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Happy Thanksgiving (To Some Of You) - Daily Thread

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US... and a happy Thursday to the rest. Enjoy the day and enjoy a small sampling of Thanksgiving goodness from PTBN along the way!

PTBN offers a video collection of Thanksgiving Wrestling memories: PTBN Thanksgiving Wrestling Bounty of Awesome

Scott & Justin revisited Survivor Series 1989 for their Vintage Vault Refresh series: Scott & Justin’s Vintage Vault Refresh: Survivor Series 1989

The Main Event and Kevin Kelly Show both delivered special Thanksgiving Episodes!

The PTBN Comics Staff served up PTBN's Second Annual Comic Comic Cornucopia of Thanksgiving

PTBN's Survivor Series Rewind Series looked back at 1989, 1998 and 2009: PTBN Survivor Series Rewind

And remember to vote in the Greatest Song of the 90s Tournament! Group X went up this sure to choose five of ten songs: PTBN’s Greatest Song of the 90s Tournament

Feel free to use this as a Daily Thread unless The Brian Bayless pops in with his usual news update!


  1. The bridge in "If" is so badass.

  2. But none of those podcasts have anything to do with punk

  3. Having all your relatives show up at your house every year sounds more like a gypsy curse than a holiday

  4. FUCK THE LIONS!!!!!!!!

  5. they don't even let me in the zoo anymore

  6. *Erick Rowan's ears perk up*

  7. I tried to tell them "petting" has more than one meaning and if only one of those is allowed, they need to put up a sign or something

  8. Watching Unforgiven 2005 while I wake and bake, it's right in the middle of the Edge/Matt thing, man did Edge play a real dick through this.

  9. Edge really turned a corner (heh) with that heel run that led into the Rated R Superstar phase.

  10. Fat Stafford and Megatron are really making their fantasy owners thankful

  11. It's always fun to shit on Matt Hardy but the fact that he took zero liberties through that feud is royalty levels of acting professional.

  12. Carving up the bird soon, then gonna wrap up my "13 Days of 007" marathon with "Licence to Kill". Then I have to go in for a half day of work, watch people fistfight over $98 HDTVs. Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Only ten comments in 35 minutes? I guess Punk can still draw.

  14. Not a huge fan of LtK but one of my favorite Bond themes. Sadly was unable to get a turkey this year (I buy one of those heat and serves because I can't cook a turkey at all) so it's rotisserie chicken for me!

  15. Didn't know this thread was up, I'm much happier to review Unforgiven

  16. Oh goodness, Big Show and Snitsky, it really is a holiday!

  17. I like what he does to babies.

  18. bevis and butthead would be in their late 30's by now - I figure stuff like that out when I can't sleep


    I worked Best Buy Black Friday last year, 5pm-5am. FUCK. THAT.

  20. I'm weirded out when I realize I can watch the first four seasons of Friends and I'm older than most of the cast at those points, even though they all look like they have 10 years on me.

  21. Worst kinda related job I ever did was work in the Amazon call center when Oprah put the Kindle2 on her "Favorite Things" list.

    Our call tracking screens went black, none of us even knew they could turn black.

  22. Why aren't you always posting?

  23. I'm only awake like four hours a day

  24. I'm dreading a few years from now where I'm older than every single professional baseball player, that will be crushing.

  25. The nice thing about the Lions being good is that Thanksgiving football is good. Today's NFL slate is pretty awesome, and we still have Super Bowl Possibility Pats/Pack and Denver/KC on Sunday.

  26. another one ....Of all the people Billy Joel mentions in the “We didn’t Start The Fire Song” only 7 1/2 are still alive. It was 81/2, but Sally Ride died last year

    I decided to give a half point to “Beatlemania” since Paul and Ringo are still around. I wasn’t sure if that should count or not. It was a judgement call, but I stand by my decision.

    I’m 99% sure “U2″ refers to the spy plane, and not the band, so they don’t count.

    The others who aren’t dead yet: Doris Day, The Queen of England, Brigitte Bardot, Fidel Castro, Chubby Checker, Bob Dylan and Bernie Goetz.

    Someday, I’ll find out how many people on the Sgt. Pepper cover are still alive.

  27. I'm already tripped out that I'm older than most crop of athletes. At 28, I'm getting to the point where I've seen 20-year careers like Jeter and Chipper Jones in full and why the hell is my life going so fast?

  28. ...This is the greatest series of posts in history.

    U2 was definitely a reference to the plane.

    I can't believe Chubby and Fidel are still alive.

