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Cucch's Book Review: "World Wrestling Insanity" by James Guttman.

I cannot wait to see HHH's page on the WWE Network...

For the better part of a decade and a half, most long time wrestling fans have maligned the product WWE serves them every week with a snide and scorn that most restaurant critics would have dishing out. When remembering the long since lost days of gladiators like Austin and Rock, Hogan and Savage, Flair and Steamboat, they tend to get a wistful, wet look in their eye, their lips purse and start trembling. Eventually, that melancholy subsides and a reddened, almost purple pallor takes over their faces. Its the look many smarks are used to. It is a look in this day in age that very much tells what type of fan you are dealing with. For instance, take these two very different conversations I have had in the past week.

The first was with a girl I haven't talked to since Elementary School...we are talking since 1992 for this old bastard. We have since reconnected because she had never seen any seasons of 24, and me and a friend of mine who are CONSTANTLY talking about it on facebook piqued her interest. Long story short, I mentioned I wrote some shit on 24 and she should check them out...which she did. She then asked why it was on a wrestling website. I explained to her that I happen to be a wrestling junkie and review books on this site. She replied something to the effect of "I love wrestling! Haven't watched in a long time though. I loved the storylines (yes, she actually used that term) and I loved HHH and Stephanie.

Well, I mention this to the other person she knows talking up the relative merits of Jack Bauer, and this kid happens to be a fan who tuned out in 2003. I mentioned the line and his response went to the effect of this: "Ugh. Doesn't she know that is the problem?"

That friend stopped watching WWE in early 2003. He immediately went into the military...

Now, I don't want to present things so purely black and white here. I am not saying that this girl was or is an authority on pro wrestling. She isn't, wasn't and will likely never be. Neither is my friend who made that latter statement...and no, WWE did not drive him to join the Armed Forces. I just liked the idea that the product WWE was foisting upon us in 03 was so bad that it COULD force a person to enlist. But what remains is that both of these people, who tuned out a decade ago, remembered Steph and Hunter. And that one of them remembers them as a good thing, while the other condemns them as all the WWE's problems, speaks to a huge issue that many of us on the Internet have been saying and debating for years. HHH is a problem. Stephanie is a problem.

"World Wrestling Insanity" by James Guttman, is a valuable tool to explain and chronicle those problems. I was never a fan of Guttman in the past, especially his Raw Reviews. When Scott checked out around the same time as my aforementioned friend, I searched far and wide for show reviews, because I TOO had ceased giving two pints of panther piss about what was going on. All I knew was it was shit TV where HHH was going to win at all costs. That's it. Just two years prior, 2001, WWE was on absolute cloud nine as a wrestling company, trampling its opposition, providing quality wrestling and intriguing angles (fuck storylines), and just absolutely setting the industry, and mass media, on its ear. It was a great time to be a fan.

It ended right after Mania 17. I pinpoint WWE's creative death right when HHH tore his quad in the infamously awesome Two Man Power Trip/Jericho/Benoit match on Raw. Right then and there, the then WWF as we knew it died.

I don't think any of us were quite prepared for what was to come.

James Guttman's book basically describes the descent into the depths of depravity WWE experienced from the time Triple H married Stephanie McMahon...for reals. He does make sure to mention, and rightfully so, that before marrying the Genetic Jackhammer's Billion Dollar Demon Seed, that HHH was already an established player on WWF cards, a legitimate money drawing main eventer. HHH's heel run in 2000 was one of the most awe inspiring things this fan has ever seen...especially seeing no one, NONE of us, saw it coming. In the year 2000, HHH forever solidified his place in the industry as the hottest heel since the heyday of Ric Flair and the Horsemen. HHH was, as Scott said that year (and has since regretted), GOD. Everything he touched turned to ****. He wrestled out of his mind that year. The Fully Loaded match with word man, that remains a thing of beauty to me. But the issue here, as Guttman raises, isn't whether HHH was or was not a star before marrying Bouncy McGee. Its about what he became AFTER marrying Stephchicles. He became the only star booked strongly...not just strongly, superhumanly. HHH went from main eventer to all knowing Master of the Universe following his McMarriage. Most of the text of the book is devoted to this, and Guttman, for the most part, is just spot on.

