Good day Mr. Keith. All the recent discussion about UT's opponent for this coming up wrestlemania, really either Cena or Lesnar, has me clamoring more for the former for 30, and the latter for 31, and heres why they should book it. A Lesnar/UT match needs more build then starting from what i assume would be no earlier than Royal Rumble, a Cena/UT match needs the simple "well, we haven;t faced eachother yet at wrestlemania" promo. Plus CM Punk needs his rematch to close out the Heyman fued once and for all. So this is how I would book it: Lesnar wins title at Rumble, from Cena, Punk wins rumble, gets Lesnar at mania. Cena loses title, and on raw, wines again about how horrible his life is now, challenges for the streak. UT excepts. Punk beats Lesnar, UT beats Cena Next night on RAW, Lesnar is PISSED! at the loss, and as UT comes out to say, tease last night was his last match, Lesnar beats the living hell out of him, like a REAL MAN'S beat down, emt's,...