  29. Maybe I'll get lucky and Moyer will never actually retire and I can continue to be happy in my life.

    But yeah, at 34 I'm almost there, hell I'm younger than only a handful of wrestlers.

  30. That sounds like the worst. At least the actual work wasn't too bad (the holidays were much worse and really put me in a Punk-like GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE mood), because we opened at 5, there was no real stampede of customers, everyone just basially staggered in after their holiday dinners, and they divvied up the work so some employees just worked the sales floor and others just worked the registers. And because I was shit at the registers (there's like six layers of submenus, so unless it's a straight scan-and sell -- and it rarely is at the computer section of BB -- I made every ring-up a test of patience), I was really happy I was just tasked with putting product in people's hands. I turn into Al Pacino working over JOnathan Pryce in "Glengarry" when it came to shilling product. Really, the brutal thing about it was simply the fucking hours themselves, I think I came at 5am and slept till 4pm.

  31. I saw Tom Gordon's and his son - Dee Gordon's rookie seasons.

  32. Sounds like hell, just shopping today sounds like hell let alone working it.

    All my gifts were bought in August and September

  33. To me "Licence to Kill" is the last of the "vintage" Bonds. The four Brosnan outings never really clicked with me. They're slick, well-made action films, but I never look at them in the same vein as the rest of the series. I know they're generally reviled, but "Licence" and "A View to A Kill" are my favorite Bonds of the 80s. And yes, the theme is silky-smooth greatness.

  34. It's great watching Cult try so hard in that thread.

  35. I think a lot of it comes from I look younger than I am; I was stunned to learn Bray Wyatt is a year younger than I am. He doesn't look nor sound 27 at all.

  36. Michaels and Chris Masters? This could be pretty interested because Shawn Michaels is in it.

  37. Best match of Masters career and proof HBK could carry anything to three snowflakes.

  38. Makes sense, his dad looked 40 when he was 20.

  39. Michaels from 04-06 or so is so great, he's in full "Prove the whole fucking world wrong about me THIS TIME" mode.

    The product lost so much when he retired.

  40. But before Michaels and Masters it's....Shelton and Kerwin White

    My god, the creative team of 2005 deserves an award for figuring out how to make Chavo jobbier

  41. I think of the Dalton ones as weird in-between films; they were going for a darker one but there's a lot of tonal shifts, and Dalton was a good Bond but didn't have a lot of memorable moments. Brosnan's slid down to #3 after Daniel Craig burst on the scene, but I'm one of the rare Brosnan Era fans who think Tomorrow Never Dies -- which I think nailed the classic Bond formula to a tee and has a top-6 main villain in my book -- is better than GoldenEye.

  42. Honestly, he could come back right now and still be right at the tippy-top of his profession.

  43. He's the only guy I'd support coming back even if he was at Hogan levels of immobility and could only do one punch. Michaels would make that one punch a *** star affair somehow.

  44. I used to bag groceries and there was one old lady who couldn't remember what her car looked like, but she did remember her license plate number - so I had to carry the bags around the parking lot looking for KRP-482 - or whatever, until I remembered what she drove. She also would bring in a sack of empty cans and packages so she would know what she wanted to buy again. To this day I'm thankful she was too old to need to by tampons.

    Being a bag boy caused me to develop a deep and profound hatred of the elderly

  45. I'm not gonna lie...I kinda dug Kerwin White. I'll give credit to Chavo, he went full hog with that. I remember when he first hit, people on the message boards were like "What Sinatra song is that?"

    Jesus, I just realized Dolph's been with the company for nearly a decade (if you count his OVW stint in 2007-08).

  46. It seems weird that some guys' rise to the top takes even longer now with even more television to produce.

    Bret's rise took like 10 years but there was only one show and two PPV's.

  47. What was the E's justification for firing Hardy through that whole thing anyway?

  48. IIRC, they were trying to keep it behind closed doors but Matt talked about it (whereas Edge and Lita kept it silent), and it got to the point where they felt one of them had to go, and Edge was the bigger player, Lita was a Diva linchpin, and both were company guys.

  49. There at at least 5 other posters I believe to be Vince Jordan. No self loving human being would stand up to support such a monster.

  50. I support him shitting on Punk and him shitting on Punk only.

    Otherwise I generally agree with you.

  51. For those interested, RFVideo and Highspots have sales going on.

  52. Dude... we are the same guy! Well, mostly maybe. "Tomorrow" is the only Brosnan entry that I get the least bit into. "GoldenEye", and "The Living Daylights" are dull outings to me. The same for "For Your Eyes Only" and "Octopussy". But see I grew up as a kid with the early ones, so I'm fond of the more outlandish Moore movies. I adore the Connery installments, warmed up to Lazenby's sole outing over the years, and love (2 out of 3 of) the Craig films. "The World is Not Enough" is my least favorite of the entire series; and as much as I like the outlandish, "Die Another Day" is too ridiculous even for me. When pressed to name my favorite I usually pick "Goldfinger" but I could seriously watch the six official Connerys on one big, continuous loop.

