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Hey Scott,

I'm watching the Countdown episode of high flyers and #4 was John Morrison. I had forgotten how much I missed him.

What's his deal? Isn't he overdue for a comeback? It seems especially timely given their lack of star power at the top of the card. Do you know what's going on?

Jon Eks
Jon of All Trades Podcast
Twitter: @JoATPod

Johnny Nitro has been pursuing his dream of being an actor since 2011 and doing OK at it by all accounts. That being said they should dump a bunch of cash on his lawn and push him to the moon  as a top babyface because they're desperately lacking in that area and he's already a star trained in WWE Style. Plus he's still young. 


  1. How can he come back? He perished in that terrible limo accident.

  2. Morrison? Didnt that guy get caught with like more than 5 different kinds of drugs a few years back? I prefer watching wrestlers like Cena , HHH, Batista, and Sheamus because they got there physique NATURALLY. Besides the last thing the WWE needs is ANOTHER gymnast.

  3. His acting career is going well? Has he been in anything?

  4. I think it is time WWE invested in Jeff Hardy again. I think he has genuinely cleaned up his act, and even as a part timer he's a huge name who can still go. It is sometimes easy to forget how close he was to becoming one of the true faces of the company just before he left in 2009, but I have no doubt if he returned he'd be a huge draw in no time especially at live shows, and propping up merchandise sells.

  5. no doubt about this.

  6. I couldn't get past Morrison's awful 60's Jim Morrison inspired gimmick. That was some really, really awful shit.

  7. Just stop using Starship Pain as a finish... because it never fucking hits.

  8. Was never all that crazy about Morrison. As another poster said, bring back Hardy and push him to the moon.

  9. ... with Jimmi Hendrix style music.

  10. LOL, are you fucking serious?

  11. Check the name again...

  12. I'm on board with JoMo fosho.

  13. He was in a mockbuster version of Hercules

  14. Scott touched on it in his 2011 Elimination Chamber rant (I think it was). Morrison had everything you'd want in a high flyer but couldn't get a reaction out of a crowd. Miz definitely carried the charisma part of their team.

  15. I think the locker room would also like him to return, so they can run a train on his gf while he watches.

  16. 3/10. At least you spelled physique correctly.

  17. Batista isn't there anymore so JoMo is safe until the Rumble.

  18. He is working for that Lucha Underground promotion.

  19. Also, his Triple H/Undertaker video was brilliant.

  20. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 28, 2014 at 6:44 PM

    That never made sense to me.

  21. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 28, 2014 at 6:45 PM

    He's burned them twice; even if he's cleaned up, they rather roll the dice on guys where they never have to worry about it.

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 28, 2014 at 6:46 PM

    It's weird, his final year, he started out as a guy who looked like he was going to make the leap to world-title tier, and wound up looking at the lights and out the door by the end.

  23. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    Move wasn't good. Worked better as a high spot but not a finish. It rarely hit clean. Moonlight drive wasn't bad and I think he used a springboard kick which I think worked


  25. Hardy? Do people still care about him? He hasn't updated his moves in 15 years.

  26. During his feuds with Edge and Punk in '09, Hardy was CLEARLY the most over guy in the WWE. Smackdown was on an insane roll at that time (with a roster of Hardy, Edge, Jericho, freshly heel Punk, Rey Jr., Dolph, JoMo, a motivated Kane) and having Hardy, Edge and Punk at the top made it feel really fresh and fun. Are there any other wrestlers who have voluntarily departed while in the midst of the run of their career? Jeff was insanely over.

  27. Video, or it didn't happen

  28. Snubbing Trish Stratus is an unforgivable sin! Worse than not asking for permission to shake Undertaker's hand when he doesn't even know who the fuck you are and isn't in the building.

  29. Hardy is white trash that can't cut a promo and does an awful job painting his face while wearing clothes that stopped being cool 15 years ago. I hope he stays gone.


  31. White trash kids who still listened to Disturbed care about Hardy but that's about it.

  32. He was insanely over with the WWE crowd for a good 8 years.

  33. Sometimes I think the guys just don't know... and the guys in charge of all that just don't care. See also, Dude Love being a 70s throwback... but having a Bee Gee's style theme.

