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Ambrose vs Rollins Feud

Hey Scott, I wanted to get your thoughts on the current Ambrose vs Rollins feud.  To me it's one of the best booked angles in a long time.  It is so simple too.  Rollins turns on Ambrose and Ambrose wants revenge.  It feels like a legit blood/hate feud and it is so refreshing to see such a seriously booked angle.  Look no further than Ambrose's run ins during Rollins' matches.  He's in his street clothes and he doesn't wait for his music to cue(I always thought that was stupid.  If you want to sneak attack someone, why would you want your music to play in the arena?), it's little things like that, that have me enjoying this angle so much.  This actually frustrates me a little cause I have been watching this and I'm wondering why can't they book more angles like this.  Like you said, they know how to book someone strong(Reigns) and they know how to book a solid angle(like this one) but they just choose not too.  Your thoughts?  

​Well Ambrose is certainly a guy who gets it, although I still don't understand the reasoning behind just breaking up the Shield and then trying to retroactively create storylines for the guys later.  Now hopefully they don't beat the feud into the ground like they usually do.  I think Ambrose seems different because he was allowed to develop on his own before coming into the WWE system, and takes his influences from guys like Dick Slater and Jake Roberts, who weren't part of the modern system either.  Sometimes different is good.  ​


  1. His promo on RAW was probably the best I've seen this year, despite it being so short.

    He has a real "Dennis Hopper in Cape Feare" kinda likeability.

  2. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 28, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    Random TJ: blood thinners prevent migraines. I used to get migraines all the time, and had to be on Cumadin for the last year, and was headache free the whole time. As soon as soon as I stopped taking that shit the migraines came back.

  3. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 9:21 AM

    It makes it bad to drink though.

  4. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    I think that Ambrose has been absolute money the past few weeks. They really could have botched the hell outta this feud (still time) but they have been fantastic in building up these two hating each other now.

  5. I like how the Rollins heel turn and this subsequent feud hasn't turned Ambrose in a smiling, wise-cracking face. He's not trying to entertain fans; his only goal is to maim Rollins. This allows him to maintain the edge that virtually no other WWE face's are allowed in the modern product.

  6. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 28, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Not really. You can still have a few, my doc told me that being nice and lubricated is fine, but taking an 18 pack to the face is a bad idea. Hell, taking an 18 pack to the face is a bad idea regardless.

  7. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    I can't even do a 12 pack without having misery the next day.

  8. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJune 28, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    I'm sure that you were intentionally understating it, but different is almost always good. The cookie cutter generation has done no favours to the biz-ness.

  9. Just give Vince and Kevin Dunn one more month with the guy and he'll be smiling ear to ear and waving to fans in a way Sheamus and Big Show would be jealous of

  10. This blood feud needs some blood.

  11. Stranger in the AlpsJune 28, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I think what The Shield split has done is given the upper card three new names. So, call me crazy, but in retrospect, the split was a good thing. The Shield may have been bringing the goods as a unit, but they reached a ceiling with the team, and there was nothing else for them to do, they were so far above the midcard.

  12. Well yeah, you dont have that pressure on all the small blood vessels in your head.

  13. This feud will culminate in a "Winner jobs to John Cena for 2 months" match.

  14. His promo 2 weeks ago was also pretty good.

  15. For now, it's actually gives the other guys something to do while Reigns is getting the big push.

  16. Ambrose will be good n' crazy as long as Vince likes the schtick, which he clearly does. Once Vince gets bored with it, which he always eventually does, then Dean will be making poop jokes and hanging out with Dolph in the Anti-Push Zone. Enjoy it now while it lasts.

  17. Yeah, I know. Guess, we've just got to enjoy this while it lasts, before Dean start's appealing to all his little Ambrosians.

  18. I'll take half a six pack and then be in bed for a week.

  19. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    I hate getting old because I get pains in my body that I never had before. I imagine it's only going to get worse?

  20. The best part of the Shield is that all three were allowed to have distinct characters when they were together. Now that they're split we can have three new defined characters which never happens anymore. See: Legacy, Nexus, etc.

