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Jimmy Hart Unplugged

Unlike many other managers of his generation, Jimmy Hart really hasn't changed much in over thirty years.  Let us celebrate the man who stole Dick Clark's immortality potion with his piano medley of Greatest Hits Not Performed With The Gentrys, and behold what it sounds like when a man sings Sexy Boy in the third person.


  1. Calling The Brain a shell of his former self knowing all of his health issues is pretty disrespectful and uncalled for.

  2. Same with Fuji really.

  3. Yeah, I thought that was a pot shot at the fuj at first.

    To get to a video of Jimmy Hart singing? Why? Can't we have some decorum from the posters around here? There's funny and there's low class. This is the latter.

  4. Yeah there werr much better ways to say that.

  5. What other reasons are there besides health reasons for becoming a shell of his former self?

  6. Getting lazy and not trying anymore.

    Becoming complacent and turning into a caricature of your former self.

    Just getting old.

    The guys mentioned are suffering very serious health ailments and this just came off crude and heartless.

  7. Alright. While I honestly don't see what was offensive about that description, I've changed it to something hopefully less offensive.

  8. You're a class act, Zana. Keep up the great work.

  9. Hulkamaniac in Heaven really pulls on the old heartstrings.

  10. Jimmy is really underrated. I loved him and the Hart Foundation as a kid, fantastic heel manager. Then I watched the Lawler/Kaufman stuff. The stuff with Hogan was off-putting, but I had stopped watching at that point.
    Lastly, eat your heart out, Rick Springfield

  11. Anyone else tear up when he sang Hulkster in Heaven? That's some really poignant lyrics.

  12. I guess there’ll be one empty seat
    When I wrestle at wem-ber-ley :’(

  13. But then along comes BEACH PATROL and EVERYTHING IS AWESOME

  14. I would like to see him sing Brock's theme.

  15. I'm comfortable enough growing older to admit that I'm easily moved by stories that people go through (I'm the guy who goes out of his way to make sure everyone feels appreciated, like the clown or magician who bombs at a birthday party). Watching Jimmy Hart on Legends' House at the end really struck a chord in me; before I considered him an annoying Hogan lackey. But damned if I don't respect the Hell out of the guy now.

  16. I was lucky enough to get to talk to him for a few minutes at the airport post-WM this year. Really nice guy, and Hogan seemed happy to not be bothered lol. I said "Jimmy! You spell wrestling, baby, A-D-O-N-I-S!". Got a chuckle and we BS'd for a few at the skycap. Nice guy.

  17. You're going soft Zana

  18. I am a shell of my former self.

  19. I think the honky-tonk man character was never the same after he and Jimmy parted in 1990

  20. I remember when people lumped you in as a blog troll.

    Christ how long have I been posting here...


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