  34. His clothes were never cool.

  35. It's so weird thinking back to that team and remembering how much I enjoyed The Dirt Sheet. Contrast to now and Miz causes me to instantly fast-forward. He had so much promise once and yet now is potentially my least favourite wrestler ever. I guess that's what overexposure (should never have been a Main Eventer) and being a WWE Robot will do. Seriously, I'm sure he's a nice guy (TM Bryan Alvarez) but whenever he talks in interviews or documentaries, it sounds like a WWE PR Manager is just typing out the words that come out of his mouth.

    As for Morrison, he was definitely missing that intangible 'it' factor. As you/Scott eluded to there, he had a great look, a flashy style and was decent on the mic but he just could never engage the crowd beyond a certain level. I think you could wring one biggish program out of him upon return and then he'd promptly resume trading IC title wins with Kofi and Dolph.

  36. Eh, insanely over is a stretch. I can't see him coming back to any sustained heat at all. He does the same match over and over. And it's not innovative like it was in 99. I have no desire to ever see him wrestle again. I think he'd flop royally if they brought him back. They have plenty of other guys they can invest in if they're so inclined.

  37. I thought Jeff was actually on borrowed time from a third failed wellness thing.

  38. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 7:02 PM

    Hardy was the most popular guy on the roster for a good year in 2008-2009.

  39. And he still wears the same stuff 16 years later. He's a Marilyn Manson shirt short if being a total toolbag caught in the late 90s

  40. If he did come back, he would need to dump the 60's gimmick. It just screamed 'mid-carder'.

  41. He's not that young. He turns 35 next week.

  42. John Morrison, with the same entrance, a different theme, and a finisher that hit could be a main eventer.

  43. I think you underestimate how heated his feud was with Punk, as well as the crowd getting behind him in '08 through his feuds with Umaga and HHH. He was the epitome of an organic push where the crowd decided THIS IS OUR GUY. I'm not a huge fan myself but I can't dispute how popular he was and I don't see why he'd be any less so now. Hell, people want Angle to return and he's wrestled the same match for nearly a decade, has worse drug issues and is a genuine death risk.

  44. I don't know about now, but Hardy was the most over babyface from about 2007 until he left WWE.

  45. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    If Morrison never left I really think he is just another ziggler. Never quite gaining momentum even though he is one of the most entertaining acts on tv. Morrison just didn't look the part of a main eventer. I liked him but I think his offense needed some work. And his "parkour style", isn't always worked into his matches in a natural, believable way.

  46. Jeff Hardy does the same shit time and time again... but he made a connection with the crowd. Kids dressed like him, teens cheered him, and grown men used him in the video games.

  47. Nah, keep him in that gimmick and team him with CJ Parker as the Flower Children. Then PRINT MONEY!

  48. Yeah, I don't get Scott's love for the guy. I like Morrison, but the guy doesnt scream potential main event caliber star. I always thought Chris Masters could have been a big star if they gave him a chance.

  49. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 28, 2014 at 7:11 PM

    He should've literally popped a boner like John Cena did in his jorts when he tagged with her on RAW

  50. In fact, an argument could be made that WWE didn't push Hardy hard enough. The guy could have easily main evented a WM.

  51. You're on to something.

  52. I stopped being a John Mo fan when he changed his name.

    I know Johnny Nitro is a bit cheesy, but it's fucking wrestling and that's a name you remember.

    John Morrison sounds like the guy you call when you lock your keys in the car.

  53. You forgot the match between Hulk Hogan and Hollywood Hogan that tore the house down.

  54. Isn't he still dating Melina? I don't see him coming back with the way she is, unless Batista comes back again.

  55. "Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
    Thou art thyself though, not a Montague.
    What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man. O! be some other name:
    What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet;
    So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,"

  56. His 'I am not Johnny Nitro, I am John Morrison' promo was pretty money. No BS, just state your grievance and work the crowd.

  57. If anything he needed to ditch the ridiculous finisher

  58. That relationship had me shaking my head every time I heard something about it. I'm not really sure what is true and hat is not ... but I guess some of it had to be true. Feel sorry for guys like that who can't learn to say no to a bad relationship.

