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Place to Be Nation Friday Update

It has been a crazy week here for sure. Here is a sampling of what PTBN had going on this week. Violate TOS at your own risk! WOOF!

Featured Pieces

PTBN kicked off our World Cup of Greatest TV Characters with the pool round, be sure to vote every day: PTBN’s World Cup of TV Characters

Steve & Justin recapped Best in the World 2014: Best in the World 2014 Reaction


Justin looked at WWE's announcement of Connor's Cure: WWE Adds to Legacy of Connor the Crusher

Steve & Glenn checked out the news of the week: The High Spot: Diva Angles, Batista, Wade Barrett, and the Top Stories of the Week

In this week's Cowboy Goes to Class, Roger preps for Money in the Bank by reviewing four past matches: The Cowboy Goes to Class: Money in the Bank


P2B's Movies of Our Generation rolled on with 1983: Movies of the P2B Generation: 1983

Andrew Riche brought us a highly in depth NBA Draft preview: 2014 NBA Draft Preview


Kevin Kelly chatted with Maria Kanellis and also talked about Best in the World and Money in the Bank, plus more: The Kevin Kelly Show Episode 12 – Featuring Maria Kanellis

Scott & Justin reviewed No Mercy 2002: Place to Be Podcast Episode 319: No Mercy 2002

The Sports Lounge chatted World Cup, UFC and were joined by Sean Grande to discuss the NBA Draft and LeBron James' next decision: The PTBN Sports Lounge #3 – World Cup, AL Central & NBA Draft w/ Sean Grande
