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Screw it, let's do this.

OK, life's too short, let's give it a go.  For $10 a month with, I'm willing to take another swing at Wordpress, because it's not like Blogger is going away.  So this site will remain at, and will be the new site.  If it starts crashing, no harm done, I'll just cancel and go back to Blogger again.  

So, general questions, since I can do pretty much whatever I want with Wordpress:

1)  Should I configure the Wordpress site to look just like this site?  

2)  Should we try to include an actual forum?  

3)  Any other cool shit people want to try that we haven't been able to before?

4)  Stick with Disqus or go to one of the hip alternatives like Livefyre or an open source one?  


  1. Down Under Aussie (in Japan)July 4, 2015 at 11:23 PM

    1) yes

    2) yes

    4) something with downvotes



  3. 1. Yes.

    2. YES

    3. No idea.

    4. Disqus.

  4. Forums are never going to actually work tho if the set up remains the same because people will just talk about whatever they want in the comment section.

    I'm biased but I thought the last go at the forums was really good and would have worked but there was no incentive for people to use them.

  5. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 4, 2015 at 11:52 PM

    1. Yes

    2. No. Why bother?

    3. I can't think of anything.

    4. Stick with Disqus.

  6. I'm not interested in a forum. I come here to read Scott's posts and the daily update. Not saying a forum shouldn't happen, just that I wouldn't visit it.

  7. Live hangouts area, so we can ruin our mystiques by letting others hear our actual voice.

  8. Yes
    I'm pretty sure we'd break Livefyre

  9. Livefyre is a dumpster fyre.

  10. More polls and tournaments would be fun

  11. SK - You need to organize the rants, dude.

  12. Not gonna happen, dude. Google is your friend.

  13. I really miss that site that archived all his rants in one place. It was so clutch.

  14. The point is not to have 2 sites, the point is to migrate to the new site, and if it can't handle the traffic, then we return here. There's a million reasons from my end why it's worth it to go back to Wordpress, although you wouldn't really notice many of them from the user side. Mostly Google is being a real bitch to work with for third party developers and I nearly lost external posting access a few weeks ago as a result, to name one.

  15. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 5, 2015 at 12:45 AM

    Ah, gotcha.

  16. I'm sure there's a very valid reason why they can't be archived, but as a regular visitor, they're the money.

    Who cares what the fans want, right? Thanks Vince.

  17. 1. Yes, I find this layout aesthetically pleasing.

    2. Nah.

    3. Uhhhhh... Ive always wanted to go club racing? If we all get our permission slips signed, we can at least go carting?

    4. Disqus

  18. Or just pay him $10 or so and have your very own copy of all of them.

  19. I'm cool with whatever works for everyone else, but if there is a more reliable free option for comments that would be really great.

  20. Extant1979 - Extreme SuperstarJuly 5, 2015 at 1:43 AM

    Intriguing... Stick with something as close as possible to this, Disqus included.

  21. No idea; I don't really have much of a preference. As long as I have somewhere to shoot the shit with my fellow BoDers, and the format doesn't suck ass, I'm good.

  22. Stranger In The AlpsJuly 5, 2015 at 2:21 AM

    The current layout here is something that should be duplicated as much as possible.

    Forums, schmorums. The most recent attempt at getting people to flock to them worked about as well as an Austin heel turn.

    I don't mind Disqus. The good outweighs the bad plus it carries over to other sites that I frequent. *gasp* I rules!

  23. 1) Go with a new look. Why not?

    2) You could...but I'd still stick with a real-time chatting system.

    3) I'd have an avatar for each writer (doesn't have to be them -- could be a logo or something) and, perhaps, a picture for each piece.

    4) Disqus is nice but flawed. That said, I can't see using any other system.

  24. I don't want to see the man behind the curtain. Next you're going to tell me that wrestling is fixed.

  25. Saw this theme, thought it would look nice for it:

    You could have a bunch of images for 'Mailbag', 'Rant', 'Article', and one for each author if you wanted the images.