  59. Yeah, that's what people think of when they hear the name John Morrison, Not the lead singer of the Doors, who he happened to look a lot like

  60. They didn't even try to play that up either, no sir.

  61. Fuck YOU, I'm... 34. Sorry.

  62. He doesn't have the mic skills to be a top baby face act... Maybe a heel

  63. But then again, his promo to introduce himself to the world as IC Champ was absolute garbage.

  64. Agree about Masters. I always liked his entrance, in particular. Still, it's a familiar story by now.....
    As for Morrison, I liked him well enough as a wrestler but never thought he had the charisma or mic skills to main event.

  65. Meh. He's good enough, he just needs to be allowed to script his own stuff. He's certainly no worse on the mic than pre-97 Bret Hart, and he was fine as the top baby face.

    He's got a unique-yet-main-eventy look, he can sell like Hell, and he's not the same as every other guy. Give him a push, he's totally believable as underdog baby face hero or a cocky-but-ultimately-good, latter day Shawn type hero.

  66. But he has the move-set of a babyface. There's only so long folks like Seth Rollins can stay heel.

  67. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:22 PM

    That stuff was so ridiculous.

  68. I think the type of main eventer Morrison could have been would be a Bret Hart type of main eventer where they hide his weakness (lack of mic skills) and push his athletic ability, but WWE hasn't been very good at hiding people's weaknesses in recent years. In some cases it feels like they purposely expose their weaknesses in an attempt to troll them or something.

  69. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:24 PM

    Getting suspended prior to wrestlemania 24 hurt his cause

  70. You're right, but you can't predict the future. You can only book in the present and pray to God the wrestlers don't do anything to screw up.

  71. Yeah, not even once, not in his entrance music, not in his intro, not in his early John Morrison promos, not in the names of his signature moves.

    (you're being sarcastic too right?)

  72. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:29 PM

    Oh I agree but everytime he gained momentum he got himself in trouble. They had michaels, taker, edge, Orton, HHH, Cena, Batista, Jericho among others at the top of the card. Hardy truly needed to prove to them he could stay clean. He did long enough to win major titles twice and be a focal point of programming.

  73. No lie, I think the plan was for him to win Money in the Bank and cash in as one of the participants of the Triple Threat.

    I think THAT would have closed Mania that year.

  74. I think I'm higher on Jo-Mo then most; I like his mic skills and think he just needs to be able to write his own stuff (Dirt Sheet was awesome). The only thing I really think he needs besides a push is a better finisher, as Starship Pain just doesn't look remotely painful. That running knee he used to beat Daniel Bryan (now kinda ironic, actually) was pretty great, as was his standing C4… though I assume he couldn't do the latter against guys like Cena or Batista.

  75. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:32 PM

    Hmm... That would of made sense. Crowd REALLY wanted him to take it from Orton at the rumble. I always pictured hardy winning the briefcase but cashing it in "honorably". Challenging the champion to a big ppv match. But Orton had some good heel heat so if he cheated to win then hardy came out that would of been solid.

  76. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:33 PM

    I think that is downplaying his popularity quite a bit

  77. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 8:36 PM

    Moonlight drive wasn't terrible

  78. He was probably the most over guy on the roster when he left a few years ago, so there's your answer.

  79. Rock and Rolls in 96 WCW? Have zero memory of this.

  80. "He's good enough, he just needs to be allowed to script his own stuff."

    Which, of course, makes him useless to a company striving to provide its own vision of entertainment.

  81. Morrison was a boring nothing.

  82. Fuck you all, for no reason in particular.

  83. I was always bothered that his gimmick was obviously based on Jim Morrison, yet his theme song was a rip off of Hendrix. It just occurred to me: WWE creative is famously out of touch with popular culture--is it possible whoever was in charge of composing/producing that track didn't know the difference between "Light My Fire" and "Fire".

  84. I think people picking apart what he didn't have are missing the point. Every time they gave him something actually good to do, he got good reactions. When Miz first made his move to the top of the card, it looked like Morrison was going with him. They had matches (for the title, 3 way with Bryan for the US title) and Morrison was always way over and looked like he belonged. He was designated spot guy for an Elimination Chamber and did fine also.