As far as HHH (or as I called him, Quad H during that point...I was dismayed Scott didn't pick up on that one; he instead referred to the newly returning 50 pound of lean muscle mass article as HHHH), the feuds Guttman breaks down are as follows: Kane, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin (sort of), Eugene, Randy Orton and Batista. And my word man...what a slaughterhouse. And I am not talking Sullivan's Slaughterhouse from 1989-90 WCW with Sullivan wearing a pure white apron with nary a stain on it. No, HHH SLAUGHTERED his competition with the power of several thousand atomic noogies. Kane? Kate Vick. IC Title. Lost Mask. Guttman wirtes with a fervor and passion on this one that is just electric to read. None of the shit made sense, probably the least sensical of  Quad H's feuds. Maybe. We all know the background. If not, read the book. NEXT.

Shawn Michaels, a man who had won the WWF title in 1996, the year after Hunter had DEBUTED there. They become best buds, HBK, through the sheer power of pleasing Vince or someone backstages' priapism, gets kliq buddy Hunter some shine. HBK has Karma shut a casket lid on his upper high asshole (well I am sure it had been stretched by that point), retires and it leads to HHH's big push, of which, as I said earlier, HHH EARNED. So HBK returns, more or less, for a one shot deal against best bud Hunter at SSlam 2002, where HBK walks away, after a just fucking incredible match, with his hand raised. Michaels decided the power of Christ compelled him to one more run, one that saw Michaels win the first ever Elimination Chamber match over five other superstars (notice the small "s"), each of whom could have used an HBRub. Or a HHRub. Yeah, we know that ain't happening. So WWE can't create new stars, so how about bringing in...

THE BIG BAD BOOTY DADDY! I might be in the minority here...but I HATED this Scott Steiner persona, both in WCW's waning days as a heel and as an inexpiable babyface in WWE. Arm wrestling contests. Push up contests. A match I saw live and in person at Royal Rumble 2003 that was so bad that I gave the following match, Benoit-Angle, the vaunted ********** rating, on the five star scale. NEXT!

The next HHH fodder...I mean opponent, was this big bald Jewish guy you may or may not have heard of. In 1998, while HHHis Excellency was arising to his eventual throne as the King of Kings (I am going to be hung for heresy once this review is over...I am just relaying the author's views...which coincide with my own...PLEASE DON'T KILL ME). Every fan knows how fucked the Goldberg-HHH angle was, and Guttman just details it. So let us just move on, shall we?

Chris Benoit. Eat it. Digest it. You will actually see and hear of his likeness on the WWE Network. Get over it. As a sidenote, I was right there with Scott...dude was my boy, and, for a time, the only fucking reason I watched WWE. Benoit wins the Rumble from slot 1, challenges Raw champ HHH for his title the next night...and for the next few weeks, in the build to Mania 20, is considered an afterthought to HHH and HBK, even though the two butt buddies had been feuding on and off since June of 2002. Think about that: HHH and HBK had a two year feud in a company that made its biggest mark with shock television and 2 minute microwavable insta-feuds. Were they trying to reeducate the audience? Absolutely. Just so long as they enjoyed the five minute Cruiserweight match with more athleticism than Ben Johnson after several swigs of water as opposed to Shawn and Hunter hitting *ONE MOVE* and selling it for six minutes. Gag. Nauseating. Give me the tainted water, please. Anyway, most hardcore fans feared Shawn or Hunter walking away from, at that point, the biggest Mania ever, with the Gold, but fans were treated to a transcendent event where Benoit, clearly the crowd favorite (is this sounding currently familiar to anyone?) tapped Trips clean in the middle, resulting in a scene that most hardcore fans simultaneously love, cherish and, unfortunately, revile to this day: Eddie and Benoit embracing, both champions, with Chris bloodily clutching his young adoring son Daniel lovingly, as well as Nancy. UGH. I need a chaser to this...

(Watching Jimmy Snuka kill Don Muraco off the cage in 83 on WWE Network). Phew, better. That Snuka, pure class...