  26. Disqus! I'm thisclose to 10,000 upvotes!

  27. Maybe try one of the shopping plugins to add any ebooks you're still selling?

  28. Here's one for while we still can!

  29. I almost have more upvotes than comments, that's where it's really at. Quality over quantity!

  30. I remember those days. Those killer ratio days. Then I stopped picking my spots and just started saying whatever came into my head. The numbers fell off a cliff. :(

  31. 1)Yes
    2) No we have one here and nobody uses it.
    3) ip blocking
    4) Discus works fine 99% of the time.

  32. Fuck it. It's like Scott says, life's too short.

  33. Open source commenting encourages people without a Disqus account to leave comments as well. I recently switched back to Wordpress myself after 5 years away from it. Back then, it had plenty of functionality, and now I'm blown away by how much MORE functionality there is! Good move to Wordpress.

    I think everyone here prefers to just do their chatting in the comments section instead of a forum, but the native forum plugin for Wordpress is pretty dang good too.

    As for things with the site, I believe the same rules of Adsense apply no matter where the blog is hosted. Videos that aren't WWE etc. would still be taboo. I would like to see you be able to start embedding videos again, but I understand the conflict in that decision.

  34. Weren't you the lone guy in the audience screaming "Cena sucks!" last night?

  35. Who are you again?

  36. As for configuring it to look just like this site....I love the color schemes and the easy on the eyes feel you have here. One thing I really like about Wordpress though is the rotating header option. A little taste of something different everytime you visit.

  37. Oh yeah, that guy that shows up when someone dies.

    Looking forward to your piece on Cora Combs.

  38. Wait did someone die ?

  39. RIP Kofi Kingston.

  40. :(

  41. I fear change.

  42. My upvotes cost more than your house

  43. What problems are you trying to solve exactly by switching to a new CMS?

    If you change the aesthetic and commenting system too, people are most likely going to flip out and it will be more trouble for you than it's worth.

    Livefyre is garbage (see IGN for an example of how well that's gone over). Unless the spam thing gets completely out of control, I like the current setup just fine.

  44. I have way more upvotes than comments. An accomplishment that will bring me nothing.

  45. 1. Yes.

    2. No.

    3. Bring back Caliber.

    4. Disqus

  46. 1) Sure, or you could go with something new and fresh. If WWE won't at least give their shows a fresh paint job, you can.

    2) Eh, I don't know. Seems most discussions happen in the threads. Forums have usually been ignored, haven't they?

    3) No idea. Maybe bring on a few more mods, if only to curb spammers?

    4) Keep Disqus. I like it.

    Speaking of Disqus on Wordpress, how do you add that into a Wordpress page? On my own WP blog, it has a comment system, but I wouldn't mind putting Disqus on it, instead.

  47. Hickman's run on Avengers starts out well but I found that it became repetitive. Interested to see if you agree.

  48. This frightens me. I don't like change.

  49. I'd also like to see a "Letters from Ebert" feature.

  50. Disqus please for ease of use.

  51. It's like a new pair of underwear? At first it's restrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you?

  52. 1. Sure, but a bit of a change wouldn't be bad.
    2. LOL
    3. Change the colors of the titles of certain threads. Comic book ones would be one color, old school wrestling another color, your Rants a different color, etc.
    4. Disqus never has any problems so I think it should stay.

  53. Please stick with Disqus. I'm too lazy to create another account, plus I don't want to use Facebook for anything outside actual Facebook.

  54. The rspw lettering has a lot history to it.

  55. Smart idea with the colours.

  56. Honestly I don't think any of the previous designs for the blog match the current one; if you do switch it it might be worth asking the guy who did the old one. :)

  57. New site = New design. I liked that comic that had 'We play it out...' Something like that would pretty the place up.