    They just never actually gave him a sustained long top of the card push. If they just gave him Jeff Hardy's storyline with HHH and just plugged in Morrison and (insert basically any other main eventer here) he would have been permanently made.

  85. I personally don't ever see Morrison or Jeff Hardy coming back to WWE again. They feel like things of the past. I am very close to adding Punk to that list too.

  86. Fun fact: If you do so after midnight, they charge you $30 more. UGH...

  87. Hardy, yes. Punk dug his own grave. Morrison?

    For his weak mic skills and the fact that he couldn't hit that corkscrew moonsault to save his life, he was super-over and was in the infancy of his career. To call him a relic of days gone by is insane.

  88. With how few faces that they have that are actually over and drawing a reaction, there's absolutely still room for all of those guys. Even if all Hardy is good for is a nostalgia run (1 month of a tag team with Matt, 2 or 3 separate 3 months programs that he loses) that's still a drawing attraction near the top of the card.

  89. There is only one wrestler who must return to WWE. His re-introduction will cause ratings to jump, network subscriptions to skyrocket and PPV buys to explode. His return will herald a new golden age of professional wrestling, the likes that have never before been experienced by mark and smark alike. Even meltzer would abandon his love affair of grappling from the Far East.

    And that wrestler's name? Maxilmillian Moon...or Max Moon to the uninitiated.

    Konnan version, of course.

  90. I guess I'd just rather see Zayn, or a few of the other NXT guys get a shot than bring back Morrison.

  91. Babyface Morrison on the mic was excruciating to watch.

  92. Hey, he was on the first ever Raw... Could go full circle.

  93. I was never really a fan, but I guess he couldn't be much worse than what they've got.

  94. Gunther the Nasty LoserSeptember 28, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    The answer is simple: because Melina

  95. This company has been running on fucking fumes for months.. Two of their biggest faces are either injured or retired.. they really need to do SOMETHING different heading into the new year. They have HOURS and HOURS of time to fill each week and if they don't want to bring up NXT stars or push the guys they do bring up then why not bring back the few wrestlers who can still go in the ring and might get a reaction from the crowd?

    I know they are cutting salaries, but I'm pretty sure they could get most of those guys for cheap and exploit the hell out of them for a few months. They need new subscribers to the network, and right now there's no reason for people to join up. I didn't renew my subscription and probably won't until the Royal Rumble.

  96. Why does it have to be either/or? Bringing Morrison back along with Zayn, Neville and guys like Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose would be a great thing. Any combination of those guys fighting in the mid-card would be great.

  97. So John Morrison would make you renew? I don't think he's make a single person on the planet renew.

  98. Him alone? No. I was speaking to the general point of hiring guys like Morrison and Hardy. Those are guys that bring excitement to the show and might be good for short term deals like RVD or Jericho. Raw almost never has high flyers on the show anymore. The most exciting thing on the show for me was watching Neville a few weeks back. I shouldn't have to just watch NXT to see that shit!!

    The PPV scene is going to suck for at least a few months.. better to add people can get instant fan reactions right now and be inserted into feuds than to try and push guys like the Miz and The Big Show down our throats as Main Eventers..

  99. One thing Bret had in his favour, back in the day, was the fact that guys typically didn't have to cut fairly lengthy promos in front of a live crowd. Short and pre-taped was generally the rule. It's a different ball game now.

  100. Yeah, but he doesn't have any abs.

  101. Watch Morrison's ladder match with Sheamus.

    JoMo was litteraly the guy who got me back into wrestling

  102. Meh. Yes and no. He could also survive if he ever gets a writer who "gets" him, which must happened sometimes, because we still see good promos now and again.

  103. He was REALLY over there at the end.

    It makes me sad. I really wanted to see him win the WWE title.

  104. I'll bet anything that he's holding out, because he wants WWE to bring him and Melina in as a package deal, but they'll never, ever agree to that in a million years, no matter how desperate they are. Both parties would rather keep cutting off their nose to spite their face.

  105. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighSeptember 28, 2014 at 10:53 PM

    Really miss Shelton Benjamin.... Benjamin as the gold standard and a heyman guy (playing off his history with Brock), would be fun.