It all brings us to Mania 21. Now, HHH buried some folks, but Guttman hits the nail right on Austin's Symbolic Ritual Cruci...nailing.  Right on the hand...I mean head. HHH, who had the power and intelligence to elevate anyone, ANYONE, had over three years to do it. Who did he put over? In the long run, NO ONE. I will not attempt to run with the Orton angle here, as Randy overcame to become one half of the worst Mania main event ever (as we know it right now).

Guttman then goes into diatribes about the Diva Search, Tough Enough, Heidenreich, Snitsky, all that gulag of great shit WWE was offering at that point. Those are the better parts of the book and, as anyone who follows my shit here knows, I do not ruin those. Read them yourselves. But do yourself a service: Read World Wrestling Insanity. You may avoid some of those dudes who chased Kane in the 99 Rumble. Me? I am beyond redemption.

Until the next time, I will enjoy my rubber room...


  1. I know Shawn tried to do the whole Tommy Dreamer thing and refused to win the title when it was handed to him in his second run, but does Shawn regret winning the title at Survivor Series 02?

  2. This book sounds horrific.

    Also HHH put over Batista big time.

  3. I liked the two stories at the start - very interesting - here's someone who enjoys wrestling on it's kind of 2nd level (Fake entertainment) and then someone who seemed to take it from the 3rd level (Fake entertainment where we care about the stuff 'behind the scenes), and it seems that second level fan seemed a little more benevolent toward the product. Interesting.

  4. He put him over, but I wouldn't say big time.

  5. Jobbed to him at three straight PPVs. HIAC he put him over like a God.

  6. Well that's where it gets a little murky, HHH did indeed put him over strong in HIAC, but then Batista suddenly moved to Smackdown and they decided to push Cena as their #1 guy. It just seems the usual HHH type bullshit, where he agrees to job but somehow Hulk Hogan's his way so he gets the last laugh at the end.

  7. I haven't finished reading this yet but I had to say, for that girl, its one thing to "love" hhh and Stephanie in 1999. Its another to love this act 15 years later. If you had told me back then this would still be the focal point in 2014 I would have probably tapped out then and there.

  8. Also the fuck is it that cucch can watch the fucking network and I can't. This is so unfair.

  9. You need to read Guttman's follow-up "Shoot First and Ask Questions Later" where he openly admits how he was talking out of his ass with this book. After a few years of doing a wrestling radio show, he realized that almost everything we fans think we "know" about the business is all crap and talks about how Vince really does care for his guys, not the total bastard of this book. Pretty good in eye-opening and something I keep in mind as he talks about how he had the classic mentality of "do as I say and WWE is rolling in gold" but now knows the business is nowhere near that easy.

  10. Is this book really worth reading? Does he offer any information or perspective on the time frame I'm not aware of?

  11. Smackdown Spoilers are interesting. They're definitely going to find a way to add Bryan to that title match.

  12. No! I will not hope again, lol. To phrase it another way, I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel. I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor. Illusion never changed into something real, I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn. You dig?

  13. Yeah, I read that one, but not this.

  14. I hate you.

    Not because of what you wrote. But because what you wrote got that fucking song stuck in my head. So yeah. it's because of what you wrote.


  15. What's your issue with homosexuality?


    Not because of what you wrote. But because what you wrote got the best and brightest moments of Hollywood Dave stuck in MY head and the comparison to now is just so fucking terrible.

  17. The HHH/Batista series was probably the most successful "making a new star" (not just by the new guy looking strong, but also going on to become a bonafide star) feud this millennium, other than maybe HHH's own feud with Foley and possibly Cena/Punk. And Batista leaving half a decade later doesn't change that.

  18. SmackDown needed a top guy to anchor it. Guys like Angle, 'Taker and Eddie weren't quite cutting it. And I don't see how HHH got the last laugh considering that Batista was still positioned and pushed as a bigger star than him after being drafted. Also, HHH put over the new top guy on RAW at the very next WrestleMania. Nothing "murky" about it.

  19. I'd give Foley/Triple H the edge but Triple H/Batista is a close second.

  20. Yeah, me too probably. And for match quality the Foley/HHH series blows HHH/Batista out of the water, although the Vengeance HIAC was really good.