  53. I fucking hate old spices ads.

    I hate the Detroit lions mascot. He did Cena's "you can't see me" thing. Jerk.

    And, I have yet to hear all if the punk podcast because it just won't play in is entirety.

    Happy fucking thanksgiving.

  54. I usually did the Old Spice ads, but the ones with the moms aren't funny.

  55. I benched Stafford in favor of Big Ben. Not feeling too great about it right now.

  56. Those mom ones are seriously very creepy.

  57. Mascots have a hard life. I got fired as the mascot for the Miami Marlins. They said I was too realistic and no one wanted to see a mascot flopping around on the ground struggling to breathe. It frightened the children

  58. I shall be working at a Walmart today during the madness. Pray for me.

  59. The most prevalent one in the ads looks like the woman disguise Arnie uses in "Total Recall".

  60. He's a serial rapist and a coward. His born again jesus schtick is some of the most pathetic ever. He's a monster. If he truly does believe in a. After life I hope he gets his then.

  61. Also, it's hard to have two products that are flopping running concurrently.

  62. Wow, you are really making Vince Jordan look like a good poster today.

  63. I'm pouring one out for you in a proactive rememberence.

  64. I think maybe you should take a break, enjoy some football, calm down a bit, eat some food, jerk off, come back later when you're not really wound up man.

  65. I think maybe you should stop worrying about me and worry about going to go fuck yourself. Seriously.

  66. Yes. I will be one of those guys who has to "guard" a pallet of $35 bluray players or somesuch until they give the signal to cut the plastic, then try to escape the scrum intact.

  67. Lol, this is much more fun than doing any of that.

    So tell me what's wrong, big guy. You've been in a mood for awhile.

  68. you're an idiot.

  69. Not a Punk fan?

  70. "When pressed to name my favorite I usually pick "Goldfinger" but I could seriously watch the six official Connerys on one big, continuous loop."

    This x100.

    I think TWINE is the most frustrating Bod movie, because half of it (the parts with Sophie Marceau) is a really good Bond movie and the other half (the parts with Denise Richards) is nearly "A View to a Kill" levels of awfulness. I think it says a lot about how bad Richards was that no one could buy her as a nuclear scientist in a Bond movie and it put her in the D-list for good.

    But yeah, as great as the Craig ones are now, as much I like the Brosnan movies, the Connery films will always be the perfect embodiment of what a Bond film should be; I'm kinda meh on Never Say Never Again and Diamonds Are Forever are kinda unremarkable, but the first five films are pretty much timeless and awesome.

  71. He's every sniveling little entitled employee ever.

    I see it purely from Vince's side, good riddance.

    I actually like him in the ring, he was never even close to being the best wrestler in the world but he was always good.

  72. So much impotent anger on display!

  73. It's one of those days where the question isn't should I leave forever, but rather how soon should I leave forever. It's a shame you people are ok with letting this place turn into a cesspool of lies and Tom foolery.

  74. HEY HEY HEY. You're a dumb shit.

  75. I always did like when girls announced they were leaving Facebook and then stayed to comment about their leaving Facebook.

  76. You sound like a pathetic asshole. Keep up the good work moron.

  77. My anger is rock hard and ready to fuck you in the ass and humble you. Cock sucker. Come at me like a man.

  78. HEY HEY HEY. You're a dumb shit. Go fuck yourself.

  79. Cesspool of lies and tomfoolery?

  80. You're still here Kyle....

    My vote's on forever, btw

  81. Try getting it on YouTube, bro.

  82. My vote says you're a moron. I guess we cancel each other out and you can go fuck yourself. Eat a dick.

  83. I guess we really are a bunch of cocksuckers. :O

  84. I like Vince Jordan more than you. You're mean.

  85. Holiday got you down?

    Is someone all alone today?

  86. Fair enough. Thanks for explaining without personal insults or calling me a member of the cesspool.

  87. Allow me to be Daniel Bryan last monday, and you're my HHH.

    *gets right in your face* YES!! YES!! YES!! YES

    *you move over, I move back in your face* YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

  88. LOL! He wants to make love to you!

  89. Denver KC is not a potential Super Bowl match up.

  90. Amazing how quick Dan managed to turn me to Vince's side

  91. You'll never have a better comment than this.

  92. This meltdown has serious potential, he's worse than Kyle at stopping himself

  93. He got mad at me yesterday because I'm a Raptors fan.

    DanimalCrossing used to be a nice guy, too.