  106. I was sure that you were talking about Kwang.

  107. Erk. I never even bothered to put that together, but you're right. And now it bothers the hell out of me.

  108. Doubly so when it's actively sabotaging your career to do so. I mean, I get being in love, but not to the point that you'd sacrifice your job and piss off your bosses for her.

  109. I hope someone knocks up your sister and never pays her child support.

  110. His entrance music was more Hendrix than Doors, but the point still holds.

  111. I hope you get raped.

  112. I'm apparently in the minority, but I loved it. It was different, and it gave him a distinct persona. I mean, here are some of the top gimmicks currently going:

    1) Demon who sometimes wants to be a lawyer. This character is treated seriously.
    2) Former thug who now pretends to be military despite not having any military rank, experience, or training, and preaches the virtue of respect while constantly disrespecting anyone who opposes him. He is a good guy.
    3) MMA Zombie Mortician who only fights once a year.
    4) Guy who isn't actually a wrestler anymore, hasn't been on TV in nine months, and is somehow the most over personality with the crowd.
    5) Other guy who's gimmick is literally that bad people think he sucks, but he actually doesn't. He's the second most over personality, and hasn't wrestled in three months.
    6) Guy who talks slowly and is maybe crazy, but they never commit to it and mostly he just asks for title shots and sometimes kicks people in the head.
    7) Guy who quit wrestling because he doesn't care about wrestling and only cares about money, but then came back and for some reason wanted to win the title, but doesn't want to defend the title very often even though that is how you make money. Also sometimes he is an unstoppable death badass and sometimes he is a coward. This varies week to week but is never acknowledged.
    8) Guy who used to hit people with a sledgehammer but is now head of the company who only cares about business, but hates all the popular people and still sometimes wants to hit people with a sledgehammer.
    9) Guy who is from 1970s Russia, which is admittedly awesome.
    10) Guy who is American, and kinda racist, but also the good guy.
    11) Guy who is Irish and calls everybody Fella.
    12) Guy who is European (Swiss maybe?) and is either a good guy or a bad guy but mostly he's just really strong and likes to swing people around.
    13) Guy who is the Joker from the Dark Knight, but he's a good guy, and he hates his friend who hit him with a chair so incredibly much that he will defy the police to attack him. But only in a wrestling ring, or occasionally locker room despite being lifelong friends and presumably knowing each other's home addresses.
    14) Guy with greasy hair who punches people and also hates his friend who hit him with a steel chair, but, like, less than the Joker guy does.
    15) Guy who hit his friends with the steel chair for reasons and now wants to work for the guys who at one point put him in a 11 on 3 handicap beatdown just to prove a point. He started working for them immediately after spending two months beating the crap out of them.
    16) Guy who is the best wrestler on the current roster, beloved by the fans, and naturally pretty funny. His personality right now mostly revolves around wanting to be better than the other guy from Cleveland.
    17) The other guy from Cleveland.
    18) The guy who impersonates the guy from Cleveland.
    19) The other guy who impersonates the other guy from Cleveland and also is black.
    20) The super-strong America-loving veteran who only wants to split wigs and break ankles and cry because he loves America so much.

    But you're right; Jim Morrison wannabe is an awful gimmick.

  113. Morrison would be a great starter feud for Zayn or Neville.

    Honestly, they could fire their entire midcard and replace it with old guys and new guys and I think the product would improve tremendously.

  114. Because Hendrix>Morrison.

    And Johnny Hendrix is just stupid.

  115. The first dude I really marked for.

  116. "Yep Mode" ABeyAnce1©September 29, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    When ever I see Jim Morrison, I see John, that's how uncanny the resemblance was.

  117. Gunther the Nasty LoserSeptember 29, 2014 at 12:31 AM

    Joey JoMo Junior Shabadoo

  118. Yeah, MadMartigan, Sorsha, and the brownies all love him too. *rimshot*

  119. Totally agree. The guy, at his peak, was a believable-ish threat to win the title, and that's with basically no push and terrible Creative-Written promos that either missed what was great about his gimmick or completely ignored it.

  120. Was that the knee, or the kinda Cross-Rhodesy thing?

  121. That's the worst name I've ever heard.

  122. Kofi has filled the role of stunt monkey just fine.

  123. Morison had better matches

  124. Meh, Kofi has been reduced to a heatless set of dreads at this point. There's something about JoMo that is automatically over.

