It was Homer who said the best inventions typically just stick a clock into another, already working invention. But the best stuff always seems to try and do something new - and suffer for it. Before the Oculus Rift there was the Virtual Boy, before the DVD there was the laser disc, before the Flesh-light there was your cat Meowzers.
What are devices, characters, movies, bands, or machines you enjoy and see potential in, but find infuriatingly annoying - thus suffering from the '80 percent' problem?
I'm generally told to move my non-wrestling thoughts off this blog, so feel free to click here and read my thoughts on the Xbox One's endlessly infuriating nature.
Beyond that fabulously written article above, I always found Kayne West to have a bit of this problem - at least to me. Songs like Homecoming are absolutely genius, but then he'll turn around and do something immature and loud and crass and it makes me kind of shake my head a bit - I mean I get it's his music and it's great, but I generally don't check out Kayne deep tracks simply because it feels like putting my hand into a box of candy where four of the pieces have poopy in them.
I think a lot of people feel this way toward the WWE Network, too - okay, it's out, it's great, now GIVE ME THE STUFF I WANT. Which is fair. With my Xbox One I have many similar-in-style complaints, I want this device to deliver on the promise it contains, and so far all the improvements and changes have yes, been positive, but not earth shattering or game changing.
Wrestling wise? The Miz. I LOVE the Miz. I think he's charismatic as fuck, seems pretty passionate for the business and genuinely excited to be a part of the WWE, but the guy just doesn't click in the ring. At the Wrestlemania 28 ME there was a moment where I thought maybe, just maybe, he got it (after the clothesline into the crowd), but the match ended so abruptly after that any kind of spark I saw was instantly extinguished forever, like a billion souls crying out in unison.
I also love Podcasts, but in part due to a crappy cell-phone (iPhone 3GS) and crummy Podcast app, I find myself constantly infuriated at my device for this software that SHOULD work all the time, just like my Xbox One.
What say you, Otters - do you own an Xbox One? What are 10 changes Microsoft could enact to make the console worth buying?
Well 2010-2011 I was actually being a Miz apologist,he wasn't a master in the ring but would have a good match with a right opponent,as a heel at the time he was great,his feud with Bryan as good,his tag team with R-thruth was great(too bad thruth was caught on wellness).
ReplyDeleteThe Internet itself is still quite the kludge.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for the program that gets ALL the media - movies you want to watch on Netflix, Youtube Shows, Podcast Shows, Hulu Shows, and puts them all in one place that lets you click a link and open the appropriate app with the appropriate show.
ReplyDeleteFor a game MGS 2 is the perfect example.
ReplyDeleteYeah! Though I'd say play that again today and watch your mind get blown by how relevant it is.
ReplyDeleteBunnyhop made appreciate the game more,but I still think is flawed game,Kojima's greatest weakness is trying to put everything in one game.I think the reason I enjoy MGS 3 is because the storyline holds it alone,the other MGS games are to canon driven.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. 3 is probably my favorite, I like Peace walker a lot too. I actually forced a good friend of mine to re-play 4 and I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't like it.
ReplyDeleteI really picked up what Ground Zeroes was putting down though, and hope MGS 5 kind of reboots the whole series so we can get a clear narrative again. #fatchance
Still have to play Peace walker.I just love MGS 3,the camouflage system is awesome,the characters,the plot,while I still not a fan of some gameplay aspects(awful combat system)it´s a thrill of a kind.Like bunnyhop said,it was just Kojima embracing the silliness of the series and that made the game even better.Let's not forget also Big Boss,he's so much cooler than Snake,I kinda wish he was the hero all along in the series.
ReplyDeleteI always found the controls of fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat to be utterly confusing. The button combos were hard to pull off for me, and I would end up just playing a more basic control system like baseball video games. I liked these fighting games a lot back in the day, but thoroughly sucked at them, therefore neglecting them altogether.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever play the ecw games? Where you had to enter the konami code just to do a bodyslam?
ReplyDeleteUgh I hated those. I'm telling you, Booking Revolution is the most perfect wrestling game to ever exist ever.
