice.

  74. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:28 AM

    And on his DVD, he pretty much blasted management for putting Miz on THE main event at WM without doing the things he did, esp. since Punk was a white-hot heel with the SES schtick.

  75. Rock came back for the fans and to put over Cena, he makes 20 million a picture, he didnt need to come back....

    ...Rock was always a personal fav and I hated his WM 27 - 29 comeback, but it accomplished what they wanted it to as far as putting eyes on the product...

  76. Punk and Cena were even feuding in the months building to WrestleMania.

  77. Still not very professional though...

  78. Not only did Punk last 50 minutes, nearly the duration of the match, but the focus was nowhere near him once the ninth and tenth guys came in. Usually, the early entrants get the 'how is he STILL going?!' treatment from the announcers, while the crowd applauds their hanging on in near-eliminations.

    The focus went elsewhere, rendering the efforts of Punk quite futile. I'd forgotten he was even in the match at some points.

  79. Probably true, might be a bad example....

    ...its kinda same way the UT gets lauded for working one day a year and doesnt put anybody over, yet Rock was killed for not being there every week...

  80. Kinda like deja vu for me. In 2004, my favorite wrestler quit and I stopping watching for a long time. Now almost exactly 10 years later, the guy that brought me back is doing the same thing.

  81. Punk deciding to lie in the corner for 10 minutes didn't help matters.

  82. He was just laying around taking up space....

  83. The way he wrestled, combined with the way he was booked.....actually makes the walkout easy to believe.

    ....Which means there is no way this is a work. AND, the 10 rewrites make sense too.

  84. If you're gonna quit though, this is the best time and way to do it.

  85. I think Miz was given that spot because he was good at promoting the product on the talk show circuit...

    ...I dont like the Miz's in ring work but he was solid enough on the mic and in the charisma departments to do what they were looking for...

  86. In the middle stages? In his defense, I believe he did take a triple power bomb right before Sheamus came in, so he was actually selling a huge move, and taking a well deserved rest.

  87. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    I have a bigger problem with those 2 never putting anyone over. Except Cena, and God knows he needed the rub last year...

  88. Yeah, in all likelihood he probably already had one foot out the door at that point.

  89. I thought Sheamus saved him from the triple bomb

  90. I wish he would have done just like last year, and given his notice that he's taking a break after WM. Oh well. His career.

  91. Sucks we'll never hear the zero fucks given promos Punk would have cut on Trips.

  92. I honestly don't remember and the Rumble wasn't that long ago.

  93. The silver lining is that Kane has been freed up for a Team Hell No vs New Age Outlaws dream match.

  94. The cameras cut away. Camera work was terrible the entire night.

  95. I always wondered how many of you actually slept at night. Now I know.

  96. I actually can't confirm, it might have happened off camera. I just remember him being hoisted up, while Sheamus's music started playing. So I just assumed that they completed the move, then went after Sheamus.

  97. Dont see how the HHH match was killed, rumor has it Bryan was going to get added to the main event so the crowd wouldnt boo it out of the building....

    ...if that is the case, I could still see Punk/HHH going forward, unless he walked out because HHH was going over....

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    Somehow I bet the workers are going to get fucked over a bit on PPV payoffs with the network launching, wouldn't surprise me if that was a factor. Also wouldn't surprise me if a lot of other people feel the same way as Punk does about the entire company in general.

  99. And then bring him back early again and he gets even more burnt out.

  100. You'd think they focus on a move as protected as the Triple PowerBomb. That thing has reached Warrior Gorilla Press Slam levels of protection.

  101. He mentioned that in his interview with Ariel.

  102. Wonder if AJ gets heat from this....

  103. We sleep about as much as Punk does.

  104. *ominous voice*


  105. Rock has done plenty of jobs in the past....

  106. If Punk stays gone post-WrestleMania, it could be real slim pickings.

  107. I'll sleep when Im dead.....

  108. Hell, Punk has probably been curled up with Vicodin for the last 2 days. Never slept better.

  109. Yep, on 2 occasions, he was brought back way early during a break. This time, he should just say no until he's 100% ready.

  110. Creative: So Punk, we want to talk about your Wrestlemania match.

    Punk: Yeah, I know. I'm facing HHH.

    Creative: Well, HHH has suggested it would be better for business if he went over because......

    :Punk walks out the door:

  111. I'd say Punk's lost his smile, but you can only have a smile with a Coke.

  112. "Pick a Bingo Ball"
    "Um, O-74"

    (Walks out)

  113. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:42 AM

    And he's done 1 since WM27. And I couldn't even tell you when Taker last jobbed.

  114. Not a banner week for the brain trust. First the Batista debacle, and then their second biggest star walks out. I've been a fan of HHH behind the scenes, but this isn't his finest moment.

  115. Creative: Hold on Punk, we have another idea for Mania that the fans want...

    Punk: ...ugh, now what...

    Creative: 2 words....Kevin Nash.....

