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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog O'Doomers and Happy WWE Network Day!

My thoughts on the Network? Runs well on the Laptop, not so much on the iPad so I need to figure out what the issues are there. Otherwise it's beautiful.

Television thoughts? A friend recommended Impractical Jokers to me about a month ago so I DVR'ed them and forgot they were in the queue. So when it came time to clean it out I watched them and it's pretty funny. The best part is the double payoff as the guy playing the joke doesn't know what he's going to get ahead of time so you get the initial payoff and then the payoff of him relaying the joke. I am finished watching Appalachian Outlaws, which had a six week run on History and wow those hillbillies are fucking nuts.

Podcasts? Caught JR's first podcast. It was decent, obviously he and Austin couldn't break too much new ground as this was the third time they have hooked up on a podcast in like three months. They both said that Bad News Barrett should have been entrant 30 in the Royal Rumble and that would have been some amazing heat for the guy. Caught on Austin's podcasts with Cena, which was all right, Dutch Mantel, which was great and his experience catching up with his WWE buddies when RAW came through Los Angeles, which spawned the great line "Lillian Garcia is not only beautiful but she can drink like a motherfucker".

EC Thoughts? Won't watch it until it comes on the Network but my prediction that Bryan will face Kane at Wrestlemania doesn't sound so crazy now does it? Not saying it will or won't happen but don't act like any of you have a clue either. Hell THEY don't even know what the fuck they are going to do for Wrestlemania so I guarantee none of you know. I mean if not for a mainstream show of support we'd still be watching Daniel Wyatt...

Speaking of Bray Wyatt while I love that they have made his strong it's annoying because he's only being made strong to lay down for Cena at Wrestlemania. And don't fool yourself into think Bray isn't laying down. Cena has done his Wrestlemania jobs. Lost to Orton at 24, Miz at 27 and Rock at 28...He's done jobbing at Wrestlemania and he's probably setting things up for an Undertaker match next year.

Back to Bryan, I haven't done anything other use the logic of what I'm seeing to think that it's Kane-Bryan at Wrestlemania. HHH isn't even involved with them. He's dealing with the "main event", which he feels needs his involvement because it's such a disaster. Why would he lay down for Bryan and make Bryan MORE over before his precious "Evolution Explodes" main event happens? Unless he's planning on putting the title match mid card and himself with Bryan on last it makes no sense. Chew on this: There's a better chance we saw HHH-Punk at Wrestlemania than HHH-Bryan but I still say HHH will play some designated role in the title match.

Also here's who HHH had laid down for at WM:

Orton/Cena (in that 3-way at WM 24)
Taker 3x

I just don't think he sees Bryan as someone worth laying down for at Wrestlemania. Hell he never jobbed to Rock or Austin or HBK at Wrestlemania. He still believes only tippy top guys should get pinfalls on him.

Austin thinks they are doing the slow burn with Bryan but need to be careful it isn't too slow. This is where not having a strong I-C or U.S. title is killing them. The slow burn with Austin worked because he was able to chase and hold the I-C title for a bit while it was an important championship. Lose to Bret at WM 13, get a DQ win at the next PPV, disputed loss to 'Taker at the PPV after that and his chase changed from Bret to Owen but because Owen held the I-C title and the title had prestige, they could work that program and not lose Austin's heat plus give him the belt that made him a clear cut No. 2 guy.

Right now my suggestion is...give Bryan someone to work with that he can have a great match with that will get fans excited for him and his opponent. Cesaro could be that guy. Just giving Bryan someone he can have a ****+ match with at Wrestlemania won't fully solve the problem but it will table the problem for a month or two.

Just my thoughts. Enjoy the show, come out swinging and try to keep it clean.


  1. Anyone planning on watching the preshow?

  2. Nothing wrong with Impractical Jokers. First became familiar with Brian Quinn on the podcast Tell 'Em Steve Dave. Funny guy.

  3. Well, here we go. I hope the "Cole's commentary was foreshadowing" crowd is right, but I think sadly I'm gonna be right.

  4. Undertaker is supposed to return tonight and I wanted to go back and revisit the shows where we last saw him. Figured I'd post them here.

    From the post-WM RAW: Undertaker's promo gets interrupted by the Shield. Kane and Daniel Bryan make the save before the Shield can attack.

    Two weeks later: Undertaker, Kane and Daniel Bryan team up to face the Shield on RAW.

    Later that week on Smackdown: Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose ends with Undertaker being triple powerbombed through the announce table.

    l would love it if Taker got involved with the Shield again. But actually, I don't really care who Taker faces other than that I'm really hoping we don't get Taker/Lesnar. Not because I don't want to see it, but because I'd rather see both of them working with guys on the active roster. Save Taker/Lesnar for a mid-year PPV where there is at least some suspense over who is going to win. Lesnar's mystique would be wasted on a Streak match, and both are too valuable as storyline tools to be sequestered off in their own little world for Wrestlemania.

  5. Didn't sign up. That's a shit tone of content they're building around Raw. Monday evening's are for catching up with Sunday night shows anyway. About 20 minutes left of this weeks' True Detective.

  6. I was at the chamber last night. I was behind Batista fans that were pissed that I was chanting Bootista. I was beside a kid in a Rey Mysterio mask that cheered for Cena. What did they both have in common? They were both crazy for Daniel Bryan. I've never been a part of so many people wanting the same thing so badly. It's crazy to me that they are going with Orton and Batista.

    By the way, the most fun I've had in a long time was participating in all the distraction chants in the Batista match.

  7. Doing some things on my Laptop-HDTV combo: FUN.

    Posting here... not one of those things. Think I'll swap back to just the laptop around 6:40 or so.

  8. Good reading for Raw Commercials / Triple H promos:

    New Yorker piece on Harold Ramis. Good stuff.

  9. Wrestlemania: The Show To Ends All Feuds...Started Two Weeks Prior, Except When There's Money to Be Made Doing Them Again at Extreme Rules or Next Year's Wrestlemania

  10. I can't wait to hear a stadium full of people chanting Bootista.

  11. Caliber pulled that on me.

    And plenty of faux-bags are really cool people.


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