ReplyDeleteNo, and it sounds retarded.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing I have more of a love/hate relationship with than my cellphone. I love that I can check emails, google things or just watch a movie on my phone and in some ways it has replaced my laptop. HOWEVER.. I can't stand being in contact with people all of the time. I do a lot of video editing, so for me that means hours upon hours of chopping up video clips and putting them together. I usually turn my phone off so that I won't be distracted as much. people seem to always get an attitude when they can't reach me.
ReplyDeleteI loved the days when people would get your answering machine, leave a message and wait to get a call back at a later date. Now if you don't answer your phone right away, people think you're avoiding them or that you're dead in a ditch. I hate being so accessible all the time... and don't get me started on how much I hate text messages..
The Sega Dreamcast. Man, That was AWESOME when I finally got my hands on it, summer of 2000 (Jan for us Souther Hemisphere types).
ReplyDeleteI got it from a video store, ex rental, purchased for about $150 NZD - few games with it too. Loved it. Played the hell out of Sonic Adventure, Loved the UFC game on it, played Fire Pro for the first time, it was great.
HOWEVER, I am sure I still have marks in my palms from where the controller once sat. That controller was the *worst*
I've heard good things about that game. Good for 'pick up and play' ?
ReplyDeleteMy fav used to be setting up a 30 man tournament in Fire Pro on GBA and seeing who'd win after leaving it on all night. Many a sleepless night was passed this way.
I really hope I am not the only person who ever did that!
As for consoles.. I'm a cheap sumbitch. The last console I bought was a Super Nintendo and I think I overpaid for that. I didn't see the point in spending hundreds of bucks on those things when an new one was coming out every couple of years. I eventually just bought a computer and have been PC Gaming it ever since the mid 90's (DOOM 2!). Keyboard controls took some getting used to, but it's way more economical for me.
ReplyDeleteFire PRO was amazing. Good God. Not to keep harping on the Booking Revolution bandwagon, but imagine if that game and WWF Raw for the SNES had a baby.
ReplyDeleteNo, you aren't, but they went on to murder dozens if not hundreds of people. What have YOU done?
ReplyDeleteDreamcast was the first console that I bought with my own money early 2002. Memories. It was so ahead of its time, too. But, Sega was already dead by then. Online play. The memory card thing. I loved that console.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of answering machines, I'm absolutely annoyed with people who call in to my office. I'm one of three or four people who the phone routes to (apparently because I figured out how to transfer calls), so this happens to me a lot.
ReplyDeleteSomeone calls in and asks for a certain extension/department/individual. I transfer them over. Two minutes later, these people call back.
"Yeah, no one answered."
Did you leave a voicemail?
"No, I just called back."
Well, I'll transfer you over again, but if they aren't at their desk, please leave a message and they'll call you right back.
"You're sure I can't just talk to you?"
Yes, it's not my department.
Five minutes later, they'll call back, asking if someone will call them back soon.
People are really fucking impatient in Queens.
The DC controller is what killed the system. Well, that and the Sega logo...
ReplyDeleteThe graphics on that thing were incredible, there's 360 games that don't look as good as DC games.
ReplyDeleteFuck MGS2. If I didn't want to play as Snake I wouldn't have bought a MGS game in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThat's because MSG3 is really the first one.
ReplyDeleteFuck the Xhibit memes. Actually, fuck all those memes. NOT ONE has ever been funny.
ReplyDeletePaul Meekin posts
WWE video games always feel like they are missing that extra something. Like being able to customize an entrance or stadium just the way you want it. Or the finishing move you want to use isn't an option. Seems minor, but it's just enough to make you angry enough to return it to the store.
ReplyDeleteCan't even spell the tag line.
ReplyDeleteWhat? You must be new here...
ReplyDeleteBTW, cool dog.
Oh, I was being silly.
ReplyDeleteWhich, you may have been, too. If so, never mind.
Bothered some crabs down by the ocean, that's about it so far.
ReplyDeletesuch posting
ReplyDeletemany opinion
ReplyDeleteI was going to make this joke myself, but figured I'd give you the privilege.