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Hulk Hogan on TMZ

Hey Scott.  I hope all is well.  I just saw this article on TMZ and thought it was pretty interesting.
Hulk Hogan was at the performance center AND he was wearing his ring gear.  Could it be possible that Hogan said enough prayers and ate enough vitamins that Vince might  actually pull the trigger and have Randy Orton job to him this Monday on Raw to continue with their epic feud from 2006?!?!?!  Say it ain’t so!!!!

Sadly, Hogan lost three of the four demandments as a part of the settlement with Linda, so now legally he can only say his prayers and must get his vitamins from natural food sources.  


  1. Clearly The Orange Goblin is desperate for $$$$$$!

  2. Hogan ends the streak. Good idea / great idea?

  3. I hope he beats Bryan cleanly in 10 seconds. Just to see this forum yell BURIED!

  4. It looks like Hulk mostly just stopped by to take care of some promotional work like new production photos.

  5. That was a **** e-mail with a ****1/2 response. I can't put my finger on where the missing half-star is though...

  6. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighFebruary 22, 2014 at 6:50 AM

    Shocked that anybody has an issue with Hogan being back on the payroll... I know majority of people don't have an issue with it but it actually bothers me that some are criticizing the move.

    It's Wrestlemania 30! Why wouldn't they want Hulk? And if it wasn't Hogan it would be something else "taking up time from the midcard", the ohhhhh so valuable mid card of present day WWE is borderline non existent. Hogan isn't "taking someone's spot" either.

    Yes I am admitidly a Hogan mark but even if I wasn't it is a good move. He is on the Mt.Rushmore of professional wrestlers and deserves to be there. It is crazy to think Hogan has only appeared at 13 Wrestlemanias before the upcoming one (I included his appearance at the hall of game ceremony at WM22).

    This is a good thing.

  7. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 22, 2014 at 6:53 AM

    I know there is not a chance in Hell of it happening but man if Hogan ever won the title at Mania I would mark out like I was 12 again.

  8. I'd say minus a bit for the resthold at "and such". Other than that it's your EMOTYC right there. Huzzah!

  9. Jarrett should have started playing a downbeat song like Cash's Hurt as the other heels pounded Undi.

    Then if Undi started making a comeback, he could have start playing chase music like when Homer and Grandpa were driving away from the hillbillies.

    ''Undi just no-sold ten guys YEEEHA!!''

  10. you mean Nine Inch Nails. The Man IN Black's version didn't come until 2002.

  11. to answer it seriously, Jarrett had just started, so he took any heel heat he could have taken at that point.

    I also like how Shawn Michaels was noticeably absent from this, even though his buddy Diesel was in there. HBK only thinks about one guy. HBK.

  12. IS this the first Scott Keith discussion of the RR94 casket match where he doesn't shit all over it declaring it the stupidest PPV segment of all time? History may have been made here tonight... in this very blog, ladies and gentlemen.

    I always liked this match, regardless of the stupidity. Just a giant melee that put Taker over even more as tough as hell on his way out. Although I agree Jarrett seemed out of place within the other guys, but it never bothered me until this email.

    Adding RR94 to the list of shows to watch when the Network goes live! The list right now is SuperBrawl III and Rumble 94. What will it look like come Monday morning? STAY TUNED!

  13. Takers glove comming threw the dirt was just as hokey imo. Was very predictable too.

  14. Jeff Jarrett was there for his awesome reactions during 'Taker's out of body experience.

  15. *Time travelling Jeff Jarrett

  16. I think that was at Buried Alive in 1996, but to be fair, Undertaker dies a lot, so it's easy to get confused.

  17. ain't he great?

  18. Wasn't Cornette with Yoko at this point? That's a connection to jarrett as well.

  19. I thought anything involving JJ automatically lost a half-star.

  20. Jarrett clearly made a mistake by joining in on the Taker beatdown. It tired him out so much that he got tossed from the actual Rumble in about a minute later in the night.

  21. he's GREATER than great!

  22. And actually, NIN's "Hurt" wouldn't even be released for another few months.

  23. Jarrett being involved is sort of odd. It'd be like having a Survivor Series team of Hogan, Savage, Warrior, and...Scott Casey.

  24. I think it falls in the realm of one of those 1,001 ways Jarrett DESPERATELY tried to get over after he left Memphis (along with switching to the guitar, dressing as an Aztec Warrior, Debra, Chyna, Kitty....Karen Jarrett - only ONE of them worked - the phrase "slapnuts"....for like 5 minutes)


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