  21. I have this. It's probably half wrong or irrelevant now, but at the time I thought it was pretty damn funny.

  22. Natalie Imbruglia would totally get it.

  23. OR they have Batista beat Bryan on RAW when HHH comes out on stage to distract Bryan.

  24. Yeah, I've often been intensely critical of HHH for not putting guys over, but the one I can't pin on him is Batista. Their entire feud he did everything he could to put him over as hugely as possible.

  25. That is the craziest thing I've heard all day. Wins at WrestleMania, wins at Backlash. Then wins in Triple H's speciality match(Triple H hadn't lost a singles Hell in a Cell at that point) to blow off their year-and-a-half long storyline.

    Batista holds the World Title for nearly a year and is never defeated for it. Triple H is gone for 3 months and returns for feuds with Ric Flair and Big Show before losing to Cena clean at WM.

    Short of letting Batista nail Stephanie on live TV, Triple H put Batista over as big time as big time could possibly be.

  26. My issue is treating them equally and not using gay or gay sex acts as some sort of insult. The implication that engaging in non-heteronormative relationships makes you less of a person is fucking stupid.

    Cuuch is stuck in some backwards world where it not only is hilarious, but also demeaning to say that Shawn and Trips had a homosexual relationship. Or that Shawn was some sort of gay whore.

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 26, 2014 at 1:52 AM

    Wait, when did Tommy refuse to win the title? And why? He would have been a better choice than just about anyone that held the title from 98 on.

  28. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 26, 2014 at 1:57 AM

    To be fair, calling someone a whore, gay or straight, should be demeaning. But as someone who has a gay mother, I agree with the rest of your post.

  29. What's wrong with prostitution? Two consenting adults should be free to do whatever they want to each other, and if payment is involved, more power to them.

    The only things we should condemn each other for are ignorance, bigotry, idiocy and liking RVD.

    And did she use a donor or was she repressing it (is there a better way to say that?) when she had you?

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 26, 2014 at 2:51 AM

    I guess "repressing it" works. She was married to my dad for about 10 years, and I also have a brother 3 years younger than me. I have no idea if, like, she was always gay and just didn't want to admit to herself or maybe just dated men because people weren't too tolerant back then (they got married in Dec of 81, I was born the following March), or if her abusive father and my dickhead (though never abusive, at least not physically) father just swore her off men for life. It's not a conversation I have really ever wanted to have, it would be fucking awkward as hell.

    As for hookers, I don't find it morally wrong or anything I guess, but I just don't like skanks. Never been with a hooker, have no plans to do so in the future. I mean, think about it this way, if you had a daughter (or maybe you do for all I know...) would you want her to be in that line of work? Of course not. 2 random thoughts on prostitution: 1: I doubt it's really the world's oldest profession, I'm sure either cooks or people that just sold food to cook yourself came first. Pussy is great, but not starving to death is better. 2: How is porn not prostitution? You're still getting paid for sex, why does it matter that your getting paid by the guy filming it than the guy fucking you?

    On RVD: sucks as a wrestler, but seems like a really nice guy otherwise. Not letting Sabu take the fall for him (when Sabu offered, mind you) was some stand-up shit. I wish I knew more people that were that loyal to their friends.

  31. Funny- I OWN this book, but remember absolutely nothing about it. I actually mistook it for "Sex, Lies & Headlocks", which I also own, and is apparently much better since I can actually recall it and found it interesting.

  32. What's it like, having a gay mom?

    Well, I'd be scared for their safety, and thinking about any of my relatives (especially children) having sex is just weird, but personal happiness is the most important thing in the world for me, so I guess I'd try to be happy for them. Prostitution is skeevy though, I agree with that. Buying sex is kinda sad.

    And I've had that porn vs. prostitution argument with a couple people, and while the line is close, I make this as a counter. Porn sex is not real sex. Porn sex is to real sex what the NFL is to you and your buddies playing pick-up football down at the park. It's an elaborate performance done with people they know and trust for the benefit of an audience. It's the difference between performance art and a hobo urinating on you, they may superficially resemble each other, but intention is like...80% of art.