  21. He really needs to drop the Jimmy Wang Yang look, once this summer feud with Seth is over that outfit will be a one-way ticket to the endless mid-card brigade.

  22. You're just giving Vince ideas now

  23. You're 26 right? Yes it is going to get worse.

  24. I'm reminded of what people said about Steve Austin and guys in black tights and black boots.

  25. What retroactive storylines? The Shield were a unit, they split due to Rollins' turning and now Ambrose wants Rollins' head while Reigns has his sights set on the guy who drove a stake through the Shield's heart... s.

    There's nothing they're forcing in now that they're pretending was always there.

  26. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Correct. I always used to think it was hilarious watching old guys stretch before they ran or worked out. Now I fear not doing so.

  27. It fits him. Crazy, unhinged guys are probably less likely to worry about having fancy ring gear with matching colors and logos.

  28. I agree, and looking at the current landscape, WWE needs 3 upper carders more than they need a 3 man faction. There's always the Shield reunion in 4-5 years to look forward to.

  29. I didn't have any problems until I was like 33 or so but now I have constant lower back pain.

  30. I just that love that Ambrose seems to be legitimately over w/ the fans and Rollins is getting legit heat (as opposed to ironic booing). A simple well booked feud that the fans are getting in to. Still not sure why Reigns has forgotten about the whole thing, but I'll take what I can get.

  31. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 12:09 PM

    That's blows. So can you lift anymore or just cardio?

  32. He hasn't. I think the whole thing could use a backstage segment to explain it, but even if I'm inventing this out of whole cloth, it's not hard to imagine that Ambrose wants to destroy Rollins (Ambrose and Rollins always seemed to be more of a "team" than any other two man configuration of the Shield, even if Rollins and Reigns were tag champs and certainly Rollins and Ambrose seemed to beef less with one another) while Reigns wants to destroy the guy who engineered the destruction of the Shield, HHH.

  33. I'd like to see what Ambrose can do with a poop joke.

  34. No I can still do everything, it isn't an excruciating pain or anything, and I think if I got it looked at a chiropractor might be able to help, but it is always just kind of there. Honestly though I find the cardio causes more pain than the weights do.

    Unrelated not, I am going to be home all evening so this would be a good night for a PPV if anyone is around.

  35. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 28, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    Far worse. And you guys are lightweights, I call a 12 pack breakfast.

  36. No because eventually you'll get prescription drugs super easy. They send shit to my mom in the mail that she doesn't even ask for.

  37. Yeah, I really don't see Dean wearing anything else.

  38. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJune 28, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    I'll be out tonight,. Hopefully will make it home to catch a little of whatever you guys watch.

  39. That's how it seemed to be to. Reigns is focused on the big picture and continuing the feud with Triple H, which has now cost him his brotherhood. And Ambrose is just insane and wants to kill Rollins.

  40. That's been my take, which I may have gone a little overboard defending the last week or so.

  41. It's not some overly complex feud. Rollins stabbed Ambrose in the back, and Ambrose is the last person on Earth you want chasing you. They haven't talked it to death, haven't brought in too many third parties, and they're not trying to add too much sports entertainment.

  42. Cody developed a good personality while in Legacy. Too bad Ted didn't,

  43. As for the people herd saying Vince will eventually get bored with Dean, keep in mind he seems to know how to play politics and is getting consistent and even sometimes massive crowd reactions now. And knows not to say stupid shit on twitter.

  44. I'm still hoping that this has been a long-con to get the title on Reigns.

  45. My view is that it really doesn't matter where you train. If you're good you'll stand out and if you aren't, you won't. Not saying those guys you mentioned didn't benefit from their indy work but if you don't have anything it doesn't matter how many indy shows you work.

  46. The title is going to Reigns eventually, but not this weekend.

  47. Probably the smartest thing he ever did was make his Twitter profile "I don't know. They made me get a Twitter" and then never use it.

  48. Can I get an agreement on Dick Slater being one of the most underrated guys ever?


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