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Rick Martel/HOF

I'm doing a sporcle quiz of WWE HOFers and I'm typing Martel Martel and nothing.
 How come Ric isn't in the Hall? His list of qualifications are WAY better than some of the jabronis in there and he rates way high on the Bushwhackers/Koko B Ware scale...

AWA World Champion
Multiple time WWE/F Tag Champ dating back to the 70s
Had a great heel turn AT Wrestlemania and rode that gimmick as a solid mid card heel for years
Was even a WCW TV champion in 98 until his career ending injury...
So why not Rick Martel?  Is there any beef with Vince we don't know of, or just out of sight, out of mind?

I don't think there's a HUGELY compelling case for him, or any major beef against him for that matter, so I'd say he's a solid choice to go in a midcard guy one of these years when they need one.  I just don't feel like anyone's been clamoring for Martel aside from maybe Pat Patterson or Tony Garea.  


  1. Extant1979 - Extreme SuperstarMay 30, 2015 at 8:31 AM

    I think Elimination Chamber has the makings to be one of the best special events of the year. The Main Event features two members of the Shield, the two EC matches don't include the usual suspects, and John Cena is taking on Kevin FREAKING Owens. This would be worth the $10 for the month alone.

  2. Concur. Really looking forward to it.

  3. No, you're a Canadian 8 Ball. Something something socialized medicine something.

  4. Also, "to get a Elimination Chamber..." makes it sound like you get one free with your subscription. As cool as that might be, I'd have nowhere to put the fucking thing.

  5. Sporacle quizzes are still around?

  6. He'd be a model induction to the Hall of Fame.

  7. Thank you for saying that. I'm so tired of people talking about getting rid of the Network and wondering if it's worth it to sign back up for a particular event. The easiest way I justified it was that I got the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania every year, which was about $110.

    And on top of the economical reason, you're right, the Network is fucking awesome. Period.

  8. Random thought...the next big punk band should be called:

    Acidic Bunghole.

  9. Woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday and was pumped for EC :(

  10. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 30, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    I've paid for the Network since launch down, or roughly $160. That's the cost of about three HD pay per views. If that's not worth the money, I don't know what would be.

  11. lariatoooooooooooooMay 30, 2015 at 8:54 AM

    He does have a highly compelling case if you include his AWA work.

  12. Extant1979 - Extreme SuperstarMay 30, 2015 at 8:56 AM

    I'm a Day One subscriber also, and I've never once regretted paying that $9.99. The PPVs may not be mind-blowing, but they've been solid lately and perfectly acceptable ways to spend three hours. Plus, there's a ton of other content I enjoy putting on the background while I'm doing shit around the house.

  13. Outside of the Koko B Ware argument where you could almost include anyone, there are a ton of guys like Martel from the 80s/90s that should really be in. But as Scott kind of said, these guys are not headliners and outside of the hardcore fans wouldn't really move the needle much on TV. They are filler inductions, unfortunately, because of the nature of how the WWE runs its "Hall of Fame."

  14. Change topic title to Rick Rude

  15. Kinda stoked for this show. Four potential 4-star matches on the card.

    Will we get that? No, but regardless I'm sure it will be a solid show

  16. Only 4 possible **** matches?

    I think that Cena can probably drag Owens up to a **** match as well!

  17. Owens/Cena
    Tag Elim Chamber
    IC Elim Chamber


  18. Guys like Martel, Rude, Bossman, Davey, Vader, etc. will go in sometime but they are never going to headline, so it's just wherever they slot in.

  19. Y no New Day thread?

  20. What about the divas match?


  21. I'm a day one guy too. I've gotten so much more than my money's worth...this March alone I watched every single Wrestlemania on the lead up to 31. Since I don't own them on DVD, how much would it have cost me, both in money and time, to track them all down? Plus I used to order Wrestlemania every year, which is like $60 for the HD feed. Throw in the 80s and early 90s stuff that was my early years as a fan, plus the Raws and Nitros, and honestly, $9.99 seems like I'm ripping them off. I have zero Network complaints.

  22. I think Bo/Neville has some sleeper potential too. If they get time, they could put something good together. They had some good matches down in NXT.

  23. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 30, 2015 at 9:23 AM

    Oh yeah. Often times I'll throw on an old Wrestlemania and close my eyes and fall asleep to Monsoon and Ventura. It's very relaxing.