  125. This. If you watch back the ECW title match with Punk, he's very over as a heel even, just by using very basic cheating techniques and cheap heat tactics. He's bought as a credible champion and threat.

  126. I still think Miz/Morrison for the WWE Championship could have main-evented WM27 with Cena/Punk as the semi-main. Heck, put Cena/Punk last if you want, but I think this would have been pretty good.

  127. To my knowledge, they're not together anymore.

  128. There's no reason you couldn't have both. Besides, as much as it sucks, a lot of the NXT top level guys are going to get lost in the shuffle. I know HHH loves them, but he loved Sin Cara, Kharma, Adam Rose, Emma, etc.

    Not all of them flamed out because of things he could control, but still.

  129. Morrison was always cooler than Kofi. Kofi has a pure, innocent babyface quality that makes him great for his jobber/kid magnet role, but he's not cool.

    I'm think the appeal of Morrison was that people want to be Morrison, he's handsome, he's not just athletic, he's acrobatic, he's a dancer, he babbles nonsense about Shangri-La and gets away with it. Part of me wants to be just that cool. There were a lot of high fliers out there, but Morrison was fucking graceful, and not a whole lot of guys can boast that.

    Morrison was the first guy that, to me, embraced the idea that wrestlers are just physically better than you. Sure the schedule is hectic, and wrestling half the days of the year is impressive, but not on an immediate, visceral level that Morrison did, he was "Holy shit even if this is fake how did he do that?" athletic.

    If you just want bodies who can do flips, scour the indies, Morrison was more than that, despite his weaknesses on the mic (which were mostly because his babyface character was pretty lackluster). He has the same thing that Cesaro has, the same thing that Ziggler thinks he has, a sort of physical charisma that makes them stars.

  130. Anything would've been better than what we got - on every count.

  131. You could make it a list about the peak Hulkamania era or the Attitude era and make it look this ridiculous.

    1. A snake handler with a mullet.
    2. A black guy with neon tights who takes a parrot everywhere with him.
    3. A greasy haired guy who has a fetish for wearing pink.
    4. An Elvis impersonator
    5. A barber who regularly wears spandex and fishnets.
    6. Canadians who think they are all American boys.
    7. A large caucasian man who believes he is African.

    I can keep going. I disliked, and I think a lot people agree with me, JoMo's gimmick as it just reeked of baby boomer, and their shitty culture. It's bad enough 2 entire generations have to be held down in the work place by them, now we have to deal with some old asshole writer pushing their culture on us. It was not the way I would have choose to present an exiciting, fresh new talent.

  132. Am I the only one who never really saw what the big deal was with him? I don't recall him really being all that special in the ring and wasn't anything spectacular on the mic. An okay mid-carder at best.

  133. His face promos were pretty brutal at time, but him and Miz were entertaining on the Dirt Sheet so it's more likely he was being handed scripts to read.

    They absolutely should have pulled the trigger on Morrison at the 2011 Rumble instead of going with Del Rio - he was the most over face under Cena at the time and the fans would have bought a Miz/Morrison title match at Mania.

  134. Idk it's slightly better than blandy boreton

  135. No it wouldn't. Dude is sloppy and lazy

  136. Yeah, I never saw much in him. I don't like the gymnastic style, don't like his promos, and don't like the Morrison gimmick.

    But he's popular, for whatever reason.

  137. Hahaha, yes, I watch TV too! Hahaha, oh, man, TV... Haha. Heh.

  138. This is the Blog of Doom, son. We don't mock pre-season eight Simpsons references in these parts.

  139. Right there with you. At best, a decent midcard hand. His promos were terrible, and he just played hopscotch in the ring. He was good for a Royal Rumble spot though.

  140. I do. At least when they're uninspired. I hold no cow sacred.

  141. Aw man, he could have been Doc's estranged son!? Boat missed.

  142. Ain't no party like a Scranton party.

  143. I am firmly Team JoMo. The guy's just fun to watch. I loved his silly feud with R-Truth.

  144. Shelton makes Morrison's promos sound like CM Punk' comparison.

  145. ^Still a better commenter than Abeyance


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