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 26, 2014 at 4:18 AM

    What's it like? Well, I can't stand her wife, so there's that. I was bullied quite a bit about it as kid, though the always funny "don't be jealous because my mom is getting more snatch than you" generally put a stop to that (me smashing a guy in the face with a glass Coke bottle in the middle of class helped too). These days it's not an issue, people say "Your mom is married to another chick? Really?" "Yeah." After that it's not never really bought up again. Usually if people want to bust my balls they do it because my ex-fiance has kids that are probably older than they are.

    I'm just saying that hooking is the last profession I'd want to have my kids involved in.

    Don't get me wrong, I like porn. I''m saying that if porn is legal than prostitution should be too, because it's the same thing. Just like weed, driving it underground does more harm than good. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it.

  34. Natalie Imbruglia reference equals an automatic upvote. I always wanted to bang that a-whoo-ah.

  35. I have an important question, Chris "Cucchy Cucchy Coo" Cucchiara: How the fuck are you still allowed to write reviews for this site? After your bloody stool of a review of that DX thing, I thought for sure Scott was going to wish you well in your future endeavours knowing full well you'd wind up with a dirty needle in your arm, or worse. By the way, I'm using the term "review" loosely, because it looks more like literal representation of Indian food inside of a diaper rather than a review. I highly doubt you gave this shitty book more than a glance between intervals of huffing paper mache glue.

    I will, however, award you with a slightly positive rating for this review: 1/10. You get a 1 because you didn't reference the fact that you're obviously Italian, in case we didn't catch your really Italian last name. Congratulations paisan, you avoided your second 0.

  36. Ugh, more HHH hating. HHH is the only guy who has allegedly never won a match without "burying" someone.

  37. Well, it was good while it lasted. Your last couple reviews were pretty good - then we devolve into DX review light with all the gay sex innuendo. At this point, you and Baker should just team up. The only difference between you two is that you actually believe this shit.

  38. Taka? That wasn't a burial...
    Michaels? Ditto.

  39. Just guessing here: Barely Legal 97?

    It would not surprise me if Dreamer was supposed to be in the three-way instead of Funk, and then get his first ever win over Raven for the title afterward.

  40. This isn't exactly a revelation

  41. This was a step back from some more recent reviews. Hard to read, and not really a very good review. I feel like this is the review of a person who lightly skimmed the book rather than actually read it.

  42. Being terrible is not only encouraged, it's ALLOWED/.

  43. Are we sure about that difference? Did I miss a Baker post somewhere?

  44. The first two matches were... odd. They kind of had the idea of what they needed to do (building to Batista powering out of the Pedigree in the first one, building to him kicking out of everything in the second one), but something got lost in the execution.

    Then everything clicked perfectly in HIAC, right down to Batista remembering to wear white trunks because of the blood.

  45. I've read that WM21 paragraph four times and it makes less sense each time.

  46. At the time, Batista was the more marketable of the two and they needed to prop up Smackdown after the disaster that was the JBL reign. So they sent him over there to stabilize it, and HHH eventually lost to Cena at WM to cement him being the top guy in the company.

    After that, of course, things went all sorts of wonky with the ECW revival screwing with the booking for most of the summer. Sweet christ, 2006 STUNK.

  47. Y'know, your writing has improved a great deal, but you really need to refrain from writing about HHH and Shawn Michaels, because it just devolves into the rantings of a fourteen year old with the incessant nicknames and homophobic jokes.

  48. His are more rape fantasy, where as this guy is convinced that Vince, HBK, and HHH sodomize each other in some pairing.

  49. The first half of 2006 was awesome but then everything just fell on its face in June, and the product, especially ratings-wise, hasn't recovered since. They were doing their best ratings since 2001 in the first half of the year.

  50. Was this a book review or just the rantings of some guy?

  51. I've heard Heyman offered it to him quite a few times (mainly b/c he was the one guy who definitely wasn't going anywhere else) and he always refused.

  52. I click on these reviews just to read the comments - never disappointed

  53. She'd be Torn when you got done with her?

    See what I did there?

  54. :: Bites tongue in an effort not to respond to the last sentence ::

  55. I wouldn't want my daughter cleaning toilets or even serving fries for a living as well.

  56. I'm not trying to be over critical of HHH, Batista did have his limitations, which was probably the reason why he didn't put over Batista in a huge way and in hindsight Cena became the smarter pony to back as the #1 guy.

    Yes HHH did job to Batista 3 times, though the first 2 times was the exact opposite of putting someone over as Scott Keith already documented (like HHH getting the visual pinfall) but I agree that Batista was put over in a big way at HIAC.

    But so what, Batista was quickly demoted after the fact and ended up working a midcard match at Summerslam 2 months after the HIAC deal where HHH was supposed to have put him over as the #1 draw.

    But I will say that HHH did cement Cena's status as #1 draw at WM22 and HHH did more for Cena than he did for Big Dave.

  57. You know, when it comes to writing... sometimes people suck. Like there are levels of suck... and you suck in the way blind people, or or illiterate people might suck... I mean you really suck, badly. Seriously your writing is horrifying, pick a new hobby.

    (I have tried to be supportive in the past but all of the profanity, vulgarity, and homophobia are just too much to forgive any longer)

  58. prostitution not being legal is weird (but maybe I am just saying that because I am so accustomed to it - because in most (Western) Europe, it is legal).

  59. he actually put him over so huge that pretty much all of Batistas face heat for his initial run was based on that feud with Triple H.

  60. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 26, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    Haha, wow, and I thought I use to get worked over.

  61. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM

    Pot is awesome.

  62. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 26, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Well, at least he keeps at it. I don't know if he's getting any better, but people gutted me when I started. I just kept at it, and before I left, I really wasn't getting any flack.

  63. Honestly, he has improved... at least the typos and grammar errors have gotten better... but I think the problem is him, like the low brow stuff I mentioned is just his personality shining through ... which is fine I suppose but it doesn't make for quality writing at all and probably never will.

  64. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 26, 2014 at 9:21 AM

    Well, that basically comes down to taste, really.

    I think films like Epic Movie and such are the worst forms of entertainment in the world, but there's an audience for it. Of course, how that is is beyond me.

    At least Cucch doesn't bicker & fight, from what I've grasped takes constructive criticism well, and is consistent.

  65. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 26, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    Honestly, I think I'd put HHH vs Batista's HIAC over the Foley one. It's so fucking good. It's an absolutely brutal & bloody mess. One of my all time favorites.

    The non-gimmick matches though, meh.

  66. Which is why it drives me absolutely crazy that HHH didn't make any other guys because he did such a good job with Batista.

  67. Yes. Consistently shit.

  68. I can't tap dance and would look fucking ugly in a leotard. Therefore I do not upload videos of me tap dancing to Youtube. We should all know our capabilities. Writing is not one of Cucch's. He is abysmal.

  69. Cool. And how is it going, your crusade to educate people about this? Working out well? Has Cuuch changed his ways due to your beliefs? Just wondering.

  70. porn sex isn't real sex? Uh, I beg to differ, dude. I can't count the number of times I've happened into a smoking hot chick who had a perfect body that was more than able to handle my massive hangdang, including anal, without a condom and there was never an STD or pregnancy to speak of.

    Save for the odd time when I go into a bank and the teller doesn't invite me into the vault to do the deeds on the deeds.

  71. I know we've had our differences in the past, Phred, but I would like to officially offer you a chance to join Team Caliber's Team.

  72. Purely for scientific research, can I get one of those videos?

  73. He just needs to stay the hell away from any book mentioning the Kliq. They turn his writing into horrific messes.

  74. He doesn't really respond to the criticism anymore, except to occasionally make fun of himself, and it's not funny. He had several meltdowns over the summer when his writing just spiraled out of control.

    It has gotten slightly better, but it's still not very good. He still barely reviews the book.

  75. I do indeed see what you did there.

  76. Making "victim-less" crimes illegal is the dumbest shit in the world.

  77. I had a very illuminating and delightful discussion with Adam Curry. So yes, good did come of it.

  78. I'll take it to committee, if you're lucky it'll make it to the floor and possibly a pre-vote survey before fall.

  79. "but all of the *unfunny* profanity, vulgarity, and homophobia are just too much to forgive any longer"


  80. Yeah, but even if people didn't like your writing, they never thought it was an insult to the very act of putting words on paper.

    People do feel that way about Cuuch


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