  24. Stranger In The AlpsMay 30, 2015 at 9:27 AM

    Haters gon' hate. If you feel $10 is not worth ALL THIS CONTENT then I don't know what is. The best way to prove it is to watch all of the SNMEs, Clashes, Old Schools, Prime Times, RAWs, Smackdowns and PPVs in chronological order. It's mind-blowing how much content is actually on there, and yet there is so much more to come down the road.

  25. Even if you don't care about watching old wrestling like most folks here, it's free. Just sign up.

  26. Maybe the writer is a kid, Scott. I saw a comment on some video online where some kid went nuts and wrote "The ten reasons Cena is better than the Rock", or something similar, and it was adorable. Apparently, the Rock knows he can never beat Cena, and that's why he hasn't challenged him since.

    People got all upset and mocked the kid, but I thought it was wonderful. : )

  27. I've got enough room in my backyard. If I clear trees, I'd even be able to sell some seating.

    This sounds like a good idea. Post construction, I wouldn't have to mow the damn thing.

  28. Unless you've got bigfoots? Bigfeet? having matches, not sure it would be a good thing.

  29. Why ever get rid of it anyways? The network rules.

  30. Watching all of it in order is freaking awesome.

  31. My credit card was cancelled (fraud AGAIN) and I'm buying a house so I'm trying to save money any way I can. I love the network too, but since the payment was denied and I'm waiting for a new card, I was just gonna wait until all the house stuff was settled and I'm moved and what not. Then at the end of August or whatever, I'll sign back up and have just a treasure trove of new stuff to watch since they'll have added stuff over the last few months that I didn't get to see (like most of 97 Raw, for instance).

    My question, really, I guess, is is The Elimination Chamber something I just have to see live? Or should I just wait it out? I'm on the fence, but I think whatever the Owens/Cena result, the Internet is gonna explode over it so I can't really miss it.

  32. I'm on about my fifth free month, and I'm pumped for EC tomorrow. Having said that, the $10 ppvs still isn't much of a selling point to me, since I had only ordered one Royal Rumble since 2008. And through tape trading and watching a lot of stuff over the years, I have the majority of the WWF and WCW ppvs through 2008 anyways (ECW I can take or leave). So free is about the right price for me.

  33. Tape trading? So SNME, Nitro, even stuff like Legends of Wrestling aren't interesting to you? Its your call, but I'm betting there's $10 a month that you waste that could be better spent on this.

  34. I just have a lot of that stuff already. That's what happens when you compulsively collect for two decades (including WWE 24/7 stuff from one Jeremy Rinehart). I don't watch Raw, wouldn't buy these ppvs, so meh.

  35. I've thought about resubscribing. I think the show could be fun.

    Have they any classic content other than the raws and hulk cartoon, since mania.

  36. Fat, Ugly Inner-City SweathogMay 30, 2015 at 2:02 PM

    hi is war games tomorrow?

  37. Outside of the very good card, I've got to admit I'm a fan of the EC gimmick itself. Pretty excited about the show tomorrow.

  38. I find it odd that someone would sign up or not for the network depending on Scott's response.

  39. Extant1979 - Extreme SuperstarMay 30, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    Scott Keith: Video streaming service life coach.

  40. Jesus Christ dude, who knows? You know exactly as much as the rest of us about Elimination Chamber. And you know way more than we do about your personal tolerance for watching a live show vs. watching it three months from now. Stop blubbering like a moron and make a decision.

  41. Doctor FunkopolisMay 30, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    I live in a semi rural area.

    If I go around advertising a Bigfoot that isn't a car crushing truck, these Hoosiers would go mad with fury.

    "You son of a bitch! Its some damn offshoot of humanity! A failed alternative to the succesful derivative of ape that we ourselves became. Aint no damned monster truck?!"

    They..they actually have a pretty solid public education system around here.

  42. Ok. That was funny. Well done.

  43. AverageJoeEverymanMay 30, 2015 at 7:33 PM

    So that's like a 7.50 ball American?

  44. Doctor FunkopolisMay 30, 2015 at 8:11 PM

    Thanks, I do all right.

    I ain't no main eventer, but Im a solid Tito Santana type.

    Which means I was considered for a run on top? In the early 90's?

    That one got away before it went anywhere.

  45. Owens vs Cena should be good. But if it were me in that situation you mentioned, I'd probably wait until the card situation worked itself out.

  46. Doesn't take away from the one that worked.


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