  116. This is the fan's fault. This is our penance. We want Daniel Bryan? We lose CM Punk.

  117. HHH gets the blame for Punk being a quitter?! Yeah, that makes sense...

  118. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    "then their second biggest star"

    with cena/batista/orton/hhh tied for #1 in wwe's mind

  119. It's a classic case of the inmates running the asylum shit that Scott pointed out in his book eleven damn years ago. Nobody's gonna break the glass ceiling as long as HHH's buddies can get their paychecks, dammit! God, the company's lack of upward mobility is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  120. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    I work nights, didn't even get home until 12:30. And I'm off tomorrow and it's going to be WAY to damn cold to do anything, so it doesn't really matter how late I stay up.

  121. Punk did stupid shit in the indies and wrecked his body. He's also in no way a natural athlete.

  122. Yeah, it is his responsibility to make sure his stars are happy.

  123. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:45 AM

    What about him?

  124. Taker jobbed to Jericho at the Chamber in 2010

  125. Last time Taker jobbed was to him.

  126. In all honestly, I think Punk has a ton of sour grapes over Batista coming back and being handed a title shot at WM. We know how frustrated he was about the Rock and Miz getting a title shot. Even though I think Punk has had other issues - basically the way he's been booked since he's come back - but Batista getting the title shot probably broke the camels' back.

  127. But in the end the guy that needs all the blame is Vince, HHH and Steph have plenty of power but it still comes down to Vince...

  128. What, do you want Punk to keep going until he's a quivering mass of misery? We constantly see guys who keep holding onto the business until they're a complete mess and [rightfully] condemn them for not having a spine. Why is Punk a "quitter" for getting out of a terrible situation for himself after years of frustration?

  129. Honestly, I am up laughing at all the coverage of Atlanta people sleeping on the roads tonight. (See you in hell)

  130. Wasnt that more of a fluke due to HBK?

  131. This is how you deal with Vince. Now that Warrior is back, there's pretty much no incentive to play by the McMahon's rules if you're a name.

  132. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:48 AM

    yea, i was gonna say. hbk popped up from underneath the chamber and superkicked taker, allowing jericho to take the pin and the title. it was hbk's way of finally forcing taker to face him in a wm rematch

  133. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:48 AM

    Really? That's... not the name I was expecting. It also furthers my point, these part timers should be putting over the current generation (except Cena) and trying to make new stars, not jobbing to each other.

    This topic has been beaten into the ground already, I'll just stop now.

  134. Vince still probably has final say on some things but HHH is also doing a lot of shit on his own. If he is taking credit for bringing guys back, he should take the blame when they leave.

  135. Yeah HBK facilitated the process but a win is a win.

  136. It all depends why he is quitting though, if its due to health, he should take a break and heal up and not be in fear of losing his spot...

    ...but if its due to somebody getting a main event spot or him losing, then he is acting like a bitch....

  137. Why he should he take the blame if its not on him though?

  138. Yeah, because wanting more money makes you a bitch.

  139. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:50 AM

    "if fans start to chant for CM Punk's name at shows"

    i could see it happening, even if its started by a minority of fans. others in the arena might pick up, "hey, we *havent* seen punk in a while! ...dafuq?!"

  140. Honestly, the man seemed almost bored and lacking in any real motivation and energy during the rumble. I think the whole AJ/Beadle thing, working a heavy schedule hurt since last summer and his disatisfaction over storylines/his character direction has defeated the man. If he is gone, I'll be truly bummed out, no shame in saying even in the midst of all this Daniel Bryan madness, Punk is still my favourite active wrestler and Wrestlemania will take a huge hit with his absence, but the man has constantly said he doesn't want to do this at 40, so I've always expected the guy to be retired around this point in time. In two short years he's done all that he's wanted to do in the business and then some.

    Although heres hoping Vince can sort it out and give him a lesser schedule.

  141. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    Wow, my memory of that period is totally shot. I thought Shawn won that match to earn the right to get Taker at WM. Why can I remember shit that happened when I was a kid with perfect clarity, but pretty much nothing that goes on in wrestling today? Actually, never mind, I know the answer to that question.

  142. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    Good for him, these guys don't leverage themselves at all.... well, Rock may have, but we'll never know what actually happened with him, because they can't afford him to be mad.

    Figured something was up when they pretty much erased him on Raw.

  143. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:52 AM

    He's buddies with Batista. Maybe they told him his big feud was with Kane and he decided that his downside sounded good.

  144. It is on all 3 of them. But I signaled out HHH because he is the one who probably brought Batista back.

  145. Funny thing is the HBK interference stands out more than Jericho pinning Taker....

    ...I knew HBK interfered but I couldnt have told ya who beat Taker in that match....

  146. I thought it was in a six man loss to The Shield?

  147. We'd say the same thing last year or next year. There will always be someone else getting fucked over, some "zeitgeist" getting ignored. The Batista thing was always going to happen, their job is to make it somewhat palatable for fans, which they haven't done so thus far.

  148. He beat the Shield(their first loss ever I think) but they laid him out afterwards to write him off tv.

  149. At this point, I just figured Punk quit because he had enough hidden sex tapes of Diva's to finance 16 retirements.

    Double that for a Michelle McCool video.

