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Nitro on the Network

Did William Wallace just quit fighting for the freedom of Scotland when the going got tough?Did Abraham Lincoln decide that slavery was OK because it was too inconvenient to change the Constitution?  Did John Cena decide to just lose that important match when the odds were too great to overcome?  NO.  And neither will I!  WE WANT KRUSTY!  WE WANT KRUSTY!  


  1. Why don't they just put it on the network?

  2. Yeah. We want crunchy. We want crunchy.

  3. LOL. This is such a me thing to do. Like being annoyed that the WWE logo is in the corner of WrestleMania 1 DVD and just watching it on VHS instead lol

  4. Don't forget the "Easy Lover" intro! That's why I held onto the tape for over a decade.

  5. Yes! I made a pretty swanky DVD version using that tape as the basis myself for posterity.

  6. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
    "Forget it, he's on a roll..."

  7. Actually Lincoln would have kept slavery if the South just came back to the Union. He even proposed making the 13th amendment to the constitution to allow it forever. It was not until the 2nd year of the war that he said it has to go forever.

  8. YEAH!

    We want Krunchy! We want Krunchy!

  9. I was wrong to suggest that. I wouldn't suggest Rosa Parks should've moved to the back of the bus and I shouldn't have suggested you use a slightly less convenient app. Keep fighting the good fight, Scott. For freedom!!!


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