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Taker/Foley HITC - most famous wrestling match ever?

I know the consensus would be Hogan/Andre - but think about it, the Jim Ross "Good God Almighty!" call has taken on a life of its own, and because the WWE continues to promote the Attitude Era as the most important thing that's ever happened in human history, more people in the internet era (who don't watch wrestling) have seen the Foley off the cage spot than Hogan slamming Andre.

Also do I get a prize for being the 1 millionth person to email you about Taker/Foley?

I'm also gonna have to go with Hogan/Andre, there, compadre, but I appreciate the effort you put into the argument.  Certainly for most memorable MOMENT you could rank it up there, but most people don't really remember the circumstances or details of the match around the swan dive.  I'd even say Rock v. Mankind would best it, in fact.  