  94. "World" has the good boat chase pre-credit scene then... nothing. "Never Say Never Again" is fun the first act, okay the second, the goes on cruise control for the final third of the movie. I enjoy most of that movie simply because Connery seems to be having fun for one last time (more than he did in "Diamonds").

  95. Yeah. Im all alone. You hit the nail on the head. Moron. The fact that people thing you're an idiot doesn't mean they are alone or lonely. It means they think you are a fucking moron. Get fucked.

  96. He once made a "hopping mad" joke about the bunny that made me laugh.

  97. Somethings going on with him for sure, for the last week or so he's just been angry and insulting to everyone

    Shame he can't just deal like a big boy

  98. The Raptors fucking suck and you're an idiot if you think they have legit playoff prospects.

  99. I'll be a big boy and tell you to go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Big boy.

  100. *The entire Blog carries Vince Jordan on their shoulders like Bret Hart at WrestleMania X. Dan watched angrily from the aisle way. Night81 holds the ropes open inviting him back him but he refuses. Marv leads the Blog in a chant of "NA NA NA NA, NA NA NA NA, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE"

  101. I ask because you're super duper angry on a message board on a holiday.

    You could just as easily have a house full of people and that's why you're throwing a tantrum. I won't know either way unless I ask.

    Not that you'd respond, because you're tough.

  102. Now there's a word that doesn't get used enough.

  103. This Day in History
    Jim Crockett Promotions presents Starrcade: Night of the Sky-Walkers
    Thursday, November 27, 1986
    Greensboro Coliseum & The Omni
    Greensboro, N.C. and Atlanta, GA

    - Tim Horner & Nelson Royal def. Don't & Rocky Nelson
    - Brad Armstrong wrestled Jimmy Garvin to a draw
    - Hector Guerrero & Baron Von Raschke def. Shaska Whatley & The Barbarian
    - The Russians def. The Kansas Jayhawks
    - Indian Strap Match: Wahoo McDaniel def. Rick Rude
    - Central States Champion Sam Houston def. Bill Dundee via DQ
    - Hair vs. Hair: Jimmy Valiant def. Paul Jones
    - Street Fight: Big Bubba def. Ron Garvin
    - First Blood: Tully Blanchard def. World TV Champion Dusty Rhodes to win the title
    - Sky-Walkers: Road Warriors def. Midnight Express
    - Steel Cage: World Tag Team Champions the Rock & Roll Express def. Arn & Ole Anderson
    - World Champion Ric Flair wrestled U.S. Champion Nikita Koloff to a draw

  104. Ok, these insults are getting into Orton chinlock territory, come up with new stuff ya bore.

  105. You would never get in my face you sniveling bitch. You're every bit of a pussy as we all know you are. I would eat you alive shit eater. Fuck off.

  106. Two draws. Imagine if a WWE PPV today had two draws.

  107. I like when they announce ahead of time they're going through their friends list to delete people so you'll message them to make sure you don't get cut.

  108. YES!!!!

    He's calling out people to fight in real life!

    We've entered Phase Two!!

  109. As a compromise we should ban both of them

  110. What a waste of everyone's time. You're an idiot.

  111. Flush it down the drain Big boy!

  112. The IWC would explode

  113. Hey now, let's leave the Raptors out of this.

  114. What bfought on Danimal going full blown crazy?

  115. If you have a cesspool, you really shouldn't allow tomfoolery or horseplay. Cesspool safety is everyone's responsibility

  116. You're upvoting yourself? lol

  117. I agree. It's for the greater good. I could accept that.

  118. the forum version of a suicide bombing? For the greater good of Allah?

  119. Thanks. Will listen on my drive home.

  120. The typical Vince Jordan tomfoolery and the refusal of the rest of the group to stand up and let him know how big of a moron he is.

  121. Hey now, let's keep it kosher with the Allah thing. :)

  122. You called him a pussy and then said you'd eat him. Dan wants to bang VJ!

  123. Everyone in this thread is having fun except you.

    I bet that feels awesome.

  124. If you want us to take this seriously you have to stop saying tomfoolery.

  125. Vince is fine.

  126. Or you could leave like you said you would.

  127. Bing bong sing along, your teams' Al Gore cuz your views are wrong.

  128. I completely agree. Cesspools are nothing to joke about.

  129. I'm having a great time and bringing others enjoyment. You're just an also ran piece of shit. So shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

  130. You need to talk to that poster that always spouts off about Jesus (and then complains about wwe's booking which I always thought was kinda weird). He'll show you the light.