  58. Oh, yeah. I second the bit about not wanting to use FB for anything outside it.

  59. I like things how they are, so as close to that as possible.

  60. OMG, how many accounts would I have to have?!?!

  61. In true TNA fashion, your answer to #4 is basically EVERYTHING IS FINE, lol

  62. I would continue to use Disqus. there are a few posters here who seem to base their happiness on their top posting status or whatever and if those went away their lives would likely be ruined.

  63. Mikey is a true humanitarian

  64. You got it

    (the right stuff)

  65. stick with disqus!

  66. "TT's LOG OF DOO"

  67. I would like a search feature to be able to find whatever rant I was looking for

  68. For all it's flaws, disqus is still probably the best commenting system out there. Plus it works across several other sites which is a lot less hassle. And fuck any kind of commenting system tied to social media accounts.

  69. how do you check the rankings??

  70. I'm far from the most frequent commenter, but I pop by multiple times a day or night to see what's doing, especially in the daily threads. So I'd prefer a site that pretty much looks and works exactly like this one, just at a different URL. Keep Disqus, too, because like most people I've gotten accustomed to it.

  71. A search based on reviewer, promotion, or year would be great.

  72. Search for the Disqus plugin in Wordpress and it pretty much auto-installs.

  73. At the top of the comments next to the number of comments there's a Scott's Blog Of Doom! link, click that and there's a link to Top Commenters. SCROLL DOWN FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE FOREVER and there's TimeandtheRani 38 down. You have to count though, which is hard work. :/

  74. I'm not on social media so that would be the end of me here if that was the case

  75. I second that emotion. Google is good if you know exactly what you are looking for. With Scott's extensive, decades worth of writings, you cannot always remember what he has written.

    Dunno, don't think it has to be that complicated, maybe at first separate rants into wrestling, TV, movies, music. wrestling into some subcategories (WWF, WCW, etc). might be ok to start with. It's fun to discover something you didn't know (or forgot) existed.

  76. I agree with this.

    For the love of everything holy, make is so we don't have to scroll though the entire post on the main page, like the new site is now.

  77. I agree wholeheartedly. No need for a change.

  78. I don't comment all too often, but this site is the first of my bookmarks on my phone for a reason. I like the format and I like the content as-is. Plus, I don't have a Facebook anymore and I'd rather not reactivate it to participate on a wrestling site.

  79. Keep disqus, no forum, make it look like this site.

  80. Charismatic eNegro Jef VinsonJuly 5, 2015 at 10:20 AM

    I agree with the Facebook part.

  81. No Facebook commenting affiliation please

  82. Please keep Disqus. Ive grown accustomed to it.

  83. You say that now, but it'll be taken into account when considering your BoD HOF case!

  84. There's a lot of people that won't post if you go to Facebook because they like being anonymous here.

  85. Is there a comment system comprised solely of Tout videos? I vote for that.

  86. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 5, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    I won't post because fuck Facebook.

  87. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©July 5, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    As others have said, I'll take Disqus.

  88. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©July 5, 2015 at 1:31 PM

    Yep, Disqus is the type of comment system that others should try to replicate.

  89. "Yep Mode" Abeyance Brown ©July 5, 2015 at 1:33 PM

    Upvote for Caliber.

  90. Hickman's run on Avengers and New Avengers, not too mention Infinity and Secret Wars, has been fantastic throughout. But it does get confusing at times. Great stuff but it's tough at times to get your head around.

  91. I won't either.

  92. Don't go the Facebook route, otherwise I'm pretty flexible.

  93. Diqus is the baseline. If Livefyre offers like...downvotes, you could switch, but I started a Disqus account for this site it's my primary use for it.

  94. The marks would be up in arms if that happened. I'd be like the Koko B. Ware of the BoD HOF.

  95. I've been banned at Scott's blog by Adam Curry, but I praise God he was convicted by the Holy Spirit to ban me. It means the Truth is True. Praise God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


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