  150. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    not necessarily *that* reason. it could also be due to the primacy/recency effect. your early memories will always be early memories, so they're presumably more firmly entrenched.

    as time goes on, though, stuff moves from being recent to somewhere in the past but not way back (primacy), so they degrade over time in favor of more recent events, themselves which will degrade over time, etc etc

  151. Even if it was HHH that brought back Batista, that was a business move....

    ...A returning star makes the event seem more special...

    ...while I like Punk better than Batista, maybe they see Batista as having better star power...

    ...doesnt mean its professional to pout and walk out because you arent in the main event of a worked sport....

  152. How is it not, the man at least waited until after his scheduled appearance at a ppv.

  153. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:55 AM

    These guys SHOULD leverage themselves. They work a bajilion dates and have to fly around the world like circus animals and so many of them exist in a vacuum of pointlessness. Of course the flip side is that they devalue all of them so much they can't leverage themselves, but I digress.

  154. Well maybe Punk shouldve been as smart as Batista and negotiated a WM main event into his deal back when his contract was up....

    ...walking out is a bitch move though....

  155. It was a dumb business move, that is my point. It is even dumber move if it causes a bigger star to leave. And it might be a worked sport, but they don't get paid worked money.

  156. He said he was fine with it, personally i don't believe him either, but i'll go with that until he says otherwise.

  157. Batista did the smart thing and got out for awhile and it got to the point where they needed him instead of the other way around...

    ...when that happens, you can name your terms...

  158. The Shield won the 6-Man. Taker beat Ambrose on SmackDown.

  159. There is definitely gonna be massive Punk chants at 30 and the night after.

  160. I don't know. It was a hell of an angle.

  161. But it's just a very myopic thing to do that will only "help" in the short term. What's really going to be accomplished by having the main event scene being taken over by a guy who hasn't wrestled in four years so that the guys who have been atop the glass ceiling for an eternity can jerk each other off in the main event? It's keeping their fresh talent from becoming superstars, kills morale, and sends the message that their current crop of guys can't stack up to the returning 45 year old.

  162. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:59 AM

    Well, the difference is Batista is working the circus circuit while Brock gets to beat people with chairs for $150K and then go home, so Batista needs to work on his leveraging skills.

  163. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:59 AM

    *That* reason being the fact that I'm usually pretty buzzed when watching wrestling (unless I'm reviewing it), or the fact that wrestling is creatively bankrupt (I just want to point out that that isn't just shitting on WWE, ROH is in a creative funk of their own right now) that there's very few memorable things these days?

  164. Punk probably likes to earn things. He is weird like that.

  165. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:59 AM

    Why is that? He's got 4-5 months left and he's hurt, so he can collect his downside and merch and sit at home.

  166. The new (new [new {new}]) plan for Mania seems to be Bryan/HHH.

    Because, whatever happens, the COO needs his Wrestlemania bonus, yo.

  167. That's a matter of opinion though, Punk might be a bigger star to you, others might see Batista as bigger....

    ...he obviously popped a decent rating and have doing this kinda thing at Mania for awhile now... far as worked money goes, Punk signed his deal, nobody made him take it....

  168. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:00 AM

    LOL. It's funny because it's true.

  169. I'm posting so much because I'm so excited to have someone else to talk about other than Bryan.

  170. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:01 AM

    What's going on in Atlanta?

  171. Yeah, he said on his DVD that his biggest problem is he cares too much. He's not motivated purely by the money.

  172. It's pretty big news as well. Its a real gut punch.

  173. It isn't an opinion, it is a fact. If you think Batista is a bigger wrestling star than CM Punk, you have a belly button tattoo and might be slightly retarded.

  174. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    Well, you know this means Bryan inherits his push, so....

  175. A couple of inches of snow has everything in a frenzy. I'm in Statesboro and classes are cancelled for the next 2 days

  176. This isnt just about HHH's buddies though, this has always went on when it comes to Mania....

    ...its a special event and they feel returning stars make it seem that much better....

    ...they did it with Rock, Hogan, Warrior and countless others....

  177. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    Did Taker get pinned? I don't really consider it jobbing if your teammate takes the fall.

  178. Didnt look like he cared much during the Rumble....

  179. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:03 AM

    He no-sold it when the Bull showed up, though, he was in give no fucks mode in that match.

  180. Oh I don't know. That was meant for Cult not to mark the last time he jobbed. I think Jericho is the official answer.

  181. I remember this show quite well, Jesse was so damn good....

  182. I remember watching this & the crowd was rabid for anything Hogan. A punch, a finger point, a clothesline, anything. Piper too, for a time it was Hogan 1A and Piper 1B, he was that good heel or face. Crowds rarely get that worked up today, amazing what it takes for crowds to get that hot now. Hogan was just a monster WWF star. I don't care if it were 90 minutes of jobbers, if the crowd is that hot all the way through I'd watch anything. S.D. Jones vs Frency Martin main event.

  183. watched many of the SNMEs on Youtube, love all of them they are just fun.

  184. McMahon sure loves his hillbilly characters.


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