  131. He threatened to have his anger rape Marv Cresto earlier.

  132. We got ourselves a cock sucker here.

  133. We wouldn't take up a lynch mob to rid this esteemed blog of that delinquent menace Vince Jordan!

  134. I wouldn't want to eat anyone who was a shit eater, alive or not. That's just not sanitary

  135. 1 point for the new insult

    -5 for thinking you're looking like an adult in this


  137. Such a moron.

  138. If falcons win their division with only 6 wins, coach stays or goes?

  139. Who is that? I've never seen this person.

  140. They could actually win their division with 6 wins?

  141. I think a well-booked draw could work, especially if it's an underdog unbelievably hanging with a monster. Like Dolph and Brock.

  142. You've offered to have sex with three times in the last 20 minutes.

  143. Go fuck yourself. Cock sucker. I don't need to come up with anything different. That's the gist of it. Get fucked. You're a moron. End of story.

  144. I do know. They are pretenders at best.

  145. Yeah, tomfoolery is way too whimsical a word.

  146. Adam "Colorado" CurryNovember 27, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    He posts the same horseshit every day just to get a rise out of people. That's the very definition of a troll. Then he complains that people don't like him because he has a different opinion. No, it's because he's a fucking asshole.

  147. So...If he eats shit, and you eat him...You are also a shit eater.


  148. You're right. I love the crowd reactions on these old shows. I wish crowds were still emotionally invested like they were back then.

  149. You could uhhh. Choke on a dick.

  150. it's weird, here all of the liquor stores closed for Thanksgiving

  151. He doesn't like Vince, we didn't all jump up to agree with him.

    So now he's mad at the entire blog because he's super fucking stable and not at all a lonely with mental issues.

  152. If Danimal were a song he'd be "Should I stay or should I go" because he cannot decide!

  153. Adam "Colorado" CurryNovember 27, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Theoretically if there's enough ties they can win with 4.

  154. The Chicago Bears are choking worse than David Carradine on a kink fetish.

    Do they not realize Detroit's the team that's supposed to suck on Thanksgiving?

  155. A 5 win team could win their division.
    An 11 win team could be out of the playoffs

  156. I'm having a great time dumb shit. It's about time someone stood up to tell it like it is. This place is a real shit show.

  157. What did Vince post that has Danimal so angry? Seriously... Where is this post?

  158. Say Dolph and Brock go 30 minutes and Dolph takes unbelievable punishment but keeps kicking out until he finally puts Brock down for the count only to have time run out.

    I would watch RAW the next day for sure.

  159. Ewwwwwww hahahaha, you think you're taking some kind of righteous stand here?

    We are all laughing at your bravery.

  160. I don't think it was one post. It's just a collection of Vince's posts and Dan decided he just wasn't gonna stand for it anymore. But he figured he'd have the whole blog behind him. But...he doesn't.

  161. I never offered too, you offered to leave though.

    No one asked you to stay.

    Man you're focused on gay sex.

  162. That's ridiculous, I don't follow the NFC that closely.

  163. He must be a fan of "The Gay Sex Predator, Blandy Boreton"

  164. I guess I have to live up to my name. Dan said so.

  165. No one is lonely and saying someone is lonely because they call you a cock sucker on a wrestling Blig is bottom of the barrel reaching you're a dumb shit. Stock to actual facts and put the lonely bull shit back into your sack of lies.

  166. I'll be 34 next month, so I feel your pain. I can't believe I just saw Derek Jeter's entire career.

  167. Adam "Colorado" CurryNovember 27, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"

    "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"

  168. I've got my kind made up come on.

  169. "saying someone is lonely because they call you a cock sucker on a wrestling Blig is bottom of the barrel reaching"

    Getting THAT shit put on a banner. That is goddamn tremendous.

  170. Do you guys remember Dolph's match against ADR for the title after he came back from the concussion? And then AJ blew the match for him?

    That was a pretty damn good match.

  171. I think it's more my overall existence.

  172. Yep, just like Linda's senate campaigns, he's failed twice to get the votes and support now.

  173. Don't worry. What happens on the BoD stays...Well, on the internet.

  174. MARV! They're singing Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey at the Lions game!

  175. I read "and then AJ blew him after the match"

  176. You gotta's probably feeling pretty good right now.

  177. Right, you're staying.

  178. It felt better last month. Right now, I think he's just hammered, and won't even remember this tomorrow.

  179. Vintage Vince...or dare I say..